College of Veterinary Medicine Giving

Give to the College of Veterinary Medicine

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Foundation
Current: My Gift -> My Information -> Billing -> Review -> Finish
Gift Information
Thank you for your support of the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). Your gifts have an important impact on our teaching, discovery, and animal care. To make your gift, please click on "Choose a fund" for a list of a few of the areas donors can choose. If you do not see the account listed that you would like to support, please select "Other" at the bottom of the page, then write in the name of the fund.
How should we use your gift? Required Field
Selected Funds
Name Amount Percentage
The Fund for Orthopedic Research in honor of Gus and Equine athletes (FORGE)
Total: $0.00 0%
Engraved Memorial Information
A minimum gift of $200 to the Walk of Honor, or $250 to the Gallop of Honor, entitles you to an engraved brick (Walk of Honor) or horseshoe (Gallop of Honor) to be displayed on campus at the College of Veterinary Medicine.  A gift of $500 to the Walk of Honor entitles you to an engraved paver.

Click here for more information.

For questions regarding brick, paver, or horseshoe inscriptions, please email

Honor, Memory or Support Information

The following person will be notified of this gift:

All funds donated are managed by one of the University's affiliated foundations.