Day of Giving
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Which funds will you pick?
UCA Annual Fund / Area of Greatest Need
Student Emergency Fund
Foundation General Scholarship
UCA Commitment
Other - Choose this option for a searchable list of scholarships and funds or to give to multiple funds.
Selected Designations
How would you like to make an impact today?
Please select from the fund(s) below to designate your gift. You may select more than one fund. Click the 'Continue' button when finished.
If you do not see the fund you are looking for, please call the UCA Foundation office at (501) 450-5288.
UCA Annual Fund / Area of Greatest Need
Annual Fund
Student Technology Fund
Alumni Association
Alumni Assistance Fund
Black Alumni Chapter
Gregory E. Hunt Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kathy Carroll General Alumni Scholarship
Nursing Alumni Chapter
Pride Alumni Chapter Fund
Academic Areas
Arkansas Chinese Heritage Project
Arkansas Coding Academy
Aviation Academy Enhancement
Center for Chinese Language and Culture
Community Development Institute
Community Development Institute Year 3 Scholarship
Department of Student Transitions (formerly University College)
Enrollment Services and Student Success Enhancement Fund
Faulkner County Imagination Library
Global Community
Global Learning and Engagement
Graduate School
Living Learning Communities
Norma Tio Farthing Academic Advising
Norris Taylor Residential Colleges
Outreach and Community Engagement
Oxford American
Richard J. and Nancy P. Gallavan, Ph.D.Endowed Grant for Faculty Diversity
Study Abroad
Torreyson Library Support
UCA Parent & Family Programs Fund
UCA Provost's Discretionary Fund
Undergraduate Admissions Fund
Wilson Book
Women's Leadership Network
College of Business
Arkansas Insurance Hall of Fame Scholarship
College of Business Enhancement Fund
Computer Information Systems and Analytics (CISA)
Dean Conrad Carroll Pursuit of Excellence
Dr. Linda L. Beene Transfer Scholarship
Economics, Finance, and Insurance and Risk Management
Excellence in Insurance
Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Mark Aaron Knight Graduate Business Scholarship Fund
Marketing and Management
McNew Banking Lectureship Endowment
New Opportunities Scholarship
Stephen L. Strange, Sr. Excellence in Insurance Endowment
Tom J. Smith Memorial Scholarship
William H. and Jane Grigsby Arthurs Scholarship
College of Education
4th Degree Knights of Columbus/Father Lachowsky Scholarship
Angela French Hoffmans Memorial Scholarship
Bearswrite: Pencils to Pixels Camp
Bob and Ann Broach Educators Scholarship
Charles and LuRene Jolly Scholarship
Charlotte Cone CSPA Fund
College of Education Enhancement Fund
College of Education Student Emergency Fund
Dean Diana G. Pounder Fellowship
Department of Leadership Studies
Department of Student Transitions (formerly University College)
ELSE Enhancement Fund
ELSE Summer Camp
Interdisciplinary PhD in Leadership
Johnnie and Larry Taylor Special Education Scholarship
Teaching and Learning
Tommie Sue Anthony Fellowship - Education of the Gifted
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Adcock Study Abroad Fund
African and African American Studies Program
All-Steinway School Initiative
Baum Gallery
Bear Marching Band
Center for Writing and Communication
Channel 6
Choral Program
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences EDGE Endowment
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Enhancement Fund
Communication Program Fund
Creative Writing Enhancement
Dept of Govt, Public Service, and Intl Studies (GPI) - Student Experiential Learning Fund (SELF)
Dept of Govt, Public Service, and Intl Studies Enhancement (GPI)
Dr. Jonathan Glenn English Literature Scholarship
Dr. Linda Hsu String Fund
Dr. Lynn Burley Endowed Travel Fund
Dr. Waddy William Moore III Graduate History Scholarship
Engage Artist-in-Residence
First-Year Writing
Friends of Art
George Harrod Memorial Scholarship
Gini Ingram Scholarship
History Department Endowment
Interior Design Enhancement
James R. Holcomb Music Education Scholarship
Jamie C. Brandon Archaeological Research Fund
Jerry Overton Scholarship
John M. Erwin Endowed Scholarship
Journalism Program
Lavender Library
Mayor Tab Townsell Scholarship for Public Service
Music Department/Friends of Music
Oxford American
Philosophy & Religion Enhancement Fund
Principles of Communication Fund
Public Appearances
Public Relations Program
Raymond Bright Scholarship
School of Communication
School of Language and Literature Enhancement
Second Language Student Experience Enhancement
Simms McClintock Fund (AMUN)
Sociology, Criminology & Anthropology - Gordon and Faye Shepherd Fund
Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology Department
Suffrage Centennial Fund
Summer Theatre
UCA Cello Club
UCA Debate and Forensics Program
UCA Film Program Fund
UCA Theatre Fund
UCA Trombone Studio
UCA Trumpet Program Enhancement
Visual Arts Studio Fund
Voices of Central Arkansas (VOCA)
Wendy Bishop and Margot Treitel Awards Fund
Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts Building Fund
Writing Program Fund
College of Health & Behavioral Sciences
Alexis Faupel Scholarship
Ashcraft Nursing Scholarship
Ballard Bryan Scholarship
Charlotte Mills Fant Memorial Scholarship (Physical Therapy)
CHBS Leadership
Chris Nielsen Mental Health Counseling Scholarship Fund
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences Enhancement
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Community Care Clinic Fund
Crystal V. Crawford Scholarship
Elizabeth A. Johnson Blankenship Nursing Scholarship
Eskola Family Scholarship Fund
Exercise and Sport Science
Ferguson-Brown Nutrition Scholarship
Friends of Nursing
Health Sciences
Health Sciences Club Fund
Integrated Health Sciences Building Fund
Joe Finnell Physical Therapy Scholarship
Karen and Kathy Armstrong Scholarship Fund
Letha J. Mosley Diversity Scholarship Fund
Madeline Ann Grubbs Scholarship (Physical Therapy)
Megan and Anna Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Michael David Hares Memorial
Moonlight Graham Sports Medicine Award
Nina Roofe Nutrition Scholarship
Nutrition and Family Sciences
Nutrition and Family Sciences Textile
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy Department
Psychology - Drs. Billy and Terry Smith Fellowship
Psychology and Counseling Excellence Fund
Reese-Hoyme Leadership Speaker Series
Sample Landry Graduate Nutrition Scholarship
Teddy W. Dodd Scholarship
Thomas Meadows Memorial Scholarship (Physical Therapy)
Venita Lovelace-Chandler Research
Vicky Bane Malone Memorial Nursing Scholarship
College of Science and Engineering
Advancement of Undergraduate Research in the Sciences (AURS)
Afzal Hosein and Kathleen Walker Memorial
Amber and Jeffrey Hall Gallivant Grant
Biological Sciences Scholarship
Biology Enhancement Fund
Brenda Graham Fund
Brock Welch Memorial Scholarship
Bud and Norma Wilson Scholarship
Charles and LuRene Jolly Scholarship
Chemistry - E.E. Codrey Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Enhancement Fund
Chemistry Student Assistance Fund
CNSM Mentoring Program Endowment
College of Science and Engineering Enhancement Fund
Computer Science Enhancement Fund
Cyber Security
Dr. Stephen Baker Pre-Med Scholarship
Engineering Enhancement
Environmental Science Student Research Fund
Geography Enhancement Fund
Girls of Power in STEM
Griffin Planetarium
Heather Woolverton Memorial Scholarship
Jerald M. Manion Endowed Fund for Chemistry
Jewel Moore Nature Reserve
King Family Scholarship
Lawrence and Jaynette Huff Scholarship
Lewis Next Generation
Math Enhancement Fund
Math Service Fund
O. L. Hughes Mathematics Scholarship
O. M. Prince Family Physics and Astronomy Scholarship
Physics and Astronomy Enhancement Fund
Richard and Teri Jackson Scholarship
STEM Institute
Steven W Runge Research Fund
Schedler Honors College
Clifton Scholarship
Dee Brown Memorial Garden
Farris Family Lecture Series
Honors College Enhancement Fund
Jennifer Edwards Honors College Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Phillips Scholarship
Jon Kennedy Memorial Scholarship
Monica Luebker Memorial Scholarship
Norbert O. Schedler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Schedler Honors College Endowment
Schichtl Center for Honors Education Building Fund
Athletic Scholarship Fund
Athletic Training
Beach VolleyBall Fund
Carolyn Floyd Ishee Cheerleading Enrichment Fund
Golf Trip
Men's Basketball Fund
Men's Soccer
Michelle Short Scholarship
Monte Coleman-Vance and Jan Strange Post-Athletic Career Scholarship Fund (formerly Bears Athletic Scholarship Fund)
Phil Marks Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Purple Circle
Richard Martin Jr. Track and Field Endowed Scholarship Fund
Sally Fridstrom Women's Golf Endowed Scholarship
Tom Roberts Men's Golf
Track and Field/Cross Country
Women's Basketball
Women's Golf Fund
Women's Soccer
Greek Life
Alpha Kappa Alpha Fund
Alpha Phi Alpha Housing Fund
Alpha Phi Alpha Scholarship Fund
Alpha Sigma Alpha Housing Fund
Alpha Sigma Tau Housing Fund
Delta Sigma Theta Fund
Delta Zeta Housing Fund
Kappa Alpha Psi Housing Fund
Kappa Sigma Housing Fund
Omega Psi Phi Housing Fund
Phi Beta Sigma Housing Fund
Phi Lambda Chi/Casey Keck Scholarship
Phi Sigma Epsilon and Phi Sigma Kappa Alumni Scholarship
Phi Sigma Kappa Operating Fund
Pi Kappa Alpha Housing Fund
Sigma Gamma Rho Fund
Sigma Kappa Housing Fund
Sigma Nu Housing Fund
Sigma Phi Epsilon Housing
Sigma Sigma Sigma Housing Fund
Sigma Tau Gamma Housing Fund
Zeta Phi Beta Fund
Student Affairs
Bear Boots on the Ground
Bear Essentials Food Pantry Fund
Black Male Achievement Challenge (B-MAC) Fund
Campus Recreation Fund
Disability Support Services
Diversity and Community Fund
Ernie Ness Counseling Services Fund
Green Bear Coalition Fund
Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Fund
Latino Student Fund
Leadership Summit
Miss UCA Scholarship
Service Learning
SOS Orientation Leadership Fund
Student Emergency Fund
Student Orientation Staff (SOS) Scholarship
Student Services Opportunity Fund
Student Wellness
UCA Parent & Family Programs Fund
Veterans Initiative Fund
Veterans Resource Center
Wesley Foundation
World of Work (WOW) Closet Fund
Private Scholarships
Aaron B. Mackey Scholarship
Adam Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund
Adams, Lindsay, Webb Home Economics Scholarship
Adventure Award for Music and Education
African-American Scholarship
Angela French Hoffmans Memorial Scholarship
Armani Famous Scholarship Fund
Audie Lynch and Sallijane Jones Lynch Scholarship
Aviation Academy Scholarship
Barbara Stanley Memorial Emergency Fund
Bartos Family Scholarship Fund
Betty J. Courtway Scholarship
Biological Sciences Scholarship
Bradley R. Mullins Scholarship for Incoming Freshmen
Carl Forsberg Orchestra Scholarship
Carroll D. Jones Scholarship
Cecily Coffelt-Bullard Scholarship
Charles and LuRene Jolly Scholarship
Chemistry - E.E. Codrey Scholarship Fund
Clara M. Forsberg Nursing Scholarship
Connie Westbrook Scholarship
Dandra K. Thomas Scholarship
Dean Duncan Journalism Scholarship
Dixie Band Camp Scholarship
Dorothy M. Long Scholarship
Dr. Arvil Burks Scholarship
Dr. Dana Leigh Fox English Education Scholarship
Dr. Joanna Castner Post Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Mary Bane Lackie Scholarship
Dr. Mary Harlan Scholarship
Dr. Roy C. and Dollie Randleman Holl Scholarship
Dr. Theman Taylor Endowed Scholarship
Dustin Bailey Memorial Scholarship
Emily Oates Home Economics Scholarship
Eugene Nolte Scholarship
Farris W.and Ann Brandon Womack Scholarship
Faydean Dunevant Scholarship
Ferguson-Brown Nutrition Scholarship
Frances Burke Thomas Trumpet Scholarship
Gene Hatfield Art Scholarship
Georg Andersen Interior Design Scholarship
Grace Catherine Kellner Memorial Scholarship
Grace Phelps Dupree Scholarship
Hank and Patty Phelps Education Scholarship
Harold Horton Athletic Scholarship
Harold L. Bailey Beta Delta Leadership Scholarship
Harry W. Readnour Scholarship
Harvey A. Buffalo Scholarship
Heather Woolverton Memorial Scholarship
Helton/Spencer/Stanley Athletic Scholarship
Herby Branscum Scholarship
Holloway/Hicks Scholarship
Homer Brown Band Scholarship
Howard R. and Emily Montgomery Scholarship
James R. Holcomb Music Education Scholarship
James W. and Peggy Schneider Scholarship
Jennifer J. Westpfahl Women in Finance Scholarship
Jeremy Duplessis UCA Police Department Student Assistance Scholarship
Jessica Phillips Scholarship
Jim and Kay Hinkle Scholarship
Jimmy Fitzgerald McClain Scholarship
John and Betty Ward Scholarship
John C. Rohweder Scholarship
John M. Garner and Bobbie Garner Floyd Scholarship
Joseph Norman Manley Scholarship
Judge Woody Murray Scholarship
Kasi Jones Scholarship Fund
Kenneth W. Abrams/Paul W. Kimbrough Scholarship
King Family Business Scholarship
Landmark PLC/Blake Payne Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Lauretta Koenigseder Scholarship
Lee and Willa Belle Spencer Scholarship
Lindsay and Jon Ross Henderson Scholarship
Lloyd and Vivian Gaines Endowed Scholarship Fund
Madeline Ann Grubbs Scholarship (Physical Therapy)
Madelyn Grace Johnston Scholarship
Marian Ross Scholarship and Research
Martha Stone Harding Scholarship
Marvin L. Williams Memorial Scholarship
Mary Ann and Andrew Hiegel Scholarship
Maurice Webb Scholarship
Melissa Courtway Scholarship
Melissa Metheny Scholarship
Memorial Endowment
Michael and Woodrow Cummins Scholarship
Michelle Short Scholarship
Mike and Margaret Grimes Scholarship
Miss UCA Scholarship
Myrtle Lee Selig Scholarship
Nicole Wable Hatfield International Study Scholarship
Nina Roofe Nutrition Scholarship
Nina Russ Scholarship
O. L. Hughes Mathematics Scholarship
O. M. Prince Family Physics and Astronomy Scholarship
Olive Hilliard Scholarship
Oliver "Ghandi" Lewis, Jr. Scholarship
Patrick Hasty Jazz Scholarship
Paul L. Revis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Peggy Boyd Betnar Women in Science Scholarship
Phi Sigma Epsilon and Phi Sigma Kappa Alumni Scholarship
Provost Patricia Poulter Scholarship
Raymond Bright Scholarship
Rebekah Harpool Memorial Scholarship
Rev. Arthur & Victoria Townsend Family Legacy Scholarship
Richard Allen Scott Psychology/Counseling Scholarship
Robert M. McLauchlin Graduate Education Memorial Scholarship
Robin Nix Scholarship
Ronnie Williams Scholarship Fund
Russell Langston Band Scholarship
Sam Driggers Piano Scholarship
Sarah Nelson Womble and Joe (Nolan) Womble
Sigma Phi Epsilon Housing Fund
Sullards Family Scholarship
Summit Utilities Educational Scholarship
Suzanne Harvey Nursing Graduate Scholarship
Thomas Meadows Memorial Scholarship (Physical Therapy)
Tidwell Veterans Scholarship
Tom Courtway Scholarship
Veteran's Day Scholarship
Virginia Guffey Honors College Scholarship
Will Counts Journalism Scholarship
William C. Plummer Scholarship
Advancement Enhancement Fund
Angel Bear Fund
Bear Essentials Food Pantry Fund
Eclipse 2024
Employee Professional Support
Ferguson Chapel Maintenance Fund
Finance and Administration Discretionary Fund
First Gen @ UCA Scholarship
Foundation General Scholarship
Internal Audit Fund
Living Unleashed
Reynolds Main Stage Education Series Endowment
Staff Senate Emergency Fund
Student Sponsorship Program Fund
UCA Police Department
Valor II Fund
Women's Giving Circle
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