Premium Membership

Membership - Premium
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Premium Membership leads to a lifetime of support for KU. 

Association membership is the best way to strengthen your proud alma mater. Join the informed alumni and friends who act as powerful advocates for KU every day!

 The Premium Membership payments work towards a savings account that is then applied to the total cost of a $1,000 Life Membership. So, after 5 years of $100 dues, there is an outstanding balance of $500 that must be paid before completing the transition from an annual membership to a life member. The final $500 payment closes the gap between your 5 years of payments and the total cost of a life membership. It can be made in one lump sum or through 12 monthly payments.

Purchaser information

Primary Email: Required Field

Membership Levels Required Field
Membership Level Term Price
Active through 2/28/2026 $100.00

  • Please allow 10 working days to access the online directory and to purchase items using the KU Bookstore discount.
  • Your dues are 100% tax-deductible.
  • Your membership will be conveniently auto-renewed annually to guarantee uninterrupted access to membership benefits and services. You will receive personalized Jayhawk address labels with a reminder that dues will be charged to the debit/credit card provided at checkout at the then-prevailing rate. If you do not wish for your membership to auto-renew annually, check the box below or call us at 800.584.2957. By disabling auto- renew, you will not receive personalized Jayhawk address labels.
Enhance Your Support
In addition to my membership I would like to give to the Alumni Association Unrestricted Fund to support critical alumni and student programs. (This contribution is 100% tax-deductible.)
Auto-renewal Opt Out

Gift Membership
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Is this membership a gift?
Joint Membership
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