External Event Assessment
External Event Assessment

Thank you for joining us! In an effort to better serve Wright State’s 100,000+ alumni, your feedback is appreciated. Please be honest in letting us know how we are doing. To show our appreciation, for submitting an event evaluation, you can be entered into a quarterly drawing to win cash and prizes! You can earn multiple entries into the drawing per each event evaluated during that quarter.

Primary Email: Required Field

How did you hear about this event?
How did you hear about this event?

Would you recommend this event to a fellow alumni/friend? Required Field
Would you recommend this event to a fellow alumni/friend?

Please rate the following as Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Unsure, Satisfied, or Very Satisfied based on your feelings. Select N/A if it does not apply to the event you attended.


Day of week
Day of week

Time of day
Time of day

Chosen activity
Chosen activity


Overall experience
Overall experience


Ease of registration
Ease of registration

Event staff
Event staff

How many Wright State University Alumni Association (WSUAA) events have you attended in the last 12 months?
How many Wright State University Alumni Association (WSUAA) events have you attended in the last 12 months?

Would you like to be entered into our drawing for cash and prizes? Required Field
Would you like to be entered into our drawing for cash and prizes?