Giving to SJSU
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A&F Sbona Honors Scholarship Fund
Abalone Aquaculture Fund
Abramson Lab Fund
Academic Center
Academic Senate Discretionary Fund
Accessible Education Center Fund
Accessible Education Scholarship Fund
Accounting Advisory Council
Accounting and Finance General Fund
ADK CA Beta Pi Scholarship Fund
Administrative Systems Community Fund
Advanced Aircraft Research Design and Construction Fund
Advertising Development Success Fund
Aerospace Engineering Discretionary Fund
Aerospace Engineering Scholarship
African American Commencement Committee
African American Studies Discretionary Fund
African American Studies Student Scholarship
Africana, Asian American, Chicano & Native American Studies Center Endowment
Aircraft Design Projects
Akbayan Pilipino-American Organization of SJSU
Alicia Najera Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Alma Kreiss Burch Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Alpha Phi Omega
Alpha Phi Sigma
Alumni Association Excellence Fund
Alumni Association Membership
Alumni Association Operations Fund
Amateur Radio Club
American Concrete Institute Student Chapter
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC)
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Studies Program
Amy Glazer Feature Film Development Fund
Amy Strage Endowment for Faculty Development
An Integrative Math/Science/Technology Approach to Climate Change Fund
Animation/Illustration Alumni Fund
Anne Jensen Scholarship Fund
Annual Giving Spartan Pride Scholarship Fund
Anthropocene Institute Fund
Anthropocene Institute Fund-Nutrient Monitoring Project Moro Cojo Slough Fund
Anthropology Chair's Discretionary Account
Anthropology Department
Antoinette Broyles Opera Workshop Scholarship
Anu Vuorikoski-Bullis Memorial Scholarship
Applied Engineering Club Fund
Archie Case Art & Design Enhancement Fund
Archimedes Fellows Program: Faculty Support
Aristotle Award
Arnold Air Society
Art & Design Annual Award Fund
Art & Design Scholarship Endowment
Art & Design Scholarship Fund
Art Department
Art Gallery Discretionary Fund
Art History and Visual Culture
Art Path Fund
Asian American Studies Alumni Network
Asian American Studies Alumni Network Scholarship
Asian American Studies Fund
Asian Pacific Islander Alumni Network
Asian Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Association
Asian Studies Program
Associated Students Child Development Center
Associated Students of Moss Landing Marine Labs
Athletic Training Scholarship
Athletics Director Discretionary Fund
Athletics Special Events Fund
Audiology Clinic Fund
Author-In-Residence Discretionary
Aviation Dept Fund
Aviation Program Endowment
Aviation Program Endowment
B. F. Reichmuth Athletic Endowment Scholarship
Barbara Jeskalian Endowment for Music
Barbara Welch-Bateman Music Scholarship Endowment
BARC Student Internships
Baseball Stadium Project
Bat Research
Beach Volleyball Excellence Fund
Beach Volleyball Facility Project
Beethoven Bibliography Project
Bernadine Goularte Scholarship Fund
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi Scholarship Fund
Betty Barbour Dexter Memorial Scholarship
Beverly Arnerich Compton Endowment
Beyond Football
Beyond Sparta Fund
Biodiversity Center
Biological Sciences Department
Biological Sciences Scholarship Fund
Biomedical Engineering Fund
Biomedical Engineering Society SJSU Chapter
Biomedical Nano Research
Birenbaum Family Music Joy Endowed Scholarship