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Thank you for supporting Grove City College!
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The Annual Fund (Supporting Scholarships/Student Experience)
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Selected Designations (
Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Accounting & Finance Department
Adelphikos Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Alexander '27 & Dorothy '29 Slavcoff Scholarship
Alpha Beta Tau Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Annual Fund
Arnold and Mary Sodergren Scholarship Endowment
Arnold Family Music Scholarship Fund
Athletics Fieldhouse Building Fund - Lower Campus
Ballroom Club
Baseball Field Project
Beta Sigma Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Biblical, Religious Studies & Philosophy Department
Biology Department
Brett A. Hardt '79 Memorial Scholarship Endowment (Nu Lamb Alumnus)
Bruce P. Leasure '76 All Diamond Sports Fund
Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation
Center for Faith & Public Life
Center for Rural Ministry Restricted Fund
Charles Jr. and Betty Johnson School of Nursing
Cheer Team
Chemistry Department
Chris Shipe ’14 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1963 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1967 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1969 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1970 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1971 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1972 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1973 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1974 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1979 50th Reunion Gift Fund
Class of 1992 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1993 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1994 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2011 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2012 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2013 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2015 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2017 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2023 Scholarship Endowment
Clifford & Joanne Cox Music Award Fund
Coach James E. Longnecker Scholarship Endowment
College Archives
College Library Fund
Communication & Visual Arts Department
Computer Science Department
Dale O. Smock Memorial Fund (Former Adelphikos Advisor)
David E. McKillop Scholarship Endowment
David R. Rathburn '79 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Deborah R. Marziano ’71 Scholarship
Delta Iota Kappa Alumni Scholarship
Derek Lohr '16 Scholarship Endowment
Don Lyle Soccer Field
Donald E. Chab Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Douglas A. and Susan K. Browne Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Harold L. Conder Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Jeffrey Fuller '89 Educational Leadership Fund
Dr. William M. and Kathleen P. Hinton Scholarship
Early Childhood Education Center
Economics Department
Education Department
Edward W. and Sara K. Naegele Scholarship Award
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
Emma (Munoz '95) Lawrence Scholarship Endowment
English Department
EPAA Dr. Ralph E. Carlson '62 Scholarship Endowment
EPAA Dwight Guthrie Scholarship Fund
EPAA Jack E. Schlossnagel '51 Scholarship Endowment
Exercise Science Club
Exercise Science Department
Gamma Chi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Gamma Sigma Phi Alumnae Scholarship
Gamma Sigma Phi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
GCC Club Ice Hockey
General Athletics Fund
Gibson Opportunity 'GO' Grant
Golf Fund
Graduate and Online Programs
Grove City College 80's Decade Scholarship Endowment
Grove City College Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Herbert W. and Cora (Milliron) Green Research Scholars Fund
Hill, Barth & King LLC Scholarship
History Department
Impact Program
Inner City Outreach Program (ICO)
Institute for Faith & Freedom
James and Arlene Adams Student Aid Fund
Joseph F. Goncz Scholarship in Engineering
Kappa Alpha Phi Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Karpinski Engineering Merit Scholarship Endowment
L. David Kiselica '99 Memorial Scholarship
Law Journal
Lt. Barrett A. Snyder '08 Memorial Scholarship
Marketing and Management Department
Mathematics Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Men's Baseball
Men's Basketball Fund
Men's Cross Country
Men's Football
Men's Lacrosse
Men's Rugby Fund
Men's Soccer Fund
Men's Swim Fund
Men's Tennis Fund
Men's Volleyball
Modern Languages Department
Morledge, Hodge, Michaelian Christian Servant Award
Music Department
Nancy (Lee '54) Paxton Scholarship Endowment
Nu Lambda Phi Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Omicron Xi Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Please type where you would like to direct your gift.
Outing Club
Pan Sophic Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Pew-Crile Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Phi Sigma Chi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Phi Tau Alpha Fraternity Alumni Association Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Physics Club
Physics Department Fund
Political Science Department
Psychology, Social Work, and Sociology Department
R. Jack Behringer Scholarship Fund
Red Box Global Outreach
Rev. Sandra Lough Towberman Scholarship Endowment
Richard A. Leo Physics Scholarship Endowment
Rockwell Hall Restoration
Rod Haynes ’71 Family Memorial Scholarship
Ross and Barbara Foster Merit Scholarship Endowment
Scholarship for Young Life Leaders
School of Business
Secondary Education Society
Sigma Alpha Sigma Alumni Scholarship
Sigma Delta Phi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Sigma Theta Chi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Snitchler Family Scholarship Endowment
Society of Automotive Engineers (BAJA)
Steinway Piano Replacement
Student Government Association
Student Investment Society
The Sue Corbett Moore Scholarship Fund for International Students at Grove City College
Theta Alpha Pi Alumnae Scholarship
Touring Choir
Track & Field Fund
Trail Life USA Scholarship Endowment
Tri-Sigma/Tri-Zeta Scholarship Endowment
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Upper Campus Athletic Facilities
W. Clifton Bulette, III Memorial Scholarship
Willard J. Tillotson, Jr. Scholarship Endowment
William F. McVay & David Hurst Special Education Endowment
Women's Basketball Fund
Women's Cross Country
Women's Lacrosse
Women's Soccer Fund
Women's Softball
Women's Swim Fund
Women's Tennis
Women's Track Fund
Women's Volleyball Fund
Women's Water Polo
Worldview Academy Scholarship
Young Life Scholarship Endowment
Grove City College Giving Opportunities
Consider supporting one or more of the following high priority areas at Grove City College. If your preferred designation isn’t listed, please choose Other at the very bottom, and you will specify on the next screen.
IMPACT 150 Campaign Priorities
Annual Fund
Athletics Fieldhouse Building Fund - Lower Campus
Rockwell Hall Restoration
Upper Campus Athletic Facilities
Women's Basketball Fund
Women's Cross Country
Women's Lacrosse
Women's Soccer Fund
Women's Softball
Women's Swim Fund
Women's Tennis
Women's Track Fund
Women's Volleyball Fund
Women's Water Polo
Men's Baseball
Men's Basketball Fund
Men's Cross Country
Men's Football
Men's Lacrosse
Men's Rugby Fund
Men's Soccer Fund
Men's Swim Fund
Men's Tennis Fund
Men's Volleyball
Track & Field Fund
Baseball Field Project
Bruce P. Leasure '76 All Diamond Sports Fund
Cheer Team
Don Lyle Soccer Field
General Athletics Fund
Golf Fund
GCC Club Ice Hockey
Greek Scholarships
Adelphikos Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Alpha Beta Tau Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Beta Sigma Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Delta Iota Kappa Alumni Scholarship
EPAA Dr. Ralph E. Carlson '62 Scholarship Endowment
EPAA Dwight Guthrie Scholarship Fund
EPAA Jack E. Schlossnagel '51 Scholarship Endowment
Gamma Chi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Gamma Sigma Phi Alumnae Scholarship
Gamma Sigma Phi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Kappa Alpha Phi Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Nu Lambda Phi Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Omicron Xi Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Pan Sophic Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Phi Sigma Chi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Phi Tau Alpha Fraternity Alumni Association Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Sigma Alpha Sigma Alumni Scholarship
Sigma Delta Phi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Sigma Theta Chi Alumnae Scholarship Endowment
Theta Alpha Pi Alumnae Scholarship
Tri-Sigma/Tri-Zeta Scholarship Endowment
Class Scholarships
Class of 1968 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1963 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1967 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1969 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1970 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1971 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1972 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1973 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1974 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1992 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1993 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 1994 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2011 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2012 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2013 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2015 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2017 Scholarship Endowment
Class of 2023 Scholarship Endowment
Grove City College 80's Decade Scholarship Endowment
Named Scholarships
Alexander '27 & Dorothy '29 Slavcoff Scholarship
Arnold and Mary Sodergren Scholarship Endowment
Arnold Family Music Scholarship Fund
Brett A. Hardt '79 Memorial Scholarship Endowment (Nu Lamb Alumnus)
Chris Shipe ’14 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Clifford & Joanne Cox Music Award Fund
Coach James E. Longnecker Scholarship Endowment
Dale O. Smock Memorial Fund (Former Adelphikos Advisor)
David E. McKillop Scholarship Endowment
David R. Rathburn '79 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Deborah R. Marziano ’71 Scholarship
Derek Lohr '16 Scholarship Endowment
Donald E. Chab Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Douglas A. and Susan K. Browne Scholarship Endowment
Dr. Harold L. Conder Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Dr. William M. and Kathleen P. Hinton Scholarship
Edward W. and Sara K. Naegele Scholarship Award
Emma (Munoz '95) Lawrence Scholarship Endowment
Grove City College Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Herbert W. and Cora (Milliron) Green Research Scholars Fund
Hill, Barth & King LLC Scholarship
James and Arlene Adams Student Aid Fund
Joseph F. Goncz Scholarship in Engineering
Karpinski Engineering Merit Scholarship Endowment
L. David Kiselica '99 Memorial Scholarship
Lt. Barrett A. Snyder '08 Memorial Scholarship
Morledge, Hodge, Michaelian Christian Servant Award
Nancy (Lee '54) Paxton Scholarship Endowment
Pew-Crile Nursing Scholarship Endowment
R. Jack Behringer Scholarship Fund
Rev. Sandra Lough Towberman Scholarship Endowment
Richard A. Leo Physics Scholarship Endowment
Rod Haynes ’71 Family Memorial Scholarship
Ross and Barbara Foster Merit Scholarship Endowment
Scholarship for Young Life Leaders
Snitchler Family Scholarship Endowment
The Sue Corbett Moore Scholarship Fund for International Students at Grove City College
Trail Life USA Scholarship Endowment
W. Clifton Bulette, III Memorial Scholarship
Willard J. Tillotson, Jr. Scholarship Endowment
William F. McVay & David Hurst Special Education Endowment
Worldview Academy Scholarship
Young Life Scholarship Endowment
Academic Giving Opportunities
Accounting & Finance Department
Biblical, Religious Studies & Philosophy Department
Biology Department
Center for Rural Ministry Restricted Fund
Charles Jr. and Betty Johnson School of Nursing
Chemistry Department
College Archives
College Library Fund
Communication & Visual Arts Department
Computer Science Department
Dr. Jeffrey Fuller '89 Educational Leadership Fund
Early Childhood Education Center
Economics Department
Education Department
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
English Department
Exercise Science Department
Gibson Opportunity 'GO' Grant
Graduate and Online Programs
History Department
Marketing and Management Department
Mathematics Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Modern Languages Department
Music Department
Physics Department Fund
Political Science Department
Psychology, Social Work, and Sociology Department
School of Business
Steinway Piano Replacement
Signature Programs
Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation
Center for Faith & Public Life
Center for Rural Ministry Restricted Fund
Institute for Faith & Freedom
Student Organizations
Ballroom Club
Exercise Science Club
Impact Program
Inner City Outreach Program (ICO)
Law Journal
Outing Club
Physics Club
Red Box Global Outreach
Secondary Education Society
Society of Automotive Engineers (BAJA)
Student Government Association
Student Investment Society
Touring Choir
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Class of 1979 50th Reunion Gift Fund
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