UNLV University Libraries

Give to UNLV University Libraries

UNLV University Libraries supports student and faculty scholarship and research through our five branches: Lied Library, School of Medicine Library, Teacher Development and Resources Library, Architecture Studies Library, and Music Library. We are a center for learning at UNLV, as well as for the entire Southern Nevada community.

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Honor With Books is a $100 minimum donation.

Please provide the information below if you would like us to notify someone of your tribute. The Libraries will send a letter and a copy of the bookplate for Honor With Books.

Does your employer match your gift?
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. To find out if your company has such a program, please enter your employer's name.
 Find Your Company's Matching Gift Program

Please email (gifts@unlv.edu) or send your company's matching gift form to:

UNLV Foundation
4505 S. Maryland Parkway
PO Box 451006
Las Vegas, NV 89154-1006

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