School of the Arts Fund: This is our greatest need. Your gift will support a variety of initiatives in the School of the Arts. Some important, curriculum enhancing activities your gift could help fulfill include supported student internships; the purchase of equipment, like musical instruments, art materials, or technology; or helping to bring visiting scholars, artists, writers, filmmakers, and performers to campus for student workshops/masterclasses, or extended residencies.
You can also choose to specifically support one of the programs within the School of the Arts:
You can also choose to support the Play Every Town Project. This is a research and education project by Prof. David Feurzeig to play a free concert in every Vermont Town. You gift will help him accomplish this goal!
Gift Amount and Designation
Donor Information
Please provide the information below if you would like us to notify someone of your tribute. In cases where the family has expressed a preference, the UVM Foundation will honor the request of the family when sending acknowledgments for memorial gifts.
Please send your company's matching gift form to: The UVM Foundation Gift Records 411 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401