UNE Admissions Enrollment Deposits Student Information First Name Last Name Address City State Please Choose AA Alberta AE Alaska Alabama AP Arkansas American Samoa Arizona British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Canal Zone District of Columbia Delaware Federal Capital Florida Federated States of Micronesia Georgia Guam Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Manitoba Maryland Maine Marshall Islands Michigan Minnesota Missouri Northern Mariana Islands Mississippi Montana New Brunswick North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey Newfoundland and Labrador New Mexico Nova Scotia Northwest Territories Nunavut Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Puerto Rico Palau Quebec Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Saskatchewan Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Virgin Islands Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming Yukon Zip Primary E-mail Email Confirm Your password must have each of the above components and be at least 12 characters. Does Not Pass Low Moderate Secure Very Secure Re-type your password. Re-type your email. Please verify your input by typing it again. Passwords do not match! Emails do not match! Inputs do not match! Passwords match! Emails match! Inputs match! Date of Birth What type of deposit are you submitting? (Deposit dollar amount here, and deposit dollar amount below, must match to submit payment.) Please select deposit you are making today: All Undergraduate living on campus deposit $500.00 All Undergraduate living off campus deposit $300.00 Athletic Training (M.S.A.T.) deposit $250.00 Athletic Training (M.S.A.T.) - current UNE undergraduates only - deposit $50.00 Biological Sciences (M.S.) deposit $300.00 Dental Medicine Advanced Standing Track (A.S.T.) deposit $2000.00 Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) first deposit $500.00 Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) second deposit $1500.00 Marine Sciences GRADUATE (M.S.) deposit $300.00 Nurse Anesthesia (D.N.P.) deposit $1000.00 Occupational Therapy (M.S.O.T.) first deposit $300.00 Occupational Therapy (M.S.O.T.) second deposit $300.00 Occupational Therapy (M.S.O.T.) combined deposit $600.00 Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) first deposit $500.00 Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) second deposit $500.00 Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) full deposit $1000.00 Pharmacy GRADUATE (Pharm.D.) first deposit $200.00 Pharmacy GRADUATE (Pharm.D.) second deposit $300.00 Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) first deposit $300.00 Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) second deposit $300.00 Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) combined deposit $600.00 Physician Assistant (M.S.P.A.) first deposit $1000.00 Physician Assistant (M.S.P.A.) second deposit $1000.00 Levels Deposit Amount: $50: $50.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount: $200: $200.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount: $250: $250.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount $300: $300.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount $500: $500.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount: $600: $600.00 Confirm payment amount Deposit Amount: $750: $750.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount $800: $800.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount $1,000: $1,000.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount $1,500: $1,500.00 Confirm payment amount. Deposit Amount $2,000: $2,000.00 Confirm payment amount. I understand that deposits are subject to the programs terms. Note: Please refer to your admissions department for deposit terms and conditions. If you experience an issue submitting your deposit online please try using a different internet browser. Contact Undergraduate Admissions on (207) 602-2847 or Graduate Admissions on (207) 221-4225 if you have questions regarding your payment. You can also submit your payment over the phone by calling (207) 602-2342. Please Wait...