Alumni Association Auto Renewal
Alumni Association Auto Renewal
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Alumni Association Auto Renewal

Primary Email Address: Required Field
For Auto Renewals you have four options.  Please select a membership level and then select "I would like to make Scheduled Payments".  This will ensure your payment is applied yearly for three years.
Membership Levels Required Field
Term Auto Renewal Price
Active through 6/30/2027 $150.00
$50 a year
Active through 6/30/2027 $225.00
$75 a year
Active through 6/30/2027 $540.00
$180 a year
Active through 6/30/2027 $615.00
$205 a year
In order for your card to be charged annually, please select:  I would like to make Scheduled Payments:

Franciscan Heritage
"Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing with you that you have received -- only what you have given."
St. Francis of Assisi
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