Gallatin College
Current: Gallatin College Billing Review Finish
Increasing Access to Education
At Gallatin College, we are committed to empowering individuals from all backgrounds to achieve their dreams through comprehensive, accessible, and student-centered education. By offering affordable, high-demand programs, we not only support students in reaching their professional goals, but we also respond to the evolving needs of our community and industries.

Your gift to Gallatin College will enhance academic excellence while also supporting critical capital expenses for our new building. This facility will provide state-of-the-art spaces for career, technical and trades education, enabling us to meet the growing needs of our students and community. With your support, we will create a lasting impact for years to come.
If you have any questions about processing a gift or other donation options, please call our gift processing team at 406-994-2053 or send an email to
Gift Designations and Amount
Designations Required Field
Name Amount Percentage
Gallatin College Facilities
Gallatin College MSU Dean Excellence
Gallatin College Scholarship
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Total: $0.00 0%

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Gallatin College Gift


My employer matches gifts
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. Use the search box below to see if your company has such a program.
 Find Your Company's Matching Gift Program
My gift is a tribute

If you would like us to send notification of your dedication, please fill out the information below. If a family has expressed a preference about sending acknowledgments for memorial gifts, the MSU Alumni Foundation will honor that request.

I would like planned giving information
Making a bequest is a simple way to make a lasting impact on Montana State University. Please let us know if you have included or would like to include MSU in your estate plans.