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Selected Designations (
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1LT Weston Cecil Lee Memorial Scholarship Endowment
2LT David C.Thayer Memorial Fund
A.T. Sharpton Scholarship Fund - Jackson EMC
Accounting and Law Program Fund
Alexander Brevard Russell, Sr. Scholarship Trust
Alice Ray-Overstreet Scholarship Fund
Allison Clapp Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship Fund
Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund (Legacy Scholarship)
Alumni Scholarship
Ann V. Purdy Scholarship Trust
Anne White Watson Scholarship Fund
Appalachian Regional Scholarship for Business
Athletic Scholarships Fund
Athletics Facilities Fund
Athletics Strategic Initiatives
Atlanta International Education Group Scholarship for TEFL Certification Fund
Bagwell/McDaniel Endowed Scholarship Fund
Barbara Buice Coleman Scholarship Fund
Baseball Team
BB&T Center for Ethical Business Leadership
Bellon Scholarship Fund
Beth Bennick Stein Memorial Scholarship
Betty Dalton-Shott Scholarship Fund
Bibbi Hammond Memorial Scholarship
Bill Branch Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bill Moore Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Billy & Joyce Wallace Enrichment Series
Biology Department Fund
Blue Ridge
Blue Ridge Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Blue Ridge GeoScience Scholarship
Bob Owens Art Scholarship
Brian Patrick Devine Scholarship Fund
Bruce D. McArthy Scholarship Trust
Cadet Admissions Fund
Camryn Pass Memorial Fund
Captain Hilliard A. Wilbanks Medal of Honor Memorial Scholarship
Career Services
Carol and Carlos Martel Scholarship Fund
Center for Cyber Operations Education
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Center for Global Engagement Department Fund
Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities
Chad Allessio Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles and Kelli Schell Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Charles N. and Sarah Mae King, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Charles Warren Memorial Scholarship Fund
Chemistry Department
Chief Michael “Mike” Stapleton Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Choral Music Fund
Christian L. Carreras Scholarship Fund
Christopher M. Rowland Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clarence E. Palmer Scholarship Fund
Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1959 Reunion Scholarship Fund
Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1964 Scholarship
Class of 1969 David "Snake" Wood Scholarship Endowment Fund
Class of 1972
Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1979 Room & Board Endowed Scholarship
Class of 51 Fund
Class of 52 Fund
Class Scholarships
Claude William and Virginia Quintrell Merritt Scholarship Fund
Clifford Eugene (Gene) Mooney
Coach Bill Ensley Men's Basketball Endowed Scholarship Fund
Cognition and Gerotechnology Lab Fund
COL Ben Purcell '50 Scholarship Fund
COL Michael D. Pyott Endowed Scholarship
COL William "Billy" Shaw, III Memorial Scholarship
College Health Sciences & Professions
College of Arts & Letters
College of Education
College of Science & Mathematics
College of Science/Mathematics-Student Travel Fund
Combat Shooting Team
Combined Small Endowments
Commerce Club Scholarship - Gainesville
Connie Jones Memorial Scholarship
Consorcia Perez Herrera
Corps Aggressors Fund
Corps Blue Ridge Rifles
Corps Chaplains Fund
Corps Color Guard
Corps Mountain Order of Colombo Fund
Corps of Cadets Fund
Corps Scabbard & Blade Fund
Cottrell Center Naming Fund
Cottrell MBA Program
Criminal Justice
Cumming Campus
Dahlonega Woman's Club Fund
Danielle Goss Memorial Scholarship Fund
David Earl Partridge Scholarship Fund
David L. Potter Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dean Mike Hyams Emerging Leader Scholarship
Dean Myers Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dean's Excellence Fund College of Arts and Letters
Dean's Excellence Fund College of Education
Dean's Excellence Fund College of Health Sciences and Professions
Dean's Excellence Fund College of Science & Mathematics
Dean's Excellence Fund Mike Cottrell College of Business
Dean's Scholarship Fund College of Education
Dean's Scholarship Fund College of Science and Mathematics
Debate Team - Communication, Media and Journalism
Department of Nursing Wellness Programs
Designated Scholarships
Desmond Booth Fund
Diane Carpenter Memorial Scholarship
Dill Family Scholarship Fund
Distance Education and Technology Integration
Don and Harry Singletary Nursing Scholarship Fund
Dr. Barry D. Friedman Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Bonita Jacobs Transfer Students Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Clayton Maxwell "Max" Hair Scholarship
Dr. Donald E. Kinkaid First Gen UNG STEM Endowed Scholarship
Dr. George Belden Memorial Fund
Dr. Jack T. Wynn Endowed Anthropology Scholarship
Dr. Joanne Wintersgill Scholarship Fund
Dr. John Raber's Winning Edge Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Richard M. Prior Scholarship Fund
Dr. Scot Irwin and Dr. Frank Fearon Memorial Fund
Dr. Sidney Benton Mathematics Educator Scholarship
Dr. Tom Davis Fund
Dr. William D. Allen Endowed Memorial Scholarship
East Asian Studies Program Fund
Ed and Sue Nix Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ed Cabell-Roy Forrester Scholarship Fund
Eddie Rector Memorial Award Fund
Education Dept. Fund
Edward L. Green Scholarship in Mathematics
Edward William ""Will"" Wells, IV Memorial Sch. Fund
Elaine Taylor International Nursing Clinical Travel
Elizabeth Hope Scholarship Fund
Ella Ray Oakes Registrar's Scholarship
English Department
Environmental Leadership Center Fund
Esther J. King and Robert L. King, Jr. Nursing Scholarship
Ewell Pigg/Charles Yager Fund
Ewing Sigma Chi Scholarship Fund
Fieldale Chair in Education
Financial Aid Dept Fund
Fine Arts Gallery Fund
First Generation Students Fund
First Generation Students Scholarship Fund
Frances J. Meadows Memorial Scholarship
Frankie Stringer Scholarship Fund
Friends of Music Fund
Gainesville Lions Club Scholarship
Gainesville/Hall Co. Retired Teachers Scholarship
Gay Straight Alliance Fund
GEN William J. "Lipp" and Bena S. Livsey, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Gender Studies Fund
General Scholarships
George H. & Marilyn R. Kilpatrick Trust
Georgia Association of Nursing Students
Georgia Film Festival Fund
Georgia Gold, American Treasure Facilities Fund
Georgia Mountain Opportunity Scholarship Fund - Blue Ridge
Glenn & Anne Segars Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Golden Eagle Band
Gretchen Anne Blaschke Memorial Scholarship Fund
H. Ford Gravitt Family Endowed Scholarship
H. Lawrence Dennis Endowed Fund
H.G. "Bob" Howe Memorial Scholarship
Haines and Carolyn Hill Softball Scholarship Fund
Hannah A. Hastings Memorial Scholarship Fund
Harold Geneen Scholarship
Harold Lambert Scholarship Fund
Harry Chapman Sr. Endowed Scholarship
Healan-Thomason Scholarship Fund
Health Professions Endowment College of Science
Helen B. Fowler Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Helen Parrish Scholarship - The Pilot Club of Oconee County
History, Anthropology and Philosophy
Honors Program - Dahlonega Campus Support
Honors Program Fund
Howard Milton Stewart Sr. Endowment-Continuing Ed.
Hoyt H. and Anapearl Walker Seabolt Fund
HPE Dept Fund
HPE-Athletic Training Program
HPE-Exercise Science/Cardiac Rehab Fund
Hugh I Shott, II Chair in English
Hugh M. Mills, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
Human Services Delivery
IESA - Gainesville
IIT Department Fund
Inman Essay Award
J. Byron Woolfolk Endowed Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry
J. Foster & Janice P. Watkins
J. Fred Sanders Scholarship Fund
James & Frances Mathis
James E. & Frances Mathis Fund
James G. Woodward Scholarship Fund
James M. Albanese Memorial Scholarship Fund
James W Early & Evelyn C Early Scholarship Fund
Jimmie Phillips Bryson Memorial Sch Fund
Jimmy and Harriett Burson Women's Basketball Endowed Scholarship
Joe Telford
John & Virginia Simpson/PKP Scholarship Fund
John Cleveland Memorial Scholarship
John Lancaster Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Word West Scholarship Fund
Johnny Vardeman Scholarship
Joseph & Connie Kanaday Scholarship Fund
Joseph Scott Bagwell
Journalism Scholarship
Joyce Stavick Graham Greene Studies Journal Scholarship
Judge H G Vandiviere Scholarship Fund
Kappa Chapter, Sigma Nu Fraternity Alumni Scholarship Fund
Kappa Delta Pi
Karl Schomburg Memorial Fund
Katherine Haley Scott Endowed Scholarship
Kathleen Ann Smith Spirit of Nursing Scholarship Fund
Kevin Jenrette NG'95 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kiwanis Club of Gainesville
L.A. Waters Memorial Scholarship
Language Lab Department Fund
LAS-Choate Design & Construction Scholarship Fund
Leadership Programs Fund
LeeAnn Noble Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Leland H. Bagwell
Len J. Buice Scholarship Fund
Lewis Slaton Scholarship Fund
Library Collection Fund
Lieutenant Walter Gibson Memorial Scholarship
Linda A. Conrads Scholarship for Neurologic Physical Therapy
Linda Lee Whitlock Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lolan Clifford Adams Scholarship
Loyd Strickland
LTC Brian (BJ) Austin, US ARMY, Retired Memorial Scholarship
LTC Robert M. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mac A. Callaham Scholarship Fund
MAJ Steve Pavlica USMA '79 Memorial Scholarship
Mar Jac Poultry Inc Scholarship
Margaret Kennedy Richardson Scholarship Fund
Marguerite Spitler Jennings Scholarship/Loan Fund
Marian Prior Couch Scholarship Fund
Martha T. Nesbitt Scholarship Fund
Martin Parris Soccer Scholarship Fund
Mathematics Department
Mattie Moon
MCCB - Beta Alpha Psi
MCCB Computer Science and Information Systems Department
MCCB Economics/Finance Department
MCCB Management and Marketing Department
MCCB Scholarship Fund
MCCB Student Professional Development Program
MCCB TeamMBA Scholarship Fund
Memorial Scholarships
Men's Basketball Team
Men's Golf Team
Men's Soccer Team
Meredith M. McKenzie Fund