SJSU Faculty and Staff Payroll Deduction

SJSU Faculty and Staff Payroll Deduction
Complete this form to start or update your Payroll Deduction gift to SJSU

Primary E-mail: Required Field


Please indicate if this is a new payroll deduction or an update to an existing payroll deduction Required Field
Please indicate if this is a new payroll deduction or an update to an existing payroll deduction

We will process your request as soon as possible. Your payroll deduction will go into effect in 1-2 pay periods.

In order to activate a new payroll deduction, your social security number is required by the State Controller’s Office. We do not collect this information online. Maria Ramirez, director of advancement services, will call you to obtain your Social Security Number. All information is kept secure and confidential. Please note: Contact the Advancement Services Office at 408-924-1799 any time you would like to change your deduction amount, designation, or end date.