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The Eastern Fund
EKU BookSmart
General Endowed Scholarship Fund
Student Assistance Fund for Eastern (SAFE)
View all giving opportunities
Selected Designations
College of Education and Applied Human Sciences Study Abroad
Select Your Designation(s)
University Priorities
BookSmart Endowed Fund
Eastern Fund
General Endowed Scholarship Fund
Student Assistance Fund for Eastern (SAFE)
Academic Support Fund
Academic Advising
BookSmart Endowed Fund
Chellgren Academic Excellence Endowment Fund/Paul W.
Chellgren Student Success Endowed Fund/ Paul and Deborah
Provost Office Development Fund
Rowlett Endowed Fund for Faculty Prof. Development/John D.
Troy Ellis Family Diversity Fund
EKU International Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship
Hall of Distinguished Alumni Renovation Fund
Bratzke Student-Athlete Success Center
Colonel Club
All Girl Cheerleading Development Fund
Basketball Program - Men's
Basketball Program - Women's
Beach Volleyball
Diamond Legacy Fund (Baseball)
EKU Cheerleaders
EKU Dance Team
Football Alumni Fund-Worn Cleat Club
Giacchini "G" Fund/ Tom
Golf Program - Men's
Golf Program - Women's
Kidd Tribute Fund/Coach Roy
Soccer Program
Softball Program
Sports Medicine
Tennis Program - Men's
Tennis Program - Women's
Track Program - Men's
Track Program - Women's
Volleyball Program
Ward Memorial (scoreboard/video board fund)/Coach Jim
EKU Archery Club Fund
EKU Swimming Club Development Fund
Football Program (Matter of Pride)
Mullins Womens Softball Fund/ Martha
Ramsey Endowment/ Susan M. and Oliver J.
Sports Performance
Athletics Scholarships
Chambers Fund/Wally
Colonel After Athletics Scholarship
Combs Memorial Athletic Scholarship Fund/Donald G
Combs Scholarship Fund/Earle B.
Football Scholarship Fund
Kidd Endowed Scholarship/Roy and Sue
Polvino, Russell, Josephine and Mary Polvino Family Legacy Quasi Endowment/Dr. Geri
Riggs Endowed Fifth (5th) Year Men's Athletics Scholarship/ Dr. Jay Glenn & Denise Hanlon
Riggs Endowed Fifth (5th) Year Women's Athletics Scholarship/ Dr. Jay Glenn & Denise Hanlonq
Shannon-Lenz Endowment Fund
College of Business
College of Business Fund
"G" Classic Golf Outing
Accounting Program Faculty and Student Success Fund
Accounting, Finance and Information Systems Development Fund
Banking & Financial Services Student Success Fund
Berman Center for Professional Sales
Booth Fund for Faculty Success/Gary and Jane
Dyer Excellence in Teaching Award/Jack L.
Economics Department
Face To Face Ethics Conference
Giacchini PGM Fund
Global Supply Chain Management
Hopkins-Gillispie Endowment/Charley E. and Dr. Delphina
Management, Marketing and International Business Development Fund
Perry Banking and Financial Services Support Fund/ April Russell and Donald J.
PGM/Colonel Golf and Learning Center Fund
Rieth College of Business Professional Development Series Non-Endowed Fund/ Ann Pryse
Risk Management & Insurance Studies Development Fund
School of Business Advisory Council Fund
Smith Memorial Endowed Fund/Claude K
Tribble Academic Enrichment Fund
Tribble Commitment to Excellence Fund/Hardy & Judy
College of Business Scholarships
Adkins Endowed Scholarship #1/ Dr. Bertee (Bert T.) and Retta Faye (Jett)
AssuredPartners Jeremy Newman "Good Human" Non-Endowed Scholarship
Baldwin CPAs Scholarship
Bicknell Endowed Scholarship/ Rudy
Blue Grass Association of Insurance Women Endowed Scholarshi
Bodley Scholarship/Don
Bourne Endowed Scholarship/Sam
Bowman Endowed Business Scholarship/ Dr. Jeff and Dr. Jeanie Gail
Brandstetter Carroll Study Abroad Fund
Braun Endowed Memorial Scholarship/ Noelle Elizabeth
Christensen Legacy Scholarship/ Burke A.
Clark & Hazel Shackelford Clark Mem Endow Schol Fund/The Cec
Clark Scholarship Fund/George W
Click Student Managed Investment Fund/ Robert and Amy
Collier Endowed Scholarship/Jay and Rebecca
Commonwealth Credit Union Endowment
Community Trust Bank Scholarship
Dr. Peter Kensicki Scholarship Fund
Duvall Endowed Scholarship Fund/Nina B
Evans Banking and Financial Services Program Fund
Evans Endowed Scholarship/ Matthew A.
Ferrante Endowed Scholarship/Victoria Mary
Frankenmuth Insurance Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Frazier Endowed Scholarship/Dr. Jessica Johnson
G&S Vending Scholarship
Gahm Golf Youth Scholarship/ Dwight
Gill Award/Anna
Gray Student International Opportunities Fund/Randy & Helen
Hines Memorial Scholarship/ John
Insurance Studies Scholarship
Isbell Non-Endowed Scholarship/ Jeri L.
Keir Inc Endowment Fund/Jack C
KEMI/EKU Diversity Scholarship
Kentucky Motor Transportation Fund
Koeninger Endowed Scholarship/ Bet and David
Lawson Business Scholarship/Connie
Mason Scholarship Award/Gayle E
McIlvaine Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/A Gentry
Mike Karpathakis Endowed MBA Endowed Scholarship
Newsom Endowed Scholarship Fund
Northern Ky Insurance Agents Scholarship Endowment
Nuckles Endowed Insurance Scholarship/The Tom
Patterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/Opal & Kermit
Pinson Endowed Scholarship/ Larry Blake
Rainey Endowed Scholarship/ Jim and Tracy
RainMaker Hospitality Endowed Scholarship
Ratliff Endowed Scholarship/Rodney R
Reed Memorial Scholarship/Dr I Max
Richards Fund/R R
Rogow Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award/ Dean Robert B.
Rogow, C.P.A., Ph.D Endowed Scholarship Fund/ Robert B.
Stephens Endowed Scholarship Fund/Joseph
Thacker Memorial Scholarship/ Kyle J.
Transport Scholarship Fund
Violette Non-Endowed Business Scholarship/ Jane Marie
Wade Endowed Economics Scholarship/Dr. John A
Ward Scholarship Fund/ Barry and Paula
Washburn Endowed Scholarship Fund/Cecil A.
Wigglesworth Communication Endowed Scholarship/ Bill
William Wigglesworth Travel Abroad Fund
Women Leaders in Insurance & Financial Services Endowed Scholarship
Zhejiang Medicine Co., LTD Endowed Scholarship
College of Education & Applied Human Sciences
Applied Human Sciences Fund
Bluegrass Home Economists Scholarship
Burrier Child Development
Call Me Mister
College of Education and Applied Human Sciences Development Fund
College of Education and Applied Human Sciences Student Support Fund
Curriculum and Instruction Welfare Fund
Elementary Education Program
Interpreter Training Program Fund (ASLIE)
Little One Room Schoolhouse/The
Rieth EKU Online Scholarship Quasi-Endowed Fund/ Ann Pryse
Speech- Language- Hearing Clinic Greatest Need Fund
Teaching, Learning, & Educ Leadership Development Fund
College of Education & Applied Human Sciences Scholarships
Alderton Memorial Endowment/Dr. Steve
Allison Memorial Endowed Scholarship /Albert B. and Sara V.
Boord Endowed Scholarship/ Sallie Stubbs
Burdine Memorial Endowed Scholarship/Roxie Pearl Bullock
Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fd/The Marguerite (Margar
Coates Scholarship Fund/J Dorland & Thomas Jackson
College of Education and Applied Human Sciences Study Abroad
Cooper Memorial Fund/Homer E
Daniel Endowed Scholarship / Nancy Sue
Daniel's Duck Endowed Scholarship/Nancy
DeHoop Scholarship Fund/Wietse
Dick Endowed Scholarship/ William and Juanita
Equity and Inclusion Excellence Scholarship
Fitzgerald Endowed Scholarship/Lori
Franz-Myers Scholarship
Frazier Endowed Scholarship/ Dr. Deanna L.
Gifford Endowed Scholarship/Clarence
Gillum Endowed Scholarship/Jim
Hale Non-Endowed Scholarship/ Faye Allen
Hansen Memorial Fund/Mae
Haremski Endowed Scholarship/ Michael
Harris Scholarship Fund/Susan B
Hill Memorial Fund/Roberta
House Endowed Scholarship/Ernestine Porter
Hughes Endowed Scholarship/Eugene and Margaret Ann
Jennings Endowed Memorial Scholarship/Frances A. & Mabel W.
Keen Scholarship/Quentin & Mary Ann
King Fund/ Tom
Kuhl Non-Endowed Scholarship/ Marie Celine Braun
Lichty Scholarship/Coach Daniel and Barbara
Little Summer Institute Fund/Thomas & Hazel
Lutes Memorial Endowed Scholarship/Stella Thompson
Martin Endowed Graduate Education Scholarship/Joe David and
McFerren Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship/Carolyn Bailey
McGuffey Scholar Endow for the Teaching of Mathematics/Carro
McKinney Memorial Scholarship for Elementary Teachers/Inez C
Miller Award Fund/Nancy
Moore Endowed Scholarship/JoAnne Blair
Pigman Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/Carrie B J
Pogue Master's Degree in Education Fund/ Betty Maupin
Powell Endowed Scholarship for Graduate Students Studying Curriculum and Instruction/ Pam
Price Endowed Scholarship Fund for Dietetic Students/ Earl and Joyce
Ramsey Endowed Scholarship Fund/Imogene
Reynolds Memorial Scholarship/Bob
Reynolds Scholarship/ Sula Osborne
Ross Helping Hand Scholarship/Chastity
Sapsford Dietetics Endowed Scholarship/ Amy Baumann
Short Endowed Scholarship/ Savannah Cross and Fred C.
Skepple Family Endowed Scholarship
Wilburn Endowed Scholarship/ Dr. Robert L. & Gabriele
Williamson Endowed Scholarship/John
Wilson Mem Endow Chair in Human Environmental Sci/The Hazel
Graduate Studies
Gibson, Jr. Graduate School Endowed Scholarship/ Dr. Charles H.
Graduate School Development Fund
College of Health Sciences
College of Health Science Foundation Fund
Athletic Training Greatest Needs Fund
Babbage Nursing Faculty Support Fund/ Laura S.
Environmental Health Department
Exercise & Sports Science Development Fund
Health Education Program
Health Information Development Fund
Health Services Administration Development Fund
HPERA Development Fund
Martin Loan Program/Robert
Medical Laboratory Sciences Development Fund
Occupational Therapy Development Fund
Parks & Recreation Development Fund
Physical Education Development Fund
Rieth Applied Human Sciences Non-Endowed Fund/ Ann Pryse
School of Nursing Development Fund
College of Health Sciences Development Fund
College of Health Sciences Scholarships
Allgier Endowed Scholarship/David (Occupational Therapy)
Anderson Occupational Therapy Scholarship/Joy
Anthem Rural Medicine Scholarship/ ARMS
Bailey Memorial Scholarship Fund/Heather
Baptist Health Richmond Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund
Barton Endowed Scholarship/ Dr. Bobby
Baugh Calitri Ramsdell & Thompson Scholarship
Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass Endowed Scholarship
Beck Memorial Endowed Scholarship/ Joe E.
Bradley Memorial Endowed Scholarship/ Patricia
Clark & Florian Bales Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fd/Della
Clark Family Memorial Scholarship Fund/O B
Creighton Endowed Environmental Health Science Scholarship
Darling Scholarship Fund/Fred and Edna
Davis Endowed Scholarship/ Dr. Lonnie J.
DeWeese Non-Endowed Nursing Scholarship/ Dr. Bob and Angela
Dizney Memorial Scholarship/Mamie & Tinsley
Dr. Mary Lloyd Ireland Athletic Training Scholarship
EKU School of Nursing Scholarship
Estep Endowed Nursing Scholarship/Mary Margaret
Family Nurse Practitioner Non-Endowed Scholarship
Gillespie Occupational Therapy Scholarship Fund/Nancy
Good Samaritan Hospital Volunteers, Lexington, Kentucky Scho
Harvey Scholarship/ Dr. Carolyn Hester
Hays Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship/ Edith Chaney
Hood Hughes Presnell Fund
Hufford Medical Laboratory Science Endowed Scholarship/David and Beverly
Hughes Memorial Scholarship Fund/Charles "Turkey"
Killian Endowed Scholarship/Ruth S.
Leach Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/L
Luy Endowed Scholarship in Baccalaureate Nursing /Jack and Martha
Marshall Pediatric Therapy Endowed Scholarship
Mattingly Endowed Scholarship/ Carolyn C.
McChesney Scholarship Fund/James
McChesney Scholarship/ Dr. Jon and Shellie
McClure Memorial Endowed Scholarship/ Mary Jo
McCrary Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund/Michelle
McNay Family Scholarship
Morning Pointe Foundation Scholarship (Occupational Therapy)
Morning Pointe Foundation Senior Care Nursing Non-endowed Scholarshp
Morning Pointe Foundation Senior Care Pre-Physical Therapy
Noe Endowed Scholarship Fund/Judy
Occupational Therapy Endowed Alumni Scholarship
Occupational Therapy Endowed Chair
Occupational Therapy Endowed Faculty Scholarship for Student
Ousley Family Endowed Scholarship
Pelfrey Memorial Fund/Becky (Occupational Therapy)
Pressley Opportunity Scholarship/ Dr. Sheila
Ramsdell Endowed Scholarship/ Dr. Leslie (Les) Charles
Rankin Mountain Fund/Rome
Robinson Mountain Fund/E O
Samuels Memorial Endowed Scholarship/Tom
Sanderlin Memorial Endowed Scholarship/ Bill and Mari'Lee
Scutchfield Endowed Scholars Fund/F. Douglas
Slater Endowed Scholarship/Mitchell J. & Mary H.
Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/Jean Steffan (Occupational Therapy)
Violette, Jr. Non-Endowed Nursing Scholarship/ Dr. Homer McHenry
Whalin Endowed Scholarship/Jacqueline "Jackie" Kearns
Williams Scholarship Fund/Rick and Ann
Wright, Jr. & Melissa Combs-Wright Scholarship/Dr. Raymond
Honors Program
Bonnie Gray Society Endowed Fund
Gray Endowed Honors' Program
Honors Program Development Fund
Honors Program Scholarships
Hensley Fund/Robert B.
Keltner Endowed Scholarship/Zelma M
Lilly Endowed Scholarship Fund/Grant E & Anna McGinn
McWhorter Scholarship
Meade Endowed Scholarship/Kenneth & Maggie
Park Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/Porah Lisle
Sloan Memorial Fund
Speed Scholar/Helen H
Tarvin Family Honors Endowment
Winstead-Weaver Endowed Honors Scholarship Fund
College of Justice, Safety, & Military Science
College of Justice, Safety, & Military Science Development Fund
Army ROTC Cadet Development Fund
Aviation Non-Endowed Student Scholarship and Program Support Fund
Aviation Program
Construction Management Facilities Fund
Construction Management Faculty And Student Support Fund
Construction Management Program Enhancement Fund
EKU School of Justice Studies Development Fund
Emergency Medical Care Development Fund
Fire & Safety Development Fund
Homeland Security Department Fund
Jackson Pershing Rifle Fund/Merwyn
Kentucky Center for Veterans Studies (KCVS)
Kentucky Motorcycle Program
Operation Veterans Success Development Fund (Office of Military & Veterans Affairs)
Safety, Security and Emergency Management Fund
Technology Construction Fund
College of Justice, Safety, & Military Science Scholarships
AGC/Brooker Construction Technology Scholarship
Army ROTC Rendezvous with Destiny Endowed Scholarship
Blanka Construction Management Endowed Scholarship/ George
Coleman State Fire Marshall Scholarship/Chief Ronny J.
College of Justice, Safety and Military Science Student Retention Scholarship
Deans' Policing Scholarship
Famularo Endowed Scholarship/Joseph L
Fox Student Research Award/Dr. James W.
Garrison Criminal Justice Research and Scholarship /Carole
Glatfelter Scholarship/Arthur J.
Grignon Memorial Endowed Scholarship/Peter Alan
Harkleroad Memorial Non-Endowed Scholarship/ David
Hennessey Endowed Scholarship
Holmes ROTC Endowed Scholarship/ LTC Ernest and Clara
Jones Police Studies Scholarship Fund/Estill B
Kennedy Fire Investigation Scholarship/ NAFI- John A.
Loss Prevention Scholarship Fund
McKinney Scholarship Fund/Robert & Doris Ann
Moore Jr Aviation Scholarship/H Lee
Norfolk Southern Scholarship Fund
Perry County Scholarship for Women in Law Enforcement
Police Corps Scholarship
RainMaker Hospitality Endowed Scholarship
Reedy Endowed Scholarship/Charles
Schlater III Non-Endowed Police Studies Scholarship/Thomas W.
Shaw Scholarship/ Randy & Sharon
Spain Student Award/ Norman M.
Stark Scholarship/ Joe
Veal Memorial Aviation Fund/Captain Tag
Walker-Thompson Aviation Scholarship
Wall Family Endowed Scholarship
Washburn Memorial Scholarship Fund/Richard
Wright Memorial Scholarship/ Private Clarence M.
College of Letters, Arts, & Social Sciences
College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Fund for Excellence
Academic Advising
Anthropology Development Fund
Art and Design Department Fund
Arts & Sciences Ruric and Mary Roark Distinguished Lecture
AT&T Student/Faculty Enrichment Fund
Betty Maupin and Henry E. Pogue IV Endowed Gallery Fund
Bluegrass Writers Studio Greatest Need
Choral Activities Fund
Communications Development Fund
Eastern Progress
EKU Band Development Fund
EKU Campus Sustainability Fund
EKU Digital Journalism Initiative
English Department Development Fund
English Language Instruction Program Development Fund
Film Education Fund
Foreign Language Development Fund
Foster Music Camp/Stephen
Government Development Fund
History Development Fund
Humanities Development Fund
Industrial-Organizational Psychology MS Development Fund
Institute for Creative and Collaborative Arts (ICCA) Greatest Needs
Kleine Endowed Communications Fund/Dr Glen
MacLaren Chautauqua Fund/ Dr. Bruce
Marching Band Program
Master of Public Administration Program Greatest Need
Melton History Quasi Endowed Fund/James
Mock Trial Development Fund
Music Development Fund
Orchestra Development Fund
Paralegal Science Fund
Philosophy & Religion Development Fund
Political Science Development Fund
Psychology Development Fund
Public Administration Development Fund
Social Work Development Fund
Sociology Development Fund
Taylor Endowed Fund for Art & Design/Ronald B.
Taylor Endowed Fund for History/Dr. Christiane Diehl
Taylor Non-Endowed Fund for Art & Design/Ronald B.
Taylor Non-Endowed Fund for History/Dr. Christiane Diehl
Theatre Development Fund
Women's and Gender Studies Program/Friends of
Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Scholarships
Acacia Scholarship
ACH Choral Music Edu Scholarship
Adams Endowed History Award Fund/Kerney M.
Alumni Band Scholarship Fund
Antoniou Endowed Art Memorial Fund/Jennifer E
Beeler Music Professorship /Alan C.
Betty Maupin and Henry E. Pogue IV Endowed Gallery Fund
Bowman Endowed Art Scholarship/ Dr. Jeff and Dr. Jeanie Gail
Bowman Endowed English Scholarship/ Dr. Jeff and Dr. Jeanie Gail
Boyd & Freida Weidemann Scholarship/Dr. Ursel Doris
Brubaker Psychology Clinic Development Fund/ Dr. Robert G. Pierre
Buchanan Drama Award/Pearl L.
Campbell Music Scholarship/Jane
Cannon Endowed Memorial Communication Scholarship Fund/Dr Dean
Castillo Art - Service Award/Aymara M.
Chrisman Memorial English Scholarship Fund/Hazel L
Clark & Edward N Biedinger Mem Endowed Schol Fund/The Marie
Clark Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/The Bernice N
Clark Memorial Scholarship/Roy
Communications Alumni Scholarship
Creighton Endowed Art Scholarship
Deane, Jr. Art Education Endowed Scholarship/Daniel Richard
Elder Family Endowed Scholarship/ Robert and Audrey
Fraas Scholarship/Elizabeth D
Fraley Legal Studies Endowed Scholarship/ Sandra
French Study Abroad Assistance Fund
Friedman Scholarship Fund/S
Gatwood Music Endowed Scholarship/Dwight and Dianne
Gilbert Endowed Scholarship Fund
Grise and White Endowed Scholarship
Grise Fund/Presley M
Haddix Endowed Scholarship/Ken
Hamilton Endowed Music Scholarship Fund/Colonel Finley R.
Harris Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund/Dr. Bond
Hartwell Schol for Musical & Leadership Excellence/Dr Robert
Heberle Political Theory Fund/Klaus H
Hindman Professional Psych. Scholarship/Doug & Nancy Stewart
Hinkle Music Scholarship/Woody & Mary
Hinkle Scholarship Fund/Mary
Johnson Endowed English Scholarship/Donn
Keen Scholarship Fund/Q B
Kenkel Undergraduate Linguistics Scholarship/Dr. James M.
Kennamer Endowed Scholarship/Laura D.
Keyes Memorial Scholarship/ Caleb J.
King Memorial Endowed Scholarship / Virginia Maria
Kline Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund/Robert L
Knapp Scholarship Fund
Kuhl, Sr. Non-Endowed Art Scholarship/ Carl Herman