Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
4th Degree Knights of Columbus/Father Lachowsky Scholarship |
Aaron B. Mackey Scholarship |
Accounting |
Adam Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Adams, Lindsay, Webb Home Economics Scholarship |
Adcock Study Abroad Fund |
Advancement Enhancement Fund |
Advancement of Undergraduate Research in the Sciences (AURS) |
Adventure Award for Music and Education |
African and African American Studies Program |
African-American Scholarship |
Afzal Hosein and Kathleen Walker Memorial |
Alexis Faupel Scholarship |
All-Steinway School Initiative |
Alpha Kappa Alpha Fund |
Alpha Phi Alpha Housing Fund |
Alpha Phi Alpha Scholarship Fund |
Alpha Sigma Alpha Housing Fund |
Alpha Sigma Tau Housing Fund |
Alumni Assistance Fund |
Amber and Jeffrey Hall Gallivant Grant |
Angel Bear Fund |
Angela French Hoffmans Memorial Scholarship |
Annual Fund |
Arkansas Chinese Heritage Project |
Arkansas Coding Academy |
Arkansas Insurance Hall of Fame Scholarship |
Armani Famous Scholarship Fund |
Ashcraft Nursing Scholarship |
Athletic Scholarship Fund |
Athletic Training |
Audie Lynch and Sallijane Jones Lynch Scholarship |
Aviation Academy Enhancement |
Aviation Academy Scholarship |
Ballard Bryan Scholarship |
Barbara Stanley Memorial Emergency Fund |
Bartos Family Scholarship Fund |
Baseball |
Baum Gallery |
Beach VolleyBall Fund |
Bear Boots on the Ground |
Bear Essentials Food Pantry Fund |
Bear Marching Band |
Bearswrite: Pencils to Pixels Camp |
Betty J. Courtway Scholarship |
Biological Sciences Scholarship |
Biology Enhancement Fund |
Black Alumni Chapter |
Black Male Achievement Challenge (B-MAC) Fund |
Bob and Ann Broach Educators Scholarship |
Bradley R. Mullins Scholarship for Incoming Freshmen |
Brenda Graham Fund |
Brock Welch Memorial Scholarship |
Bud and Norma Wilson Scholarship |
Campus Recreation Fund |
Carl Forsberg Orchestra Scholarship |
Carolyn Floyd Ishee Cheerleading Enrichment Fund |
Carroll D. Jones Scholarship |
Cecily Coffelt-Bullard Scholarship |
Center for Chinese Language and Culture |
Center for Writing and Communication |
Channel 6 |
Charles and LuRene Jolly Scholarship |
Charlotte Cone CSPA Fund |
Charlotte Mills Fant Memorial Scholarship (Physical Therapy) |
CHBS Leadership |
Cheerleading |
Chemistry - E.E. Codrey Scholarship Fund |
Chemistry Enhancement Fund |
Chemistry Student Assistance Fund |
Choral Program |
Chris Nielsen Mental Health Counseling Scholarship Fund |
Clara M. Forsberg Nursing Scholarship |
Clifton Scholarship |
CNSM Mentoring Program Endowment |
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences EDGE Endowment |
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Enhancement Fund |
College of Business Enhancement Fund |
College of Education Enhancement Fund |
College of Education Student Emergency Fund |
College of Health and Behavioral Sciences Enhancement |
College of Science and Engineering Enhancement Fund |
Communication Program Fund |
Communication Sciences and Disorders |
Community Care Clinic Fund |
Community Development Institute |
Community Development Institute Year 3 Scholarship |
Computer Information Systems and Analytics (CISA) |
Computer Science Enhancement Fund |
Conductor |
Connie Westbrook Scholarship |
Creative Writing Enhancement |
Crystal V. Crawford Scholarship |
Cyber Security |
Dandra K. Thomas Scholarship |
Dean Conrad Carroll Pursuit of Excellence |
Dean Diana G. Pounder Fellowship |
Dean Duncan Journalism Scholarship |
Dee Brown Memorial Garden |
Delta Sigma Theta Fund |
Delta Zeta Housing Fund |
Department of Leadership Studies |
Department of Student Transitions (formerly University College) |
Dept of Govt, Public Service, and Intl Studies (GPI) - Student Experiential Learning Fund (SELF) |
Dept of Govt, Public Service, and Intl Studies Enhancement (GPI) |
Disability Support Services |
Diversity and Community Fund |
Dixie Band Camp Scholarship |
Dorothy M. Long Scholarship |
Dr. Arvil Burks Scholarship |
Dr. Dana Leigh Fox English Education Scholarship |
Dr. Joanna Castner Post Memorial Scholarship |
Dr. Jonathan Glenn English Literature Scholarship |
Dr. Linda Hsu String Fund |
Dr. Linda L. Beene Transfer Scholarship |
Dr. Lynn Burley Endowed Travel Fund |
Dr. Mary Bane Lackie Scholarship |
Dr. Mary Harlan Scholarship |
Dr. Roy C. and Dollie Randleman Holl Scholarship |
Dr. Stephen Baker Pre-Med Scholarship |
Dr. Theman Taylor Endowed Scholarship |
Dr. Waddy William Moore III Graduate History Scholarship |
Dustin Bailey Memorial Scholarship |
Eclipse 2024 |
Economics, Finance, and Insurance and Risk Management |
Elizabeth A. Johnson Blankenship Nursing Scholarship |
ELSE Enhancement Fund |
ELSE Summer Camp |
Emily Oates Home Economics Scholarship |
Employee Professional Support |
Engage Artist-in-Residence |
Engineering Enhancement |
Enrollment Services and Student Success Enhancement Fund |
Environmental Science Student Research Fund |
Ernie Ness Counseling Services Fund |
Eskola Family Scholarship Fund |
Eugene Nolte Scholarship |
Excellence in Insurance |
Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
Exercise and Sport Science |
Farris Family Lecture Series |
Farris W.and Ann Brandon Womack Scholarship |
Faulkner County Imagination Library |
Faydean Dunevant Scholarship |
Ferguson Chapel Maintenance Fund |
Ferguson-Brown Nutrition Scholarship |
Finance and Administration Discretionary Fund |
First Gen @ UCA Scholarship |
First-Year Writing |
Football |
Foundation General Scholarship |
Frances Burke Thomas Trumpet Scholarship |
Friends of Art |
Friends of Nursing |
Gene Hatfield Art Scholarship |
Geography Enhancement Fund |
Georg Andersen Interior Design Scholarship |
George Harrod Memorial Scholarship |
Gini Ingram Scholarship |
Girls of Power in STEM |
Global Community |
Global Learning and Engagement |
Golf Trip |
Grace Catherine Kellner Memorial Scholarship |
Grace Phelps Dupree Scholarship |
Graduate School |
Green Bear Coalition Fund |
Gregory E. Hunt Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Griffin Planetarium |
Hank and Patty Phelps Education Scholarship |
Harold Horton Athletic Scholarship |
Harold L. Bailey Beta Delta Leadership Scholarship |
Harry W. Readnour Scholarship |
Harvey A. Buffalo Scholarship |
Health Sciences |
Health Sciences Club Fund |
Heather Woolverton Memorial Scholarship |
Helton/Spencer/Stanley Athletic Scholarship |
Herby Branscum Scholarship |
History Department Endowment |
Holloway/Hicks Scholarship |
Homer Brown Band Scholarship |
Honors College Enhancement Fund |
Howard R. and Emily Montgomery Scholarship |
Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Fund |
Integrated Health Sciences Building Fund |
Interdisciplinary PhD in Leadership |
Interior Design Enhancement |
Internal Audit Fund |
James R. Holcomb Music Education Scholarship |
James W. and Peggy Schneider Scholarship |
Jamie C. Brandon Archaeological Research Fund |
Jennifer Edwards Honors College Memorial Scholarship |
Jennifer J. Westpfahl Women in Finance Scholarship |
Jerald M. Manion Endowed Fund for Chemistry |
Jeremy Duplessis UCA Police Department Student Assistance Scholarship |
Jerry Overton Scholarship |
Jessica Phillips Scholarship |
Jewel Moore Nature Reserve |
Jim and Kay Hinkle Scholarship |
Jimmy Fitzgerald McClain Scholarship |
Joe Finnell Physical Therapy Scholarship |
John and Betty Ward Scholarship |
John C. Rohweder Scholarship |
John M. Erwin Endowed Scholarship |
John M. Garner and Bobbie Garner Floyd Scholarship |
Jon Kennedy Memorial Scholarship |
Joseph Norman Manley Scholarship |
Journalism Program |
Judge Woody Murray Scholarship |
Kappa Alpha Psi Housing Fund |
Kappa Sigma Housing Fund |
Karen and Kathy Armstrong Scholarship Fund |
Kasi Jones Scholarship Fund |
Kathy Carroll General Alumni Scholarship |
Kenneth W. Abrams/Paul W. Kimbrough Scholarship |
King Family Business Scholarship |
King Family Scholarship |
Landmark PLC/Blake Payne Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Latino Student Fund |
Lauretta Koenigseder Scholarship |
Lavender Library |
Lawrence and Jaynette Huff Scholarship |
Leadership Summit |
Lee and Willa Belle Spencer Scholarship |
Letha J. Mosley Diversity Scholarship Fund |
Lewis Next Generation |
Lindsay and Jon Ross Henderson Scholarship |
Living Learning Communities |
Living Unleashed |
Lloyd and Vivian Gaines Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Madeline Ann Grubbs Scholarship (Physical Therapy) |
Madelyn Grace Johnston Scholarship |
Marian Ross Scholarship and Research |
Mark Aaron Knight Graduate Business Scholarship Fund |
Marketing and Management |
Martha Stone Harding Scholarship |
Marvin L. Williams Memorial Scholarship |
Mary Ann and Andrew Hiegel Scholarship |
Math Enhancement Fund |
Math Service Fund |
Maurice Webb Scholarship |
Mayor Tab Townsell Scholarship for Public Service |
McNew Banking Lectureship Endowment |
Megan and Anna Johnson Memorial Scholarship |
Melissa Courtway Scholarship |
Melissa Metheny Scholarship |
Memorial Endowment |
Men's Basketball Fund |
Men's Soccer |
Michael and Woodrow Cummins Scholarship |
Michael David Hares Memorial |
Michelle Short Scholarship |
Mike and Margaret Grimes Scholarship |
Miss UCA Scholarship |
Monica Luebker Memorial Scholarship |
Monte Coleman-Vance and Jan Strange Post-Athletic Career Scholarship Fund (formerly Bears Athletic Scholarship Fund) |
Moonlight Graham Sports Medicine Award |
Music Department/Friends of Music |
Myrtle Lee Selig Scholarship |
New Opportunities Scholarship |
Nicole Wable Hatfield International Study Scholarship |
Nina Roofe Nutrition Scholarship |
Nina Russ Scholarship |
Norbert O. Schedler Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Norma Tio Farthing Academic Advising |
Norris Taylor Residential Colleges |
Nursing Alumni Chapter |
Nutrition and Family Sciences |
Nutrition and Family Sciences Textile |
O. L. Hughes Mathematics Scholarship |
O. M. Prince Family Physics and Astronomy Scholarship |