Benevolent Fund
Make A Gift
Donation Frequency
Choose a MAX of TWO (2) nonprofits or programs from the list below.
Designations Required Field
UAB Employee Payroll Deduction

For UAB employees wishing to set up a payroll deduction gift, please complete the form located here. 

For questions, please contact UAB Gift and Biographical Records at 205.934.7242 or

Donor Information

Use Ctrl or Shift keys to multi-select.

Contact Information

Additional Options

Please click below to open and close each applicable section. 
Payment on an Existing Pledge

In Honor/Memory of Someone Special

Joint Gift

Gift Instructions

By clicking "Save and Continue," you as the donor are agreeing with the following statement: Consistent with charitable deduction requirements, the donor does not wish to retain any dominion or control over the Fund.