Payroll Deduction Form
Current: Make a Gift » Billing » Review » Finish

Gift Amount and Designations

Having Trouble Giving? We're here to help. Please contact Sharon Horinka, at 704-687-7368 or


There is a minimum of $24 per designation per year (which is $1 minimum per paycheck). Please enter the TOTAL amount you would like to contribute below. A member of the Gift Processing team will reach out to you to confirm the number of pay periods and amount per paycheck before submitting your pledge. 



Designations Required Field

Selected Designations
Name Amount Percentage
Biology Department Fund
Total: $0.00 0%
Please note: our team will match your gift as closely as possible to an existing designation.

Donor Information

Donor lists will NOT include the amount of any gift. If you select the anonymous option, your name will also be removed from donor lists.

Contact Information