Institute for Agroecology

Institute for Agroecology
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How Your Gift Will Help

The Institute has bold ambitions to support just and sustainable futures in food and agriculture systems, both in the USA and around the world.

Leveraging the track-record, ingenuity and reputation for food systems research at UVM, the Institute for Agroecology is a beacon in the pursuit of solutions to contemporary societal challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, hunger and diet-related health.

Our mix of research, learning and engagement works to confront inequity, foster human wellbeing, regenerate ecologies and support dignified livelihoods; all in service of the thriving food systems we envision.

Your gift supports every part of our mission and your generosity will help us achieve our goals.

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My Gift is a Tribute
Use this section to make a gift in someone's honor or memory.

Please provide the information below if you would like us to notify someone of your tribute.  In cases where the family has expressed a preference, the UVM Foundation will honor the request of the family when sending acknowledgments for memorial gifts.

Employer Matching Gift

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Please send your company's matching gift form to:

The UVM Foundation
Gift Records
411 Main St.
Burlington, VT 05401

Gift Instructions