Give to the LCOM Student Interest Group Fund

Give to the LCOM Student Interest Group Fund
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Make a Gift to the Student Interest Interest Group Fund

Student Interest Groups (SIGs) provide important opportunities outside of the classroom to Larner College of Medicine students. Student Interest Groups range in focus from providing recreational and health wellness outlets for medical students, to connecting students with the greater Vermont community through community service. Student Interest Groups also provide a great way for students to learn more about various careers in medicine. Students can connect with faculty, community physicians, residents, and senior medical students to learn more about career options, research and educational opportunities, shadowing opportunities, and even residency application tips.

Student Interest Groups (SIGs) are student run with advising from Larner College of Medicine faculty and staff, and run with very small budgets. Gifts to the LCOM Student Interest Group (SIG) Fund are gifts in support of student wellness and professional development.

Gift Amount and Designation


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Designations Required Field

Donor Information

My Gift is a Tribute
Use this section to make a gift in someone's honor or memory.

Please provide the information below if you would like us to notify someone of your tribute.  In cases where the family has expressed a preference, the UVM Foundation will honor the request of the family when sending acknowledgments for memorial gifts.

Employer Matching Gift

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Please send your company's matching gift form to:

The UVM Foundation
Gift Records
411 Main St.
Burlington, VT 05401

Gift Instructions