Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
Student Membership

Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art Student Membership

UO Students, become a JSMA student member today. It's free!

A student membership with the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art is completely free and is an exciting opportunity to integrate visual arts into your everyday life. Your student membership is valid until graduation. 

Make sure to stop by the JSMA lobby front desk to get your student member sticker after you sign up! 

If you have any questions about JSMA student memberships, contact

Fill out the fields below and click "Submit" to become a member. *indicates required field.

Membership Levels Required Field
Membership Levelrequired Term Price
Active through 2/28/2026 Free

UO student membership is active through graduation. Plus one-year individual membership as a graduation gift.

Active through 2/28/2026 Free

LCC Student membership is active for one year. LCC students have the option to renew annually while they have active LCC student status.

Student Members enjoy the following benefits:

  • 10% discount at The Museum Store
  • Email invitations to member exhibition openings 
  • Notices on upcoming programs and events