Emory Online Giving
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Making a gift online is fast, easy, and secure. Using the form below, please select the areas you would like to support. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Once complete, please click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page. Click here to download a form and mail in your gift. For assistance or to make your gift by phone, please call 404.712.GIVE (4483).

Select Gift Amount:
Select Gift Designation(s):
Select Gift Designation(s)
Designations Required Field
Selected Designations
Name Amount Percentage
Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
Center for Global Safe WASH
Center For Spina Bifida Prevention
David G. Kleinbaum Fund for Teaching Excellence in Epidemiology
David J. Sencer, MD, MPH Scholarship
Dean's Council Scholarship Endowment
Deborah A. McFarland Global Field Experience Fund
Dr. Kathleen R. Miner Scholarship Fund for Health Education Excellence
Eugene J. Gangarosa Scholarship
GEMMA - Global Elimination of Maternal Mortality From Abortion Faculty Scholar Endowment
Global Diabetes Research Center
Harland Austin Lecture Fund
James W. Curran Endowed Scholarship
O. Wayne and Grace Crum Rollins Endowment in Public Health
Reynaldo Martorell Scholarship Fund
Richard N. Hubert Fund for Global Health Excellence Endowment
Rollins School of Public Health Scholarships
Stan and Dottie Foster Fund
The McGowan Family Scholarship
Virginia Bunch Shankle and Willard Mayes Shankle Scholarship
Total: $0.00 0%

Honor/Memory Instructions:
If you choose to make your gift in honor or memory of someone, please include the name of the person to be honored or remembered, and the name and address of the person that you would like us to notify of this gift in the fields below. Please note that without complete address information, we are unable to send a gift notification.
This gift is:
This gift is:

Please mail a notification of this honor/memory gift to:

Personal Information:

Email: Required Field
Phone Type: Required Field
Phone Type:

(Phone Number Format: 123-456-7890)
Your Affiliation with Emory (Check all that apply):
I am a(n):
I am a(n):

Spouse/Partner Information: