Give to the Corps
Donation Frequency
Please note the fiscal year runs between July 2024 and June 2025.
Designations Required Field
Selected Designations (Edit my fund selection(s))
Remove Name Amount Percentage
Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association Foundation, Inc. (AVVBAF)
Total: $0.00 0%

Additional Options

Use the icon featured right to open and close each applicable section if you wish to choose one of these additional options.
In Honor/Memory of Someone Special

Please provide the information below if you would like us to notify someone of your tribute. In cases where the family has expressed a preference, UNG Foundation will honor the request of the family when sending acknowledgments for memorial gifts.

Employer Matching Gift
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. To find out if your company has such a program, please enter your employer's name.

Find out if your company has a matching gift program:

Please email or send your company's matching gift form to:

UNG Foundation

P.O. Box 1599

Dahlonega, GA 30533

Donate via a Donor Advised Fund

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes.

If you have a donor advised fund, DAF enables you to recommend grants to the University of North Georgia directly from your DAF (as long as your DAF's sponsoring organization is participating).

Learn More

Joint Gift

Gift Instructions

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Donor Information

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Contact Information

Email: Required Field