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Selected Designations (
Abbie Madden Resident Medical Training Stipend in Amarillo
Abilene Interdisciplinary Symposium on Cancer and Biomedical Research
Abilene School of Nursing General Scholarship Fund
Abilene SON Discretionary Fund for Students
Abraham-Tarbox Chair in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Access to Breast Care for West Texas Fund
Adam Brzostowski Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Alexander D. Kenny Pharmacology Endowment
Allen T. McInnes, Ph.D., Health Organization Management, Education, and Research Consortium (The McInnes HOMER Consortium)
ALS Research Endowment - Larry English
Alvin Bronwell, M.D., Surgical Resident Education Endowment
Alzheimer's Academy Local Support for Amarillo Campus
Amarillo Advisory Council Fund
Amarillo Global Health Interest Group Fund
Amarillo Nurse-Family Partnership
Amarillo Physicians Medical Scholarship Endowment
Amarillo Regional School of Allied Health Scholarship Endowment In Amarillo
Amerigroup Chair Endowment Rural Health
Anesthesiology Non-Endowed Pain Fellowship Fund
Anita Thigpen Perry Endowment-School of Nursing
April Ann Morris Memorial Medical Student Scholarship Endowment
Ari Omar Halldorsson, M.D. Memorial Fund
Arleigh and Eloise Drake Medical Scholarship Endowment
Arnett Chair in Internal Medicine Corpus
ASCO Chair of Excellence in Women's Health Endowment
Ashley Khosla, M.D. School of Medicine Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Ashlyn Bree Cox Memorial School of Pharmacy Scholarship Endowment
Aulyne and Clent Breedlove Scholarship Endowment in School of Allied Health
Bake Bannister Physician Assistant Memorial Scholarship
Barnhart Family Rural Scholarship Endowment
Bernard Harris, M.D. Scholarship Endowment
Bernhard T. Mittemeyer Scholarship Endowment
Bernhard T. Mittemeyer Student Award Endowment
Berry N. Squyres, M.D. Family Medicine Endowment
Betsy Triplett-Hurt Opportunity Scholarship Endowment for the Health Sciences Center
Bill & Donna Tilley SON Scholarship Endowment
Bill and Shirley Ickes Scholarship Endowment in Communication Disorders
Billie Kathryn Becknal, R.N., M.S.N., Scholarship Endowment
Bob and Marcy Lawless Presidential Scholarship Endowment - Amarillo
Bob and Marcy Lawless Presidential Scholarship Endowment - Lubbock
Bob and Marcy Lawless Presidential Scholarship Endowment - Permian Basin
Bob Piner Hassell Memorial Endowment Fund
Bodhireddy Family Continuing Education Fund
Bonnie J. Whittington Memorial Scholarship Endowment for the School of Allied Health
Breast Center of Excellence Support Fund
Bryan C. Miller, Jr. and Martha H. Miller Foundation, Inc. Center for Ethics, Humanities, and Spirituality Endowment
BSN Inaugural Class Scholarship Honoring Dr. Valerie Kiper
Burrell Family Presidential Scholarship Endowment in Nursing
Byrd Family Pharmacy Scholarship Endowment
Campus Caregivers - Amarillo Health Sciences Center
Cancer Research Donations for the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology
Cancer Research Support
Cannon Endowment for Permian Basin School of Nursing Faculty Development Support
Cardiology Support Fund
Carroll Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Cell Biology and Anatomy Fund for Excellence Endowment
Center for Rehabilitation Research
Chaparral Foundation School of Medicine Scholarship
Charles Edwin Castleberry Memorial Veteran's Scholarship
Children's Orthopaedic Program Fund
Circle of Friends Pediatric Oncology Fund
Clinical Research Unit Fund for Excellence
Clinical Simulation Center
Clinical Simulation Center Fund for Excellence
Communication Disorders Scholarship Endowment
Community Support Odessa
Corbett L. and Cecilia T. Roberts Scholarship Endowment in Nursing
Corinne Payne Wright Regents Chair Endowment in Alzheimer's Disease
Covar and Gene Dabezies Presidential Scholarship Endowment
Cristobal Casanova Global Health Scholarship Endowment
Crofoot Endowment in Epilepsy
Crystal Mattiza Memorial Scholarship
Curtis E. Hamre, Ph.D. Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dan and Hermine Hemphill Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Dan and Hermine Hemphill Scholarship Endowment in Nursing
Dana Clair Edwards Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Darlene A. and Bill Norton Nurse Practitioner Scholarship Endowment
Darlene Newby Memorial and Dr. Katie Hendley Honorarium Fund for Alzheimer's Caregiver and Family Outreach
Darlene Newby Memorial and Dr. Katie Hendley Honorarium Fund for Alzheimer's Research in Cell Biology and Biochemistry
D'Aunn Wester Avary Memorial Endowment
Dean's Leadership Scholarship Endowment
Dewey W. Yeager Memorial Lectureship Endowment for the Amarillo Campus
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Endowment for Student Success
Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Scholarship
Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Scholarship
Donald M. Loveman, M.D. and Gerhard E. Maale, M.D. Scholarship Endowment
Donald R. Craig, M.D. Memorial Fund
Donations in Support of Cell Biology and Biochemistry (CBB) Research
Don-Kay-Clay Cash Foundation School of Allied Health Sciences Scholarship Endowment
Don-Kay-Clay Cash Foundation School of Medicine Chancellor's Scholarship Endowment
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bradley, Sr. and Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bradley, Jr. Scholarship Endowment
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Warmoth School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Barbara Bergin and Dr. Paul Nader School of Medicine Non-Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Bernell Dalley Professorship Endowment in Medical Education
Dr. Chester "CAB" Bond Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. E. K. Jones Memorial Award in Internal Medicine Endowment
Dr. Eugene Luckstead Memorial Gift Fund
Dr. Fahmi Farah and Dr. Steven Berk SNMA Scholarship Endowment
Dr. H. G. and Olive Parker Scholarship Endowment in Nursing
Dr. H.G. and Olive Parker Non-Endowed Veteran to Bachelor of Science Nursing
Dr. Jack Bargainer Memorial Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Dr. James Elbert Loveless Scholarship Endowment
Dr. James Matthews Memorial Family Medicine Accelerated Track (FMAT) Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Janie Robles Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Karen Copple Communications Sciences & Disorders Scholarship Endowment for Non-Traditional Ph.D. Students
Dr. Kevin Wyatt McMahon Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Kitty Harris Wilkes Addiction Counseling Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Mary Ann Lubno Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Shahriar "Cy" Daneshfar Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Steven & Shirley Berk School of Medicine Deanship
Dr. Steven Urban Professorship Endowment in Internal Medicine
Dr. Ted Hartman Memorial Residency Fund
Dr. Vic and Mrs. Lisa Mahendru Family Medicine Accelerated Tracks Scholarship
Drake Endowment for Neuro Endocrine Research
Drs. Michael and Bea Stamps School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
Drs. Michelle and James Tarbox School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
E. A. Franklin Trust and Giles McCrary Scholarship Endowment in the School of Nursing
Earline Mills Lewis Scholarship Endowment in Geriatric Nursing
Ed and Nita Gummelt Scholarship Endowment
Edith Harrington Memorial Greater Odessa Rotary Club Scholarship
Edith J. Mohler Scholarship Endowment
Ethel S. Neely and Emma S. Treadwell Professorship Endowment in the School of Medicine
Eugene J. Dabezies Chair Endowment for Orthopaedics
Excellence in Cancer Research
Eye Excellence Fund
Family Medicine Cancer Education
Family Medicine Fund for Excellence
Fasken Foundation School of Medicine Scholarship
Francis Elaine Jones Memorial Scholarship
Frank M. Ryburn, Jr., M.D. Scholarship Endowment
Friends of Physiology Endowment
Friends of the Library HSC
Fund for Excellence - Anesthesiology
Fund for Excellence - Odessa Campus
Fund for Excellence - School of Pharmacy Amarillo
Fund for Excellence Amarillo Health Sciences Center
Fund for Excellence for the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health - Permian Basin Campus
Fund For Excellence for the School of Medicine Lubbock Campus
Fund for Excellence Internal Medicine - Amarillo
Fund for Excellence Surgery SOM Amarillo
Future of Nursing Scholarship Endowment Fund
Garrison Institute Brain Bank
Garrison Institute for Healthy Aging Healthy Lubbock Fund
Garrison Institute for Healthy Aging Support Fund
Garrison Institute on Aging Endowment
Gary C. Collins Scholarship Endowment
General Gift Fund School of Health Professions
George and Wilma Cator Scholarship Endowment
George S. and Jean W. Tyner Teaching and Research Fund in Ophthalmology
George S. Tyner, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Endowment
GF Interprofessional Education Fund for Excellence
GF Pediatric Research Fund
GF Pediatrics General Fund for Excellence
GF School of Pharmacy White Coat Amarillo Fund for Excellence
GF SHP Research Fund
Giles McCrary - Tom McGovern Chair Endowment in Ethics and Humanities
Giles McCrary Endowed Chair in Addiction Medicine
Grace Ann Bryan School of Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Grace Lasater Allensworth Scholarship Endowment in Allied Health
Grace Lasater Allensworth Scholarship Endowment in Nursing
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Presidential Scholarship Endowment
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Scholarship
Graduate Students Potential for Excellence Endowment
Granville T. Hall, M.D. Chair in Obstetrics and Gynecology Endowment
Grateful Patient Amarillo
H. Jerry McCabe, M.D. School of Medicine Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Harry and Kayla Weitlauf Chair for Cancer Research
Harry Galanty, M.D. Primary Care / Sports Medicine Fellowship Endowment
Harry L. Galanty, M.D. Presidential Scholarship Endowment
Hazleden Betty Ford Summer Institute Travel/Scholarship Fund
Health Sciences Center Fund for Excellence
Health Sciences Center Scholarship Endowment
HealthCARE Abilene
HealthCARE Amarillo
HealthCARE Dallas
HealthCARE Lubbock
HealthCARE Permian Basin
Heidi Marie Hunt Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Helene Fuld Trust Scholarship Endowment for Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Helping Hands - Permian Basin
Helping Hands Abilene
Hemphill Endowment in Medicine
Heroes Among Us Scholarship Fund
HSC Alumni Association
Hugh Pennal Endowment
Ima and Preston Smith Scholarship Endowment for the School of Medicine
Ima and Preston Smith Scholarship Endowment in the School of Nursing
Ima and Preston Smith Scholarship Endowment the School of Allied Health
InfantRisk Center
Internal Med Hematology Oncology Lbk
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds Lubbock Gifts
International Pain Institute Endowment
International Student Fee Scholarships
J. F. Charitable Endowment for Clinical Lab Science Scholarships
J. Ray and Pauline Dickey Endowment for the Neurology Department
J. Rush Pierce, Jr., M.D. Student Leadership Award
J. Ted Hartman, M.D. Chair Endowment in Orthopaedic Surgery
J. V. Adcox Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Jack O. Shannon, Jr. and Patricia L. Shannon Endowment in Ophthalmology
Jackie Hall Memorial Endowment for the School of Medicine in Amarillo
James A. Chappell, M.D. Scholarship Endowment
Jan and Ted Roden Chair Endowment for the Regional Dean, School of Medicine, at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Odessa
Jane Carter Scholarship Endowment for the School of Medicine
Janet Jones Burford Memorial
Jayaseelan Family School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
Jean C. Stockton School of Pharmacy Scholarship
Jeannie Hollabaugh Memorial Endowment
Jeff and Rebecca Melton Scholarship Endowment
Jeffrey W. Oliver, M.D. Memorial School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
Jenna's Legacy: Embracing Hope in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Jewel Benton Endowed Nursing Scholarship Fund
Joe Rutledge Scholarship Endowment
John & Marie Martin Nursing Scholarship Endowment
John Aure Buesseler, Ph. B., M.D., M.S. (Business Administration) Medical School Founding Dean Memorial Fund Endowment - Teaching Excellence
John Aure Buesseler, Ph.B., M.D., M.S. (Business Administration) Medical School Founding Dean Memorial Fund Endowment - Ophthalmology and Visual Science
John Aure Buesseler, Ph.B., M.D., M.S. (Business Administration) Medical School Founding Dean Memorial Fund Endowment - Student Excellence
John B. Malouf Family Endowment Fund
John Hurt Memorial Scholarship Endowment
John Kenneth and Lavita Reed Physician Assistant Scholarship Endowment
John Wayne Cancer Foundation Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program
Jorge Fernandez School of Nursing Endowed Scholarship
Josephine Anderson Charitable Trust Endowment
Joshua Carnes Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Joshua K Fine M.D. and Chitra J. Fine M.D. School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
Joshua T. Phillips M.D. Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Jude E. and Bettie Rudell and William S. Faver Fund for Orthopaedic Surgery
Karen Ann Baker Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Kate Baldocchi Scholarship Endowment in the Graduate School of Communication Disorders
Katelyn Jill Turner Memorial Pharmacy Scholarship Endowment
Kayla Weitlauf, M.D. Memorial Research Endowment in Women's Health
Keith Watson, MD, School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
Ken Ketner School of Nursing Faculty Development Endowment
Kenneth H. Cooper Institute Endowment
Kenneth H. Cooper Institute Fund for Excellence
Kenneth H. Neldner, M.D. Chair Endowment for the Department of Dermatology
Kenneth Terry Scott Endowment for Cancer Research
Kent Hance Scholarship Endowment - Amarillo
Kent Hance Scholarship Endowment - Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Abilene Campus
Kent Hance Scholarship Endowment- Permian Basin
Kory Gwyn Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Larry and Jane Woirhaye Memorial Endowment in Renal Research
Larry Combest School of Nursing Wellness Center Endowment
Laura W Bush Institute for Women's Health Amarillo Operations
Laura W Bush Institute Women's Health Sex & Gender Based Medicine Curriculum Project
Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health Abilene Impact
Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health Education, Outreach, and Research - Lubbock Campus
Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health Endowment Permian Basin
Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health Fund for Excellence
Lauro F. Cavazos Chair Endowment in Anatomy
Lawrence Keith Jones Scholarship Endowment
LCGC Medical Society Foundation School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment
LCMS Juan Francisco Fitz, MD Memorial Scholarship
Lehman Resident Education in Hand Surgery
Lester Wolcott Scholarship
Leta Jacobs Owens Memorial Dean's Scholarship Endowment
Leukemia Research
Lipham-Redwood School of Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Littleton-Anglin Families Endowment for Parkinson's Disease Research
Lonnie and Nancy Hollingsworth Scholarship Endowment
Louis E. Ketner Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Lubbock Bankers Association Health Sciences Center Endowed Professorship
LWB Research Impact
Lynn Eldridge Gill Memorial School of Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Marciano and Martha Morales Chair
Marshal Verne Ross Foundation Physician Assistant Scholarship
Martin and Alice Dalton Medical Scholarship Endowment
Mary Anne and E.W. Williams, Jr. Memorial Parkinson's Disease Research Endowment
Mary Elizabeth Lowell Scholarship Endowment
Mary Lou Clements-Mann, Ph.D. Scholarship Endowment
Mary Lou Smith Pediatric Scholarship Endowment
Mary McKelvy Scholarship Endowment in Deaf Education
Mary Nell Sowell Presidential Scholarships Endowment
Maunder Fund For Excellence In Family Medicine
Maurice Dyer, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Endowment