Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
Where the need is greatest |
16th Man Rugby Club |
2025 Class Gift |
9/11 Memorial |
Accounting |
Africana Studies |
Anthropology |
Art & Art History |
Arthur N. Applebee Memorial Fund |
Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences |
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC) |
Baseball |
Biological Sciences |
Campus Enhancement Fund |
Cancer Research Center - Carolina DeThomasis Tobia Memorial Endowment |
Cancer Research Fund for Memory and Hope |
Capital District Writing Project |
Career & Professional Development Fund |
Carol A. Whittaker Global Health Travel Award Fund |
CEHC - Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) |
CEHC Scholarship Fund |
CEHC- Student Service Trips |
Center for International Education and Global Strategy |
Center for Leadership and Service |
Center for Technology in Government |
Center for Women in Government and Civil Society |
Cheerleading Team |
Chemistry |
Child and Family Therapy Clinic |
CNSE Computer Scholarship Fund |
College of Arts and Sciences |
College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity |
College of Integrated Health Sciences (CIHS) |
College of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering |
Communication |
Computer Science |
Counseling and Psychological Services |
CRC Summer Program (Carolina DeThomasis Tobia Memorial Fund) |
CWGCS Fellowship Program Fund |
Cybersecurity Department |
Deloitte Endowment |
Department of Nanoscale Science and Engineering |
Dippikill |
Direct Admit Scholarship at the Massry School of Business |
Disability Access and Inclusion Student Services (DAISS) |
Dr. Katharine Briar-Lawson Endowed Lecture Series |
East Asian Studies |
Economics |
Educational & Counseling Psychology |
Educational Policy & Leadership |
Educational Theory & Practice |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Emergency Management and Homeland Security Department |
Emeritus Center Endowment |
English |
Environmental and Sustainable Engineering |
Ernst & Young Initiative |
eSports at UAlbany |
Field Hockey |
Finance |
Financial Analyst Honors Program |
First Year Experience Program |
Five Quad |
Football |
Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC/LGBT) |
Geography & Planning |
GJ Gerner Memorial Scholarship |
Graduate Fellowships |
Great Dane Athletics |
History |
Honors College Director's Fund |
Information Science PhD Program |
Information Sciences and Technology Department |
Initiatives For Women (IFW) |
Interfaith Center |
Internships in Aging Program (IAP) Alumni Endowment |
John Levato Scholarship |
John S. Levato Office of Career Services at the Massry School of Business |
Juneteenth Scholarship |
Languages, Literatures & Cultures |
Latin American, Caribbean & U.S. Latino Studies |
Literacy Teaching and Learning |
Living-Learning Communities (L-LCs) |
Lori Peppe Trezza ’83 Women in Technology & Engineering Fund |
Massry School of Business |
Massry School of Business International Initiatives |
Mathematics & Statistics |
Men's Basketball |
Men's Lacrosse |
Men's Soccer |
Michael Corso ’83 Award |
Music Program |
New York State Writers Institute |
Nursing Program |
Office Intercultural Student Engagement (MRC & CHARGE) |
Office of Diversity and Inclusion Endowment for Excellence |
Other - please specify in comments |
Performing Arts Center |
Philosophy |
Physics |
PPIA Public Service Weekend |
Prof. Adams Student Experience Fund |
Professor Michael J. Malbin Washington Semester Scholarship |
Professor William Reese "Three Voices" Endowment |
Psychology |
Public Engagement Fund |
Purple Pantry - Help UAlbany students today |
Purple Pantry Endowment - Ensure its legacy and help the students of tomorrow |
Rick C. Mathews Award |
RNA Institute |
Rockefeller College Dean's Fund for Excellence |
Rockefeller College General Scholarship Fund |
Rowing |
Sajjad Bacchus Memorial Scholarship Fund |
School of Criminal Justice |
School of Education |
School of Education Great Dane Teacher Program |
School of Public Health |
School of Public Health Graduate Scholarship |
School of Social Welfare |
Sean O’Reilly Healthy Danes & Well-Being Fund |
Shabbos House Fund |
Sociology |
SOE Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Initiatives |
Softball |
Sports Team/Area - please specify in comments |
SSW General Scholarship Fund |
SSW Innovation Fund |
Stewart E. Tolnay Outstanding Graduate Student Research Paper Award |
Strength & Conditioning |
Student Emergency Fund |
Student Life Fund |
Student Scholarship Fund |
The Brighter Future in Public Health Scholarship |
The Daniel L. Barnes '07 Memorial Scholarship |
The Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Fund for Student Life |
The Five Quad Tribute Fund |
The Graduate School |
The Harry W. Taber Fellowship |
The James A. Dias Scholarship for Research, Discovery and Innovation |
The Jonathan Whyte-Dixon Memorial Scholarship |
The Karen R. Hitchcock New Frontiers Fund for IFW |
The Letizia Tagliafierro ’95 Scholarship for Public Service |
The Maritza Martinez Scholarship Fund |
The Matthew Peter ’06, MA ’07 Scholarship for Public Service |
The Nancy Marcopoulos Endowment for the Arts |
The Roberto Vives Scholarship Fund |
The Sustainability Fund |
The William J. Kennedy Writers Institute Endowment |
Theatre Program |
Track and Field |
UAlbany Color Guard and Winter Guard |
UAlbany Dance Team |
UAlbany Hillel |
UAlbany Marching & Spirit Bands |
UAlbany Showcase and Research & Entrepreneurship Events |
Undergraduate Education |
Undergraduate Research |
Undergraduate Scholarships |
University Art Museum |
University Libraries |
Veteran's Affairs |
Volleyball |
Women in Science & Health (WISH) |
Women’s Resource Center (WRC) |
Women's Basketball |
Women's Basketball - International Travel |
Women's Golf |
Women's Golf Simulator Project |
Women's Lacrosse |
Women's LAX Locker Room Renovation |
Women's Soccer |
Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies |
Writers Institute Special Events (Albany Book Festival and Albany Film Festival) |
Writing and Critical Inquiry |
Total: |
$0.00 |
0% |