Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
20/10 Mentorship Program |
Aaron Schmidt Alumni Band Scholarship |
Academic Scholarship Fund |
Adam Mayo "Be All You Can Be" Veterans Endowment |
Adult, Nontraditional, and Transfer Student Center Fund of Excellence |
Adult, Nontraditional, and Transfer Student Center Scholarship |
African American Alumni Endowment Scholarship |
African American Cultural Center Graduate Recognition Ceremony |
African American Staff Adm Faculty Scholarship |
Alan Faircloth Memorial Scholarship |
Alpha Kappa Psi Legacy Endowed Sch |
Alpha Phi Alpha-Kappa Zeta Lambda Fraternity |
Alpha Psi Omega Scholarship |
Amy Stringer Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Andre' Hunter Art & Design Good Citizenship Scholarship |
Andrew and Melissa Wilson Fund of Excellence Endowment |
Anneliese Helms Endowed Scholarship |
Anthony Rinella Endowed Scholarship |
APSU Citius Scholarship |
APSU College of Education Alumni Chapter |
APSU Faculty Senate Fund of Excellence |
APSU Food Pantry |
APSU GIS Fund of Excellence |
APSU NAA Reunion and Past Presidents Scholarship |
APSU Retiree's Scholarship Endowment |
APSU Victory Fund |
APSU Women's Club/C E Harvill Memorial Scholarship |
APSU's Greatest Need |
Art Alumni Scholarship |
Athletics Director Fund for Excellence |
Austin Peay Arboretum Fund |
Austin Peay Hockey Club Team Fund of Excellence |
Baggett Carroll Endowed Scholarship |
Bailey Family Endowment |
Barbara Beach Endowed Art Scholarship |
Baseball Fund of Excellence |
Beach Volleyball Fund of Excellence |
Ben Fendley Athletic Endowed Scholarship |
Benjamin P Stone Endowed Scholarship |
Beta Sigma Phi-Laureate Eta Chapter Scholarship |
Betty Joe Wallace Lectureship Fund |
Bill Wyatt Distinguished Professorship Endowment |
Blake Andrew Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Fund (Spending) |
Bob & Marion Gossett Nursing Endowed Scholarship |
Bob Lee Music Educator Endowment |
Bobby Ladd Football Endowed Scholarship |
Brad & Jan Kirtley Sports Info Endowment |
Brigadier General (Ret) Scott Brower Military Scholarship |
Brock Blick Fund of Excellence for Agriculture |
Browder Family European Studies Endowment |
Brown Taylor Outstanding MCHS Student Sch |
Building Hope Scholarship |
Byrom/Wood Music Scholarship |
Caleb Alexander Jackson Memorial Scholarship |
Calhoun & Company Accounting Endowment |
Campus Community Scholarship Fund |
Candlelight Ball Past Chairs Fund |
Career Services Fund of Excellence |
Cathi Maynard LeadHer Fund of Excellence |
Cathi Maynard Memorial |
CDE Lightband Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Cecile Lacy Pace Scholarship Endowment |
Center for Service Learning & Community Engagement Fund of Excellence |
Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA Advisory Board) Scholarship |
Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA) Fund of Excellence |
Charles Mills Memorial Endowment |
Charles R & Linda R Nichols Business Endowment |
Charlie Fox Sr & Elizabeth Hendricks Fox Endowment |
Cheatham Co. Alumni Sch Endow |
Cheer Fund of Excellence |
Chemistry Alumni Scholarship |
Chi Omega Women's Fraternity 50 Year Anniversary Fund |
Chi Omega Women's Fraternity Endowed Scholarship |
Child Learning Center Fund of Excellence |
Cindy Crutcher Harvey Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Clark and Associates Architects Endowed Scholarship |
Clarksville Civitan Halbert Harvill Citizenship Award Endowment |
Clarksville Community Music Club Scholarship |
Clarksville Women's Club Music Education Scholarship |
Claudell Wootton Art Scholarship |
CMCCHF Nursing Scholarship |
College of Arts and Letters Fund of Excellence |
College of Behavioral and Health Sciences Fund of Excellence |
College of Business Fund of Excellence |
College of Education Fund of Excellence |
College of Graduate Studies Fund of Excellence |
College of Graduate Studies Scholarship |
College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Fund of Excellence |
Colonel Debbie Elaine Tipton-Winters RN, MSN, MSS, U.S. Army (Retired) Endowed Fund of Excellence |
Courtney Turner Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Crist Memorial Scholarship |
CSM (R) Sidney Brown Military Endowed Scholarship |
CSM(R) Frank McFadden Military Scholarship |
CTT2 Jamaica St. George Scholarship Endowment |
Cumberland Dialysis Endowed Scholarship |
CW3 (R) Scott Schroeder Military Scholarship Endowment |
CW4 (R) Joe Shakeenab Military Scholarship Endowment |
CW4 (Retired) Jerry L. Mealer Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
CW5 (R) Gary Linfoot Military Scholarship Endowment |
Dance Team Fund of Excellence |
Darek Nicky Richardson Endowed Scholarship |
Dave Loos Endowed Scholarship |
David E. Hinton Scholarship |
David Wesner Digital Video Scholarship |
De’Airon “Big D” Smith Scholarship Endowment |
Debra Lentz Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Dewald-Volpe Nursing Fund of Excellence Endowment |
Donald B and Betty Lambert Education Endowed Scholarship |
Dr Arthur Eaves Memorial Diversity Endowment |
Dr. Andrew Barrass Tri-Beta Memorial Scholarship |
Dr. Brent G Dennis Mem Scholarship |
Dr. Bruce Myers Computer Science Endowed Scholarship |
Dr. David Snyder Memorial Endowment |
Dr. Ed Irwin Honors Endowed Scholarship |
Dr. Harold S. Pryor Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship |
Dr. Joe Greer Scholarship Endowment |
Dr. Leon & Margaret Bibb Endowed Scholarship |
Dr. Samuel Jator Computer Science & Qualitative Methods Graduate Scholarship |
Dr. Susan E. Ford Biology Research Support Endowment |
Dr. Thomas R. Hamel Mathematics Scholarship Endowment |
Dr. Wesley O. Fortner, Jr. Accounting Endowed Scholaship |
Dual Enrollment Scholarship |
Durward Harris Endowed Scholarship |
Duvall Family Scholarship Endowment |
E.J. & Rubye Coleman Raymond Award |
Earl O. Bradley, Sr. Nursing Endowed Scholarship |
Economics Alumni Scholarship |
Edelweiss Club of Clarksville German Scholarship Endowment |
EDH (Eriksson, Dickerson, Hunt) Sch |
Edington Family Endowed Scholarship |
Edward Norman Memorial Sch Endowment |
Elsie J Cobb Memorial Sch Endowment |
Emily Rawlins Allensworth Education Endowment |
Engineering Tech Alumni Scholarship |
Eriksson Scholars Endowment |
Evan M. Hurt Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Evelyn Ross Hinson Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Field Biology Center Fund of Excellence |
Football Alumni Senior Gift |
Football Fund of Excellence |
Foreign Languages Study Abroad Scholarship |
Foundation for Medical Laboratory Science and Education Fund of Excellence |
Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Fund of Excellence |
Fred & Melba Newton Mem Sch Endowment |
Fred Bo Brown Football Endowed Scholarship |
Fred Weick Aviation Scholarship |
Friends of Health and HP Scholarship Fund |
General Agriculture Scholarship (Pass-Through) |
Geology and Geography Alumni Scholarship |
George O. Albright Political Science Endowed Scholarship |
Gold Star Family Memorial Fund |
Governors Guard ROTC Alumni Sch Fund |
Govs Emergency Fund |
Gregory R. Singleton Dean of Students Leadership Scholarship |
Guinn Family Endowed Scholarship |
Hankook Tire Engineering Research Support Endowment |
Harold S. Pryor Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship |
Harriett Noland Mabry Memorial Scholarship |
Hazel Dennis Bryant Memorial Education Endowed Scholarship |
Hazel Irwin Emerging Leaders Endowment |
Heidi Leming Latino Community Resource Center Scholarship |
Helmut and Friedel Meise Memorial Orchestral String Sch. |
Hendon Stokes Endowment |
Hillary H. Head Astronomy Scholarship |
Hispanic Alumni Scholarship |
Hoehn-McQueen-Stokes Math Student Scholarship |
Honorable Wayne C Shelton Endowed Scholarship |
Honors Program Fund of Excellence |
Houser-Evans Student Service Scholarship Endowment |
Howell Distinguished Physics Scholarship |
International Student Scholarship |
J.D. Howell Endowed Scholarship |
J.T. and Kathleen K. Oxford Spanish Endowed Scholarship |
Jack W. Beach Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Jackson Amos Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Jacob Benjamin Morris Memorial Endowment |
James D. "Jim" and Nancy Glass Hancock Aviation Science Scholarship Endowment |
James G. and Christa Holleman Endowed Scholarship |
James L Corlew Sr End Baseball Sch - Spending |
James R. Vinson Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
James T. Mann Sr. & Dorothy Newton Mann Family Endowment Scholarship |
Jana Rollins Endowed Scholarship |
Janis & Mark Stedman Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Jenkins Family Finish Line Endowment |
Jennifer Lynn Vick Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Jerome & Janie Burkhart Karrigan Endowed Scholarship |
Jerome P. Ellis Memorial Education Endowment |
Jill Eichhorn Memorial Fund of Excellence |
Jim and Sharon Ridenhour Statistics Scholarship |
Jo and Isaac Buck Scholarship Endowment |
Jo Anne Thomas Lester Lead & Serve Memorial Scholarship |
JoAnn and Frank Hindsley Endowment |
Joe Shakeenab Achievers & Scholars Scholarship Endowment |
Joey Ansberry Memorial Music Endowed Scholarship |
Johanna W Mitchell Award in Classics Scholarship |
John & Julia Gold Agriculture Scholarship |
John A. Hancock Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
John E Mayfield Charitable Fdn Sch |
John Joseph Flood Memorial Sch Endowement |
John W. Moseley Communications Endowed Scholarship |
John Wyatt Jr. Memorial Basketball Endowed Scholarship |
Johnson Family Letters Endowment |
Joni Johnson Athletic Medicine Fund of Excellence |
Joseph Richardson Social Work Scholarship |
Joseph S. Filippo Health & Human Performance Award |
Josephine Dudley Williams Scholarship |
Joy Huggins Memorial Scholarship |
Julia A. Johnston Nursing Endowed Scholarship |
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity-Theta Beta Endowed Scholarship |
Karin Kimberly Townsel Scholarship |
Kathryn Watson Over Education Endowed Scholarship |
Kathy Moore Bearden Music Scholarship |
Kendrick Rudolph Memorial Special Education Endowed Scholarship |
Kevin and Linda Staton CSIT Endowment |
Kevin Hackney Business Ended Scholarship |
Lacrosse Fund of Excellence |
Lam and Briggs Endowed Scholarship |
Languages and Literature Alumni Sch Endowment |
Larry & Felicia Gates Physics Endowed Scholarship |
Larry and Barbara Goolsby Business Endowment |
Latino Community Resource Center Fund of Excellence |
Lawrence Morris Music Endowed Scholarship |
Leah Elisabeth Endowment |
Legends Smokehouse and Grill Scholarship |
LeRoy Parks Civitan Scholarship |
Lowrance Special Education Scholarship |
Luther Tippit Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Lynda Wilkerson Conner Education Endowed Scholarship |
Mabry Vocal Music Endowment |
Marching/Pep Band Fund of Excellence (GOMB) |
Marcus Hayes Theatre & Dance Endowed Scholarship |
Margaree King Richard Leader of Character Endowment |
Margaret Ward Daniel Endowment |
Marjorie L Carr Nursing Endowed Scholarship |
Marketing and Management Scholarship Fund |
Marlon and Linda Crow Music Endowed Scholarship |
Marvin Posey, Jr. Scholarship Endowment |
Mary Gibbs Windham Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Mary Ludie Atkins Hartman Nursing Endowed Scholarship |
Mary Marks Powers Business Endowed Scholarship |
Mass Communications Scholarship |
Math Dept Scholarship (Pass-Through) |
Matt Hallett Endowed Scholarship |
Mayfield-Wood-Sears Physics Sch End |
Maynard Family Business Endowed Scholarship |
Melynda Collins Carrigan Memorial Nursing Endowed Scholarship |
Men's Basketball Fund of Excellence |
Men's Golf Fund of Excellence |
Men's Tennis Fund of Excellence |
Men's Track Cross Country Fund of Excellence |
Michael A Jenkins Memorial Scholarship |
Mickey Fisher Memorial Scholarship |
Mike and Diane MacDowell Scholarship Endowment |
Military & Veteran Affairs Newton-Vares Fund of Excellence |
Military Alumni Chapter Endowed Scholarship |
Miss Austin Peay Pageant |
Monday Evening Music Club Piano Scholarship |
Monique Hull Endowment |
Monocle Society |
Montgomery County Bar Association John Peay Scholarship |
Montgomery County Farm Bureau Agriculture Endowment |
Morrison Family Tennis Scholarship |
Mr and Mrs Richard C Bibb Endowed Scholarship |
Mr. & Mrs. John Foy Endowed Scholarship |
Mrs. Joyce Luster Endowment |
Music Fund of Excellence |
Nannie Mae Wooten Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Natalie Welch Memorial Art Endowment |
Nathaniel Dempsey Memorial Scholarship |
National Alumni Association General Account |
Norma Jean Smith Music Scholarship |
NPHC Plaza Fund |
Nursing Alumni Endowment |
Nursing Fund of Excellence |
O. S. Uffelman Exemplary History Student Award Endowed Scholarship |
Odell Hargis Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Opal W. Thomason Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Education |
Other Fund Not Listed |
Page Rudolph PELP Endowed Scholarship |
Patricia Goolsby Gregory Mem Endowment |
Patricia Hancock Richardson Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Patricia Phillips Education Scholarship |
Patsy Trotter Memorial Education Endowed Scholarship |
Peggy Gates Trahern Nursing Sch Endowment |
Peggy Steed Knight Endowed Scholarship |
PELP Fund of Excellence |
Perkins Freeman General Endowed Scholarship |