Veteran and Military Alumni Society Cornhole Tournament 2025
Current: Registrant » Guests » Billing » Review » Finish

Sponsors, Spectators, and Players must complete the form below.

Primary Email: Required Field

  • VMAS Members get additional raffle tickets at all our events. Not a member? No military or Wright State affiliation required! Visit our membership page to see which type you qualify for.
  • Membership will be confirmed by VMAS personnel through VMAS database
VMAS Member
VMAS Member

Designated Driver? Designated drivers make sure everyone gets home safe and as a thank you VMAS will provide each DD with extra raffle tickets!
Designated Driver? Designated drivers make sure everyone gets home safe and as a thank you VMAS will provide each DD with extra raffle tickets!
How did you hear about the event?
How did you hear about the event?