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Transforming Lives Scholarship
Where the need is greatest
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Selected Designations (
Dr. Ryan D. Barker '06 and Family Scholarship
Jerry '79 and Kathleen Brown '79 Baseball Forever Fund - for Learning and Mentoring
SA - Disc Golf Club
Thomas C. Mahl, MD '80 Fund for Undergraduate Summer Research in Chemistry - for All
VEX Robotic Teachers Training & Competition
9/11 Memorial Fund
Academic Excellence Scholarship
Accounting Department
Adult/Non-traditional learners account
Al Roker '76 Scholarship
Alice Nykaza '65 Endowed Scholarship
Allen Family Scholarship
Almanzar Mentorship Award
Alpha Sigma Chi
Alpha Sigma Lambda
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Project
Alternative School Break Activities
American Marketing Association
Ana Escribano Beattie Memorial Scholarship
Andrea Marlar '89 Scholarship
Ann & Julius Sholtes Memorial Scholarship
Anna Mae Johnson Scholarship
Anthony & Katherine Delpiano Endowed Scholarship
Anthony and Kay Benedict Sgarlata '65 Scholarship
Anthony L. Van Geet Scholarship
Anthropology Department
Antoine Delity '75 Memorial Scholarship
Armand-Paul Family Scholarship
Art Department
Art Department Visiting Artist Series
Art History Travel Fund
Art Pantry
Art Scholarship
Arts & Science Presidential Scholarships
Arwin Hamm Award
Augustine Silveira, Jr. Fund
Aunrée J. Houston Empowered Scholar Award
Aurora Quintana Memorial Mothers Supporting Future Teachers Scholarship
Barbara and Raymond Cooter Scholarship Fund
Barbara Coyer Caraccioli and Edward Patrick Caraccioli Memorial Scholarship
Barbara Shineman Scholarship
Barnes Graduate Award
Barnes Honors College Scholarship
Barnes New Student Scholarship
Barnes Risk Management Award
Barnhart Endowed Scholarship
Barry J. Taylor Scholarship
Barry W. Atkinson Award
Bartle Family Scholarship in memory of H. Fred Bartle
Belles '92 Music Library Fund
Benita Zahn '76 Endowed Theatre Fund
Beta Alpha Psi Chapter 1123
Beta Tau Epsilon Service Scholarship
Bill Tevendale '68 Path Forward Scholarship
Biology Department
Biology Research Grant
Bob & Louise Dashney Scholarship
Bob Garrett '83 Endowed Fund
Boniface Career Planning Student Fund
Borman Family Foundation Arts Fund
Brian '81 and Jennifer Ward Scholarship
Bruce B. Robertson, Jr. '85 and Dr. William Quirk '85 Scholarship for First Generation Students
Bruce B. Robertson, Jr. '85 and Dr. William Quirk '85 Scholarship for First Generation Students
Bryans Insurance/Risk Management Fund
Bryans Path Forward Scholarship
BSU Scholarship Fund
Business Incubators & NYS: New Strategies for Socio-economic Renewal
Campus Beautification
Campus Center Seat Naming Fund
Campus Life
Campus Life Excellence Fund
Campus School Class of 1964 Scholarship
Canal Forest Restoration Tree Project
Captain John Michael Gibbons Scholarship
Carapetyan Voice Scholarship
CARE Endowed Program Fd
Career Services
Carlotta L. Hamm Award
Carolyn A. Rush '68 Leadership Scholarship
Carolyn Rush '68 and Joseph Maryak Scholarship
Casey Family Scholarship
Catherine Richardson Fund
Cavanagh School of Communication Excellence Fund
Cecelia Heaslip '67 Endowed Scholarship
Center for Accounting Research & Education
Center for Business Excellence and Transformation (C-BET)
Center for Excellence Learning & Teaching (CELT)
CFA Scholarship Fund
Charles A. Leonard & Margaret S. Leonard Scholarship
Charles F & Miraim B Davis
Charles F. Wells Scholarship
Charles Goodwin '67 M'73 Technology Education Scholarship
Charles H. Jerred Fund
Charles P. Dolan Memorial Scholarship
Chemistry Graduate Fellowship
Chemistry Summer Research Fund
Chi Sigma Iota
Christie Sommers '73 Food & Clothing Forever Fund
Cindy Sprague Fund
Cinema & Screen Studies
Claire Murphy Athletic Fund
Clara Hill Murphy Scholarship
Class of '09 Eco Fund
Class of 1950 Fund -Quasi
Class of 1953 Scholarship
Class of 1973 Spirit of Service Scholarship
Class of '45 Scholarship
Class of '54 Scholarship
Cognitive Science Department
Colleen A. McHorney ’78 Memorial Scholarship
Colleen Brunner Memorial
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deans Fund
Communication Studies Department
Communication Studies Department - POV Program
Communications & Marketing
Community Bank Need-Based Scholarships
Community Service - Service Learning
Compass Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Computer Science Department
Computer Science Merit Scholarship Fund
Constance (LaRock) Seeber '53 & Ada Linsler '37 Scholarship
Constance J. Bond Fund
Corso Psychology Scholarship
Counseling & Pschological Services Department
Counseling & Psychological Services Club
Counseling Services Center
Creative Writing
Cross Country
Curriculum and Instruction
Curtis Pearsall '75 Scholarship
Curtiss B. ’54 and Elizabeth V. Matterson Scholarship
Cynthia J. Barnello DeCandido '86 Scholarship
Dale Zych Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dale Zych Outstanding Senior in Physics Award
Dan Griffin '92 M'00 Second Chance Scholarship
Dan Scaia '68 Endowed Scholarship
Daniel B. Griffin '92 M '00 Memorial Scholarship
Daniel McCarthy Scholarship
David '70 and Christine Neal '71 Baseball Team Learning and Mentoring Award
David A. Campbell Memorial Fund
David and Mary Liz Valentine Scholarship
David Banister '93 Technology Education Scholarship
David Banister '93 Technology Education Scholarship for Graduate Studies
David Crisafulli '81 Fund
David Pearlman '92 Scholarship
Deborah F. Stanley Arena and Convocation Hall
Deborah F. Stanley Possibility Scholarship
Defazio Family School of Education Scholarship
Delta Kappa Kappa Scholarship
Department of Politics
Department of Technology Memorial Fund
Deptment of Technogy Memorial Fund
Diversity & Inclusion
DKK Fraternity
Donald C. Helmer Scholarship
Donald Snygg Graduate Scholarship
Douglas '75 and Susan '74 Lohnas Needs Based Scholarship
Douglas Crane Endowed Scholarship for Computer Science
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Shafer '70 Scholarship Fund
Dr. Andrew P. Nelson Herbarium Research Fund
Dr. Antonio Cua Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Augustine and Beverly Silveira Fund
Dr. Dorothy Rogers Scholarship
Dr. Douglas Halliday Summer Research Fellowship
Dr. Ewart Memorial Fund
Dr. George Koenig Memorial Scholarship in Modern Languages
Dr. Glick Excellence in Communications Scholarship
Dr. J. Sherwood Dunham Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Jay Button Scholarship
Dr. Jerry M. Exline Music Scholarship (Sponsored by Don Levi
Dr. John J. O'Dwyer Memorial Physics Scholarship
Dr. Manjula Ravindra Shah Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Patrick Halpin Scholarship
Dr. Paul Briand Outstanding Senior Creative Writing Award
Dr. Philip J. Briggs '60 Scholarship
Dr. Ralph Spencer Memorial Scholarship
Durney Endowed Scholarship
Earth Science Department
Economics Department
Economics Excellence Fund
Educational Administration
Educational Opportunity Program Fund
Edward '62 & Janet Albreght Heinrich '63 Scholarship
Edward B. Dexter '35 & Lillian F. Dexter Scholarship
Edward J. Peterson '79 Memorial Fund
Edwin J. Peterson '54 and Kathleen A. Manley Peterson '54 Memorial Scholarship
Eileen Hamann Memorial Scholarshilp
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ellucian Foundation PATH Scholarship
Elsie Hutchinson Morris Scholarship
Emeriti Lifetime Memberships
Emeriti Scholarship Fund
Engineering Excellence Fund
English Department
Ernest B. Luongo Memorial Scholarship
Ethel May and Lillian Fae Strategic Communication Student Fund
Eugenio Maria De Hostos Scholarship Endowed Agreement
Event Revenue
Expanding Opportunities for Students in STEM for Success
Extended Learning
Facilities Maintenance and Operating
Facility Services Employee Fd
Father Robert E. Hall Memorial Scholarship
Feinberg Family Fund
Felicia Internicola Proud '71 Scholarship
Fenster Quasi Endowment
Festa Family Unendowed Scholarship
Festa Fellows - Endowment
Festa Graduate Assistantship
Field Hockey
Finnerty General Education
Finnerty Technology
Finter Yager Scholarship
Florence Willams Kelly '31 Scholarship
Fournier Family Scholarship for Education
Frances Mattison Hoenow & Otto Hoenow Scholarship
Francis J. McKeown Scholarship
Frank and Ruth Sayer Endowed Education Scholarship
Frank Dody 1974 Scholarship
Frank H. Overstrom "50 Memorial Scholarship
Frederick D. Musco '73 International Fellows
Free and Easy Forever Fund
Fresh-Water Wetlands Award
Friends of Team Sheldon
Fulton Savings Bank Scholarships
Gary Forstaff Geology Endowed Scholarship
Gary Klatsky Scholarship
Gary Mason '82 Accounting Immersion Scholarship
Gelina and McClees Foundation
General Athletics/Health & PE
General Endowment Fund
General Scholarship Fund
Geology Department
George '89 and Kathleen Allen Baseball Team Learning and Mentoring Award
George and Margaret Yablonski Gawarecki School of Education
George Dummitt '69 Resident Assistant Fund
George Dummitt '69 Technical Theater Fund
George M. Penny Scholarship
George W. Wurtz Engineering Excellence Fund
Georgia Barnes Award
Gerald '55 and Barbara '53 Friends Memorial Scholarship
Gileen Widmer French '65 Scholarship
Gillespie/Pietroski Scholarship
Ginger '93 and Jeffrey '92 Sorensen Scholarship