2025 School of Financial Planning - Spring Career Day

2025 School of Financial Planning - Spring Career Day
Sponsor Name
Please enter the name/brand you would like recognized for the sponsorship. You can also attach a logo below that you would like displayed.

I am purchasing on behalf of: Required Field
I am purchasing on behalf of:

Sponsorship Primary Contact

Please put the primary contact of the sponsorship's information below. 

If you know the name of the guests you are bringing, you will enter their names on a later step.

If you were a Platinum Sponsor for our 2024 Opportunity Days event and would like to waive your registration fee, please select "Registration Fee" in the dropdown below, then enter the promo code you were given.

Please select the checkbox if you are purchasing on behalf of someone, and you are not attending the event.

Please indicate below if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions.

If you are bringing guests, you will indicate their food allergies on a later step.