Contact us
Call 800.424.1513
Mail your gift to the address below or learn more about how to make a gift.
U.S. Postal System Address:
Loyola University of Chicago
Gift Processing
P.O. Box 4336
Carol Stream, IL 60122-4336
Courier Delivery (e.g. UPS, FedEx)
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Attn: Loyola University Chicago Lockbox 4336
131 S. Dearborn Street, 6th FL
Chicago IL 60603
Damen Society
Become a leadership annual donor and join the Damen Society today with a gift of $1,000 or more to an area of your choice. Learn more at or by contacting Margaret Schnering, Associate Director of Annual Giving at 312.915.7692.
Become a Sustainer with monthly gifts!
Becoming a Sustainer makes giving easy and is cost effective, convenient, and efficient. You will receive less mail, fewer phone calls, and have the ability to spread your gift over time. Making a monthly gift is a purposeful decision - reduced paper waste and postage costs allow Loyola to be better stewards of natural resources, as well as your gift.