Siburt Institute for Church Ministry Bridge San Antonio
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Church Information:

Please share if you are an elder, member or minister. If minister, please let us know your title or position.

Registration Details
Registration is $60 per person or $100 per couple and includes:
• Presentations from ACU Bible faculty: Dr. Mark Hamilton (’89 M.Div.), Dr. Mason Lee (’14 M.Div.), and Dr. Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby (’ 15 M.Div.)
• Interactive times of worship, Q&A with the speakers, and a panel with local ministers
• Opportunities to fellowship with other Christians from your area
• Breakfast and lunch on Saturday and snacks and coffee throughout the weekend
• Any handouts or electronic resources provided by the speakers

If you are registering as a couple, please enter your spouse's name and email below. If you are paying for the registration of another person ("guest"), please register them on the next page.

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