MLI Press Order
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Damages Law
John G. Corelaw

This publication addresses all elements of tort damages, includes suggested jury instructions and catalogues more than 200 million dollar verdicts in all 22 Mississippi Circuit Court Districts and Federal Courts.
2009 - 2010 Mississippi Rules Annotated
Mary Miller

Mississippi Rules Annotated is the most comprehensive compilation of case annotations for the civil procedure, evidence and appellate court rules available onf the market. The 2009-2010 edition has been updated to include rules, amendments and case annotations through October 31, 2008. In this edition, the annotations are arranged topically, making it easier to pinpoint cases that discuss a particular portion of a rule.
Mississippi Limitations of Actions

​Thomas Walter

The 2016-2017 Edition of Mississippi Limitations of Actions reflects the most recent changes to Mississippi limitations law and is a valuable resource for attorneys who face possible time bars to actions. The book includes quick guides to the various time bars, in addition to discussions of the various cases and code sections affecting time limits.


Mississippi Appellate Practice
Luther Munford

This comprehensive guide to appellate practice in Mississippi includes appeals to trial courts, with checklists, forms, table of authorities and index. New features in this edition include new case citations for 2001 – 2006, cross references to Encyclopedia of MS Law, MS Civil Procedure, MS Rules Annotated, MS Chancery Practice, and the MS Jury: Law and Practice.
Price: Annual Subscription (allows the subscribing firm to duplicate and circulate the materials to all members of the firm):

* $50.00 1 to 5 attorneys in firm
* $65.00 6 to 25 attorneys in firm
* $80.00 26 to 50 attorneys in firm
* $100.00 over 50 attorneys in firm

MLI Press offers an e-mail subscription service delivering weekly summaries of all published Mississippi Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions, usually within a day following hand down. The facts and legal analysis are presented in a concise format which allows an attorney to quickly determine if the case is one which is pertinent to his or her practice. A hypertext link to the opinion on the official Supreme Court web site is included for ease in viewing the full-text opinion. The summaries are prepared by Mary Miller, Director of Mississippi College Law Library and Editor of MLI Press and are available in WordPerfect or Microsoft Word format.