Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
530 Food Rescue Coalition |
8636 - Gary Sitton and Bill Lane Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Aaron Drange Memorial Scholarship |
Academic Advising |
Accounting Program’s Greatest Needs |
Accounting Students’ Endowment for Strategic Initiatives |
Acker Strength and Conditioning Center |
Adelante Club |
Advanced Laboratory for Visual Anthropology |
Adventure Outings |
AG ED Annual Fund |
Alumni Association |
Annual Chico Forensic Conference |
Anthropology Department |
Art and Art History Department |
Arthur and Betty Gee Memorial Research Award Endowment for Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Arthur and Betty Gee Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
AS Gender and Sexuality Equity Center |
Asian Pacific Islander and Desi American (APIDA) Resource Center |
Athletics Department's greatest need |
Athletics Leadership Legacy Endowment |
Autism Clinic |
Baseball |
Baseball - Club |
Bass Fishing Club |
BCCER Adopt An Acre Campaign |
Biological Sciences Department |
Biological Sciences Greenhouse |
Black Resource Center |
Black Student Union |
Book in Common Support |
Business Information Systems Department Greatest Needs |
Business Student Scholarships |
Business Student Success Center |
California Pavement Preservation Center |
Career Center Fund |
Carianne Wrona Memorial Musical Theatre Scholarship |
Center for Enterprise Systems and Informatics Research |
Center for Entrepreneurship |
Center for Excellence in Finance |
Center for Healthy Communities |
Center for Healthy Communities Excellence Award |
Center for Math and Science Education |
Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems |
Center for Water and the Environment |
Cheer Team - Club |
Chemistry Department |
Chemistry Summer Research Institute (CSRI) Fund |
Chico Bach Festival |
Chico Guild - NSS |
Chico Performances |
Chico State Cares Annual Fund |
Chico State Cares Endowment |
Chico State Project Rebound |
Chico State Women's Philanthropy Council |
Child Development Department |
Christopher T. Malone EOP Achievement Award |
Civil Engineering |
Clinic for Communication Disorders |
Cody Hein Legacy Scholarship |
College of Agriculture scholarships |
College of Agriculture's greatest need |
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences' greatest need |
College of Business Building |
College of Business' Greatest Needs |
College of Business Professional Attire Fund |
College of Communication and Education's greatest need |
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management's greatest need |
College of Humanities and Fine Arts' greatest need |
College of Natural Sciences' greatest need |
Communication Sciences and Disorders Program |
Communication Studies (CMST) Alumni Scholarship |
Communication Studies Program |
Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) |
Community Legal Information Center (CLIC) |
Computer Animation and Game Development |
Computer Information Systems |
Computer Science |
Computer Science Department Tutoring |
Concrete Industry Management |
Construction Management |
Construction Management Summer Camp |
Council of Graduate Students |
Crop Science and Horticulture Club |
Cross Country Alumni Endowment |
Cross-Cultural Leadership Center |
CSU Chico Bands Fund |
CSU, Chico Black Faculty and Staff Association |
Cycling |
Daniel Hiestand Memorial Concert and Scholarship |
Daniel Hiestand Music Education Scholarship Endowment |
David Prime Soccer Scholarship |
Dean's Fund for Excellence in Engineering Annual Fund |
Department of Comparative Religion and Humanities |
Department of Media Arts, Design and Technology |
Don Miller Athletics Legacy |
Dr. Aldrich M. Patterson, Jr. Award Endowment |
Dr. Charles Genthe Scholarship |
Dr. Chela Mendoza Patterson Scholarship |
Dream Center |
Earth and Environmental Sciences Department |
ECC Dean's Fund for Excellence |
Ecological Reserve |
Ecological Reserves Community Resiliency Project |
Economic Forecast Annual Fund |
Economics Chair Fund |
Economics Department |
Educational Opportunity Program – EOP |
El Centro Resource Center |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Elizabeth Colleran Wildlife Endowment |
Elsie McLean Women's Golf Memorial Scholarship |
English Department |
Esther L. Larocco Bilingual Student Teacher Scholarship |
Exercise Physiology Program |
Expressions - Club |
Facilities Management Veteran's Fund |
Field Hockey |
Finance Department Greatest Needs |
Financial Wellness Clinic |
Floyd L. English Natural Sciences Scholarship Endowment |
Friends of the Herbarium |
Gateway Gardens Fund |
Gateway Science Museum Annual Fund |
Gateway's McAmis Family Exhibits Endowment |
Gayle E. Hutchinson Presidential Award |
Geography and Environmental Studies Department |
George Floyd Memorial Fund |
Golf - Club |
Green Campus Initiatives |
Herbarium Endowment |
HFA Dean's Fund for Excellence |
History Department |
Hodgson-Downing Fire Research Fund |
Honker Alumni Fund Scholarship Endowment |
Hopper Visiting Artist |
HSI STEM Engineering MEP Endowment |
Hufford Family Scholarship Endowment |
Human Identification Lab |
Humanities Center |
Hungry Wildcat Food Pantry |
Inline Hockey |
International Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
International Programs |
Jack Lindeman Memorial Scholarship |
Jacki Headley University Art Gallery |
Jacob O'Neill Memorial Scholarship |
Janet Turner Print Museum |
Janice Gardner Memorial Scholarship |
Jason/Goosmann Family Scholarship |
Jennifer Tancreto Memorial Award |
Joanna Dunlap Cowden Memorial Lecture |
Jodea Foster Memorial Award in Legal Studies |
Jodea Foster Memorial Award in Legal Studies Endowment |
John and Karen Oldemeyer Memorial Scholarship |
Joseph Smith Soccer Scholarship |
Journalism and Public Relations Department |
Juniper (Rose) Prete Memorial Scholarship |
Juniper (Rose) Prete Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Katie Whitlock Memorial Scholarship |
KCSC Radio |
Kinesiology Department |
Kristina Chesterman Memorial Nursing Scholarship |
Latinx Initiatives Annual Fund |
LGBTQ Faculty and Staff Association |
Liberal Studies |
Livestock Judging Team |
Lucas J Ringheim Memorial Endowment |
Luke Pedemonte Memorial Scholarship Endowment Account |
Management Department Greatest Needs |
Mark and June McMahon Community Journalism Scholarship |
Marketing Department Greatest Needs |
Mathematics and Statistics Department |
Maya Hieroglyphic Database Fund |
Mechanical Engineering |
Mechatronic Engineering |
Melanie Snider “Pay It Forward” |
Men's and Women's Rugby Teams Endowment |
Men's Basketball |
Men's Cross Country |
Men's Golf |
Men's Lacrosse |
Men's Rugby |
Men's Soccer |
Men's Soccer - Club |
Men's Track and Field |
Men's Ultimate Frisbee |
Men's Volleyball Club |
Men's Water Polo |
Meriam Library Fund |
Michael Salsedo Baseball Scholarship |
Michael Salsedo Softball Scholarship |
MPA Professional Association |
Multicultural and Gender Studies Department |
Music, Theatre and Dance Department |
Musical Theatre New York Senior Showcase |
Nancy Ann Cooper Memorial PETE Scholarship |
New Music Symposium |
Niels Thomas Memorial Endowment |
Niels Thomas Memorial Scholarship |
North State Student Ambassadors |
North State Symphony |
North State Symphony Endowment |
Nutrition and Food Sciences |
Office of Civic Engagement |
Office of Diversity and Inclusion |
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute |
Other |
Pacific Islander Club |
Passages |
PATH Scholars (Foster Youth Program) |
Patton Family Sheep Unit |
Paul G. Hewitt Scholarship for Future HS Physics Teachers Endowment |
Peace Institute |
Pedro Martinez Memorial Scholarship |
Philosophy Department |
Physics Department |
Physics Summer Research Institute |
Pierce-Trucksess Studio Art Scholarship Endowment |
Political Science and Criminal Justice Department |
Presidential Scholars Award |
Price Internship Award Endowment |
Psychology Department |
Psychology Psi Chi Student of the Year Scholarship |
Public Health and Health Services Administration |
Public Law Community Service Scholarship |
Qualls Footnotes Endowment |
Randy Schriefer Memorial Scholarship |
Rawlins Endowment for Environmental Literacy |
REACH Student Success Center |
Recreation, Hospitality, and Parks Management Department |
Round Net - Club |
Rowing Club |
Rural Northern California Clinical Simulation Center |
Russell Brainard Memorial Scholarship |
Sanzone Memorial Scholarship |
School of Education |
School of Nursing |
School of Nursing Scholarship Endowment |
School of Social Work |
Science Education Department |
Seufferlein Sales Program |
Social Science Program |
Sociology Department |
Softball |
Speech and Debate Program |
Sponsor a Future Ag Teacher Scholarship |
Staff Council |
Stone of Hope Scholarship |
Student Emergency Fund |
Student Life and Leadership General Fund |
Student Success Initiatives & University Advising |
Student Transition and Retention (STAR) Center |
Student Veteran Organization Continuing Service Scholarship |
Study Abroad |
Superior Ag Fund |
Superior Ag Golf Fund |
Sustainable Development Fund |
Sustainable Manufacturing |
Tamzin Malone Memorial Scholarship |
Taylor Bonora Leadership Award |
Teacher Candidate Assistance Fund |
Technical Theatre Experiences |
Tehama Group Communications |
Tennis |
The Orion |
Theatre Social Justice Award |
This Way To Sustainability Conference |
Triathlon |
Turner Acquisitions Endowment |
Undergraduate Research Support |
University Farm |
University Housing Equity |
University's greatest need - Chico State Fund |
Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology |
Volleyball |
Volleyball Alumni Scholarship |
Wakeboard |
Washington, D.C., Political Science Internship Award |
Waterski |
WellCat Counseling Center |
Women in Business Summit |
Women in Concrete |
Women’s Basketball Club |
Women's Athletics Legacy Fund |
Women's Basketball |
Women's Cross Country |
Women's Golf |
Women's Lacrosse |
Women's Rugby |
Women's Soccer |
Women's Soccer - Club |
Women's Track and Field |
Women's Ultimate Frisbee |
Women's Volleyball Club |
Women's Water Polo |
Writer's Voice |
Total: |
$0.00 |
0% |