Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
A. Nahar Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Accounting Department Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Acquarulo Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Ada and Stuart Mandell Endowment Fund |
Admix Inc. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Ahmed Abdelal Endowed Fund for International Experiences |
Al Peterson Central Catholic-UMass Lowell Scholarship Fund |
Alan & Susan Solomont Endowed Student Fellowship Fund |
Alan '77, '94(H) and Susan Solomont School of Nursing Endowment Fund |
Alan '77, '94(H) and Susan Solomont School of Nursing Scholarship Fund |
Alan A. Desrochers ‘72 Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Alan M. Litman and Family Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Albert C. Peterson '55 Baseball Fund |
Albert C. Peterson Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Aldo Crugnola Plastics Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Alexander Stewart Scholarship Endowment |
Alexandre and Rita Blumstein Endowment Fund |
Alexandria Zamanakos Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Alfred ‘65 and Bonnie Nuttall and Family Endowed Fund for Student Research in Electrical Engineering |
Alfred and Jeanne Contarino Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Alice and Martin T. Meehan Sr. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Alice Fleury Zamanakos Endowed Scholarship Fund for Teaching |
Allan Roscoe Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Alpha Omega Jeanine Rodgers Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Altman Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Altman Schecter Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Alumni General Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Alumni Hall Restoration Fund |
Alumni Reunion Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Amad and Alexa Tayebi Plastics Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Amber L. Zapatka Plastics Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Andrew C. Coppola Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Andy Routsis Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Anita D'Asti Murphy Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Anna and Samuel Pinanski Fund |
Architectural Studies Quasi Endowment |
Ardito, Toscano & McCollum Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Ardito-Caffray Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Arnold L. O’Brien Founders Scholarship Fund |
Arthur S. Zamanakos Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Aruda Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Assistive Technology General Endowment Fund |
Athletics |
August Merz Library Endowment Fund |
Autodesk Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Balasubramanian Family Honors Thesis Award |
Barbara Louise (Bennett) Elter Endowment for Music Education |
Barnes and Noble Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Barnett D. Gordon Memorial Scholarship |
Barry Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Barry W. Perry Family Plastics Engineering Endowment Fund |
Baseball |
Basketball (M) |
Basketball (W) |
Bernard Killion Endowment Fund |
Bob and Celeste LeFort Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Bond- Thomas C. Baillie '89 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Bonifacio Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Brenda Atwood Pinardi Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Brian Hurley Plastics Endowment Fund |
Brian Kinney Memorial Scholarship |
Brianna T. Gainley and Ryan C. Hart Teamwork Scholarship Fund |
Bring Diversity to Nursing Endowed Fund |
Bruce Z. Arakelian Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Bryon Drigian Memorial Scholarship Fund |
BSCE/ASCE-Bertram Berger Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
C. Daniel Cole Endowed Physics Scholarship Fund |
C. Louis Shih ‘72 Scholarship Fund for Students from China |
Canning Family Discretionary Endowment Fund |
Captain Christopher Sullivan '98 Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Catherine J. McArdle ‘35 Scholarship Endowment |
Caturano & Company Endowed Fund |
Center for Asian American Studies Endowment Fund |
Center for Women & Work |
Chad D. LaFrance ‘88 Endowed Fund |
Chancellor Jacqueline F. Moloney Endowed Scholarship |
Chancellor William T. Hogan Scholarship Fund for Innovation and Engagement |
Charles Carroll Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Charles Dickens Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Charles E. Goodell Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Charles F. Sears Dri-Air Industries Inc. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Charles J. Hoff Scholarship |
Charles K. Chiklis and Joan M. Chiklis Endowment Fund |
Charles Puliafico Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Charley Richardson Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Charlotte Mandell Endowed Scholarship |
Charpentier Family Plastics Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Chemical Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Cheney E. Cook Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Cheryl Vasey '66 & Paul Katen '64 & Families Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Chinlin Wu Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Choe Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Chris C. Olson '88 and Natalie Tappey Olson '88 and Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Christina A. O'Connell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Christine Dunlap Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Christopher and Deborah Finch Endowed Fund |
Chung-Yim Patrick Lau ‘76 Scholarship Fund for Students from China |
Cindy Conde '87, '91 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Civil Engineering Discretionary Fund |
Class of 1951 Lowell Textile Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1954 State Teacher’s College Endowment Fund |
Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1959 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1962 Education Scholarship |
Coburn Hall Renovation Building Fund |
Coldwell Banker Cares International Peace Scholarship Fund |
Coll Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
College of Education Advisory Board Endowed Scholarship Fund |
College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Comley-Lane Theatre Endowment Fund |
Commodore Builders Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Computer Science 25th Anniversary Fund |
Computer Science Discretionary Endowment Fund |
Computing Machinery Student Chapter Fund |
Conlon-Drauch Family Scholarship Fund |
Coppens Family Endowment for Study Abroad |
Costello Campaign |
Costello/Robertson Family Endowment Fund |
Crossing The Merrimack Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Cunningham Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dan '84 '91 and Mary McCormick Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dan Golomb Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Dandeneau Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Daniel O’Leary Endowed Scholarship Fund |
David ‘81, ‘88 and Lauren Laurello Endowed Scholarship Fund |
David and Frances Pernick Nanotechnology Professorship |
David and Jenna Ball Scholarship Endowment Fund |
David E. Shulman '85, '87 Computer Science ACM Leadership Award |
David H. and Peggy Wegman Endowed Scholarship |
David J. '91 and Amy K. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Fund |
David J. Boutin Memorial Endowment Fund |
David Pernick Chancellor's Discretionary Endowment Fund |
David Pernick Graduate Student Exchange Endowment Fund |
David Pernick Plastics Department Discretionary Endowment Fund |
Davis-Dellogono Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Day Family Plastics Scholarship Endowment Fund |
DCU Student Success Endowment Fund |
De Mallie Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dean Aldo Crugnola Academic Engineer Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dean Bergeron and Joyce Denning Endowed Fund |
Dean Janice M. Stecchi Scholarship Endowment |
Dean Mark Hines Memorial Scholarship |
Dean Nina Coppens Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dean Richard W. Ivers Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dean Robert H. Tamarin Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dean’s Scholarship for Continuing Studies |
Delta Kappa Phi Fraternity Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dennis Patrick Doughty ‘94 Memorial Plastics Engineering Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Dennis Scannell Endowed Fund |
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty and Staff Endowment |
Deshpande Student Fellowship Fund |
DifferenceMakers (if you would like to give to a specific project, indicate it in the "Other Fund Name") |
Division of Online and Continuing Education |
Don Gagnon Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Don Leitch Civil & Environmental Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Donald L. Ameen Scholarship - IUAAL Fund |
Donna Manning Endowed Chair for Nursing |
Doris Kearns Goodwin and Richard N. Goodwin Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dorothy M. and Rita C. Leary Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Dorothy Rowell and Leo Virgin Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dorothy T. Hmun Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Dr. Barbara H. Krysiak '58 Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Dr. Christos J. Bentas Endowment Fund for Hellenic Studies |
Dr. Constance Lanseigne-Case '53 Endowment for Study Abroad |
Dr. Demetrius and Susan Rizos Student Fellowship Fund |
Dr. Edward Lawson Alexander Scholarship Trust Fund |
Dr. Gertrude Barker Memorial Endowment Fund |
Dr. James H. and Patricia Dyer McPhail Endowed Education Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Karen Devereaux Melillo Future Nurse Leaders Endowed Fund |
Dr. Lanseigne-Case Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Lawrence C. H. Lin ‘90 Taiwan Students Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Lawrence C.H. Lin '90 MakerSpace Endowed Fund |
Dr. Marcellette G. Williams Endowed Scholarship |
Dr. Patricia A. Goler Fellows Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Pauline Dyer-Grey Cole Music Major Scholarship |
Dr. Robert H. and Patricia A. Giles Fund |
Dr. Rosemarie Giovino Undergraduate Education Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Salem Zack Elias Memorial Scholarship |
Dr. Sheldon Zhang Discretionary Endowment |
Dr. Susan M. Reece Graduate Nursing Scholars Diversity Fund |
Dr. Susan Pasquale & Ron Boudreau Faculty Award |
Dr. William Bannister Scholarship for Plastics Engineering Students |
Dr. William Chandler Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dunbar and Briguglio Family Endowed Scholarship Fund |
E. Dewey & Rose A. Dyer Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Eagle Scholarship for Women in Engineering |
Eamonn P. Hobbs Scholarship for Excellence |
Earth Science Algorithm Development and Data Management Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Eastman Kodak Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Economics Department Discretionary Endowment Fund |
Edward Caselden `87 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Edward F. Kittredge, USN, Pershing Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund |