Facebook FAQ

requently Asked Questions 

What is Facebook Connect?
Facebook Connect is a utility that links your community account with your Facebook profile.

How do I initially sign in using Facebook Connect?
When you visit the community login page, you will see three options:

1.) First time login
2.) Return visitors
3.) The “Connect with Facebook” icon:

If this is your first visit to our site, you will need to activate your account using our first time login option. Find out more...

After activating your account, you can sign in using your alumni community username and password. Or, you can click the “Connect with Facebook” icon.

Once you click the icon, a pop-up window will appear on your screen. Enter the e-mail address and password associated with your Facebook account. The pop-up will close, and your Facebook profile picture will appear onscreen with a short confirmation message.

Next, input your alumni community username and password in the fields to the left of your profile picture. Click the login button. This completes the link between Facebook and community, and only needs to be done once. The system will return you to the community homepage.

You are now Facebook Connect-ed!

What if I’m automatically logged into community because I checked the “remember my password” box?
No problem. Log out of the community by clicking “logout” at the bottom of our left-hand navigation menu. Then, activate Facebook Connect via the login page.

How do I sign in on subsequent visits to community?
When you return to the site and wish to log in, visit the login page and click the “Connect with Facebook” icon, rather than entering your community username and password. Provide your Facebook e-mail address and password in the pop-up window, and you will be able to access community services as usual. 

How does an event or gift post to my news feed?
Once you confirm your online event registration or gift, you will see an option at the top of the confirmation screen to publish this item on Facebook. Click "Publish" or "Skip." You can set the default action by checking "Always do this for community" in the bottom left corner before making your choice. PLEASE NOTE: THE AMOUNT OF YOUR GIFT WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT.

If, once I’ve activated Facebook Connect, I login using my community username and password, will my site activity post to my Facebook profile?
No. In order to use Facebook Connect functionality, you must log in to community via the “Connect with Facebook” icon.

How do I Facebook disConnect? (Or, how do I turn the thing off?)
There are two ways of turning off the connection between Facebook and community. You can visit your Facebook application settings and check the box that says “Never publish stories from community.”

Or, once you’re logged in, you can visit the community home page and click the “revoke authorization” link in the text at the top left of your screen, near your Facebook profile picture. If you change your mind and want to re-establish the link, simply return to our login page and click the “Connect with Facebook” icon. (You will need to re-enter your community username and password as well.)

Why should I use Facebook Connect?
Facebook Connect makes community more convenient because you can use your Facebook e-mail and password to access both sites.

Via Facebook, your friends already know what movies you like, what books you love, and how much you adore your dog. Facebook Connect lets them know that is an important part of your life, too. When classmates on your Facebook friends list visit your profile or glance at their news feed, they’ll see that you have registered for an event — one that they might like to attend. If you approve the post, your recent activity will also note when you have invested in the university through our online giving form. We like to think of it as leading by example.