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 Give to Chico State

Visit our full giving form for more options for your gift, including employer match, gifts in honor or memory of someone, and joint donations. 

Step 1: Choose a gift amount


Step 2: Choose Your Designation

Designations Required Field
Selected Designations
Name Amount Percentage
College of Business' Greatest Needs
Accounting Program’s Greatest Needs
Business Student Scholarships
Business Student Success Center
Center for Entrepreneurship
Business Information Systems Department Greatest Needs
Center for Excellence in Finance
Center for Enterprise Systems and Informatics Research
Finance Department Greatest Needs
Management Department Greatest Needs
Marketing Department Greatest Needs
Redding Satellite Business Program
Seufferlein Sales Program
Total: $0.00 0%

Step 3: Giving Options


Step 4: Contact Information

Relationship to Chico State:
Relationship to Chico State:

Step 5: Optional Considerations

Tower Society

Donors who contribute $1,500 or more annually are recognized for their leadership and generosity as Tower Society members. Visit for more information.