Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
(Ignatian) LMU Leadership Institute |
A New Standard |
AAAA Endowed Scholarship |
AAAA Scholarship |
Academic Community of Excellence |
Academy for Catholic Thought and Imagination |
Academy of Catholic Thought & Imagination Endowed |
Access & Opportunity |
Accounting Advisory Board Scholarship |
Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship |
Accounting Alumni Scholarship |
Accounting Department |
Accounting Society |
ADG Endowed Scholarship Fund |
African Student Association |
African-American Studies |
AFROTC Scholarship |
Alan Cherry Endowed Scholarship in Accounting |
Alan Falcon Endowed Scholarship in Accounting |
Albert P. Koppes, O.Carm. PLACE Corps Endowed Scholarship |
Alfred J. Kilp, S.J., Alumni Endowed Scholarship |
Alliance of Women Philanthropists |
Andrew H. Quintero Memorial Scholarship |
Ann Peppers Foundation Endowed Scholarship |
Annual Scholarship Funds |
Anthony Sabatino Scholarship in Catholic School Leadership |
API Alumni Scholarship |
Archaeology Department |
Archives & Special Collections |
Art and Art History Department |
Art and Art History Scholarship |
Arthur P. Carroll Endowed Scholarship |
ARTsmart Community Service Program |
Asia Media Program |
Asian Pacific American Studies |
Asian Pacific Student Services |
Asian Pacific Studies |
Athletic Director's Excellence Fund |
Auto Enthusiasts Club |
Baseball |
Basil P. Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies |
BBBS Women in Entertainment Scholarship |
BCLA Internationalization and Engagement Fund |
BCLA Student Research and Travel Fund |
Be A Lion |
Beach Volleyball |
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts |
Bellarmine Student Scholarship Fund |
Belles Endowed Scholarship |
Betty Werner Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Bianca Red Arrow Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Bioethics Institute |
Biology Department |
BIPOC Doctoral Scholarship Fund |
Black Filmmaker Rebellion |
Black Student Union |
Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Arts Initiative |
Bove LaMonica Family Endowed Scholarship |
Brandon Farmer Memorial Scholarship |
Brett Mendoza Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Burns Aquatic Center Enhancements |
Business for Good |
Business Incubator Fund |
Campus Ministry Feed The Hungry |
Career and Professional Development |
Career Pathways |
Catholic Studies |
CBA Endowed Scholarship |
CBA Student Experience Fund |
Center for Asian Business |
Center for Catholic Education (CCE) |
Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) |
Center for Ignatian Spirituality Endowment |
Center for Math and Science Teaching (CMAST) |
Center for Religion and Spirituality |
Center for Service and Action |
Center for the Study of Los Angeles |
Center for Trauma Informed Education |
Center for Undergraduate Teacher Preparation (CUTP) |
Center for Urban Resilience (CURes) |
CFA Annual Scholarship Fund |
CFA Choral Music Fund |
CFA Chorus Travel Fund |
CFA Council Scholarship Fund |
CFA Dance Scholarship |
Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies |
Chicano/Latino Student Services |
Christian Life Community |
Civil Engineering: Michael E. Mulvihill, Ph.D. Endowed Scholarship |
Civil Engr & Env Sci Dept |
Class of 1980 Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship |
Class of 1987 Accounting Endowed Scholarship |
Classics Department |
Club Sports - Baseball Club |
Club Sports - Ice Hockey |
Club Sports - Men's Club Lacrosse |
Club Sports - Men's Club Soccer |
Club Sports - Men's Club Volleyball |
Club Sports - Rugby Club |
Club Sports - Ski and Snowboard Club |
Club Sports - Tennis Club |
Club Sports - Women's Club Basketball |
Club Sports - Women's Club Soccer |
Club Sports - Women's Club Volleyball |
Club Sports - Women's Lacrosse Club |
Coelho Center for Disability Law, Policy and Innovation |
College of Business Administration |
College of Business Scholarship |
College of Communication & Fine Arts |
Communication Studies Department |
Communication Studies Scholarship |
Computer Science Department |
Corporate Partnerships - Student Affairs |
CPD Internship Fund |
CSA Alternative Breaks Program |
CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice |
CSJ Center Scholarship for Social Justice Endowed |
CSJ Endowment |
CSJ Scholarship for Service and Action |
Dance Department |
David W. Burcham Family Endowed Scholarship |
Delta Sigma Phi Scholarship |
Department of AeroSpace Studies |
Director of Campus Ministry Discretionary Fund |
Disability Support Services |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives |
Doctoral Alumni Scholarship |
Drollinger Family Stage (Performance Stage at Lawton Plaza) |
Economics |
El Espejo |
Electrical Engineering Dept. |
Endowed Scholarship Funds |
Endowed VC Fund in CBA |
Engineering Senior Capstone Initiative |
English Department |
Entrepreneurship Mentorship Society |
Environmental Studies Fund |
Esports Club |
Ethnic and Intercultural Services |
Facility Enhancement Fund |
Facility Projects |
Faculty & Staff Emergency Response Fund |
Family of Schools |
Finance Department |
Finance Learning Lab |
Finance Society |
Finance TAC Scholarship |
Financial Literacy Program |
First to Go |
First Year Experience |
Fr. Bob Caro Mission Integration Endowment |
Fr. Fulco Balanced Living Scholarship |
Fr. Patrick J. Connolly, S.J. Sch. |
Frank Piumetti Scholarship |
Fred & Elaine Kiesner Endowed Entrepreneurship Scholarship |
Fred Kiesner Center for Entrepreneurship Endowment |
Friends of the WHHL |
Funds Supporting Catholic Education |
Funds Supporting Faculty Endowments |
Funds Supporting Student Scholarships |
Funds Supporting Students' Social and Emotional Wellness |
Gary Sibeck Faculty Award |
Gersten Pavilion Expansion/Renovation Fund |
Global Policy Institute (GPI) |
Good Lab |
Graduate Endowed Scholarship |
Graduate English Account BCLA |
Graduate Student Scholarships |
Graduate Theology |
Health and Human Sciences |
Helen B. Landgarten Art Therapy Clinic |
Helen B. Landgarten Art Therapy Clinic Annual Scholarship |
Herbert Darling Memorial Endowed Fund |
Hispanic Ministry Scholarship |
History Department |
Huffington Ecumenical Institute (HEI) Endowment |
iDeal SIM |
Innovation in Digital Education and Leadership |
Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainability Endowment |
Institute for Leadership Studies (ILS) |
Irish Studies |
Isang Bansa |
ISBA Department |
ISBA/MSBA Student Success Fund |
Jackie Fernandez Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Jayden T. Gillespie Memorial Scholarship |
Jesuit Legacy Endowment Fund |
Jewish Student Life Endowment |
Jewish Studies Program |
John and Stella Olivar Endowed Scholarship |
John Hagelis Memorial Scholarship |
John T. Wholihan Endowed Scholarship |
Joseph and Linda Bronson Women's Basketball Endowed Scholarship |
Journalism Program |
KXLU-FM FundRazor |
Kyle Testman Water Polo Endowment |
LAA Annual Scholarship |
LAA Endowed Scholarship |
Laband Art Gallery |
Lacrosse & Club Sports Storage Fund |
Latino Catholicism in LA |
Law School Student Emergency Fund |
LGBT Student Life Endowment |
Library Programs and Events |
Lion Emergency Fund |
Lions Athletic Fund |
Lions Athletic Fund for Women's Athletics |
Lions Water Polo Association |
LMU Athletic Director's Endowed Scholarship |
LMU Athletics Scholarship |
LMU Baseball 1573 Club |
LMU Beach Volleyball Court |
LMU Bologna Film Festival |
LMU Campus Preservation Fund |
LMU Children's Center |
LMU Dance Bill T. Jones Educational Partnership |
LMU Endowed Scholarship |
LMU Food Pantry |
LMU Greek Life |
LMU Magazine |
LMU Student Scholarship Fund |
LMU's Greatest Needs |
Loretta Morris Endowed Scholarship |
Loyola Law School |
Loyolan Merit Endowed Scholarship |
Management Department |
Margaret Tritle Rome Endowed Scholarship |
Marital and Family Therapy Department (Clinical Art Therapy) |
Marketing Department |
Mary Katherine Dasaro Endowed Memorial Scholarship |
Marymount Institute for Faith, Culture, and The Arts |
Mathematics Department |
MBA Program Greatest Needs |
MBA Scholarship |
MEChA de LMU |
Mechanical Engineering Capstone Project |
Mechanical Engineering Department |
Men's Athletics |
Men's Basketball Tip Off Club |
Men's Golf |
Men's Soccer |
Men's Tennis |
Men's Water Polo |
Ministry Studies Scholarship |
Mission and Ministry |
Mock Trial |
Modern Greek Studies Scholarship |
Modern Languages and Literatures |
M-School |
Music Department |
Music Scholarship |
Muslim Student Services |
Office for International Students & Scholars (OISS) |
Office of Black Student Services |
Other (Indicate in Additional Gift Instructions box) |
Outdoor and Adventure Recreation Fund |
Pam Rector Center for Service and Action Endowment |
Parents Fund |
Paul A. Grosch Endowed Professorship |
Paul and Patti Fieberg Baseball Endowed Scholarship |
Paul De Sena Scholarship Fund |
Payne-Chapple Yoga Therapy Scholarship |
Peg Dolan RSHM Campus Ministry Center |
Peg Dolan RSHM Campus Ministry Center Endowed |
Philosophy Department |
Physics Department |
PLACE Corps Program |
PLACE Corps Program |
Political Science |
Professor George Dasaro Endowed Fund in Accounting |
Project Citizen |