Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
Academic Success Center |
Advanced Engineering Building |
African American Alumni Affinity Club |
AFROTC / Aerospace Greatest Needs |
American Indian Research and Education Center |
Anne Fenton Wyman Scholarship Endowment |
Anthropology |
Arlene M. Kageyama-Chikami & Richard K. Chikami Scholarship Endowment |
Art Department Fund |
Art Department Scholarship |
Athletics General Scholarship Fund |
Barbara Atkinson Service and Leadership Award Endowment |
Better Smiles Fund for Community Clinics |
Bhatnagar Awards Endowment |
Biology Scholarships |
Biomechanics Laboratory |
Black Mountain Institute (BMI) |
Bob Genzer / APA Scholarship |
Bryan Artmann Memorial Scholarship |
Cannabis Policy Institute |
Cara Lazerwith Shlau Endowed Scholarship |
Carolee Dodge Francis, Dream Catcher Scholarship |
Catherine E. Loder, RN Emergency Loan Fund-Medical Students |
Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach (CAEO) |
Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders |
Center for Health Disparities |
Chemistry and Biochemistry Enhancement Fund |
Chris Beecroft Jr. |
Civil Engineering Dennis Memorial Waibel Scholarship |
Civil, Environmental, Construction Greatest Needs |
Clarice M. Goldberg Endowed Scholarship |
Class of 2024 Scholarship / White Coat 2020 Campaign |
Class of 2025 Scholarship / White Coat 2021 Campaign |
Class of 2026 Scholarship / White Coat 2022 Campaign |
Classical Guitar Scholarship |
Colin Owen Doyle Gardner Scholarship Endowment |
College of Education Alumni Chapter |
College of Education General Support Fund |
College of Education Scholarship Support Fund |
College of Education Student Relief |
College of Education Student Success Initiative |
College of Fine Arts Alumni Chapter |
College of Fine Arts Dean's Scholarships |
College of Fine Arts General Fund |
College of Liberal Arts Alumni Chapter |
College of Liberal Arts General |
College of Liberal Arts Scholarships |
College of Liberal Arts Student Relief Fund |
College of Sciences Alumni Chapter |
College of Sciences General Scholarship |
Commercial Roofers, Inc. Scholarship |
Communication Studies |
Community Engagement |
Community Engagement Fund |
Community Outreach |
Computer Science Greatest Needs |
Conference & CME |
COVID-19 Support |
Craig B. Morrow, MD Endowed Scholarship |
Criminal Justice Scholarship |
Dance General Fund |
Dance Scholarships |
David P. Brom Endowed Scholarship in Architecture |
David P. Brom Scholarship in Architecture |
Dean's Associates - Academic Success Center |
Dean's Associates - College of Liberal Arts |
Dean's Associates - College of Urban Affairs |
Dean's Associates - Lee Business School |
Dean's Associates - School of Dental Medicine |
Dean's Associates - School of Integrated Health Sciences |
Dean's Associates - School of Nursing |
Dean's Associates - School of Public Health |
Dean's Fund for Excellence |
Dean's Leadership Circle |
Dean's Leadership Circle - Fine Arts |
Department of Accounting |
Department of Economics |
Department of Emergency Medicine Enhancements |
Department of Emergency Medicine Residency Program |
Department of Family and Community Medicine-FCM Enhancements |
Department of Finance |
Department of Internal Medicine Alzheimer's Education, Research |
Department of Internal Medicine Enhancements |
Department of Internal Medicine Gastroenterology (GI) Fellowship |
Department of Internal Medicine Research |
Department of Management, Entrepreneurship & Technology |
Department of Marketing and International Business |
Department of OB/GYN Enhancements |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Enhancements |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Residency-Fellowship Program |
Department of Otolaryngology Enhancements |
Department of Pediatrics Enhancements |
Department of Pediatrics Research |
Department of Pediatrics Residency Program |
Department of Psychiatry Enhancements |
Department of Research Enhancements Fund |
Department of Surgery Enhancements |
Department of Surgery Traumatic Injury Research |
Devore Family Nursing Scholarship Endowment |
Diversity Initiatives General Fund |
Division of Education Outreach General |
Division of Plastic Surgery Enhancements |
Donald Carns Scholarship |
Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery |
Doubrava Family Medical Scholarship Endowment |
Dr. C. Todd White Scholarship Endowment |
Dr. Gregg Schraw Scholarship |
Dr. Larry Golding Exercise Physiology Endowed |
Dr. Larry Golding Exercise Physiology Program |
Dr. Michael & Karen Daubs Orthopaedic Surgery Residents Fund |
Dr. Thomas P. Nowlin Scholarship |
Educational Psychology and Higher Education |
Electrical and Computer Greatest Needs |
Emergency Assistance Fund - Diversity |
Endodontic Development Fund |
Engineering Career Services |
Engineering Memorial Fund |
Engineering Projects Greatest Needs |
English |
Enrollment Student Services |
Entertainment Engineering and Design Fund |
Environmental and Occupational Health |
Epidemiology and Biostatistics |
Ernst & Young Faculty Fellowship |
Executive MBA Program |
Facilities Management Fund |
Faculty Innovation Fund |
Family and Community Medicine Endowment |
Film Studies |
Film Studies Scholarships |
Fine Arts Events |
First Generation Support Fund |
Fred & Harriet Cox Senior Design |
Fred C. Albrecht Alumni Association Scholarship |
Freddie Glusman Scholarship |
Friends of the Chamber Music Society at UNLV |
Friends of UNLV Choral Music |
Friends of UNLV Film |
Friends of UNLV Jazz |
Fund for Excellence |
Fund for Patient Care |
Gaming Law Journal |
General Scholarship Fund |
Genius Loci |
Geological Society of Nevada Scholarship |
Geoscience Enhancement Fund |
Geosymposium |
Ginobbi Engineering Memorial |
Glahnnia Rates Undergrad Access Endowment |
Grad Rebel Advantage Program |
Graduate Fellowships |
Graduate Medical Education (GME) Enhancements |
Graduate Nursing Student Scholarship |
Graduate Student Emergency Support Fund |
Graduate Student Entrepreneurship and Leadership Fund |
Graduate Student Financial Wellness Fund |
Graduate Student Health and Wellness Fund |
Graduate Student Research, Conference, and Travel Support |
Graduate Student Scholarships |
Great Works Academic Certificate Program |
Greenspun College of Urban Affairs Alumni Chapter |
Greenspun College of Urban Affairs General |
Greenspun College of Urban Affairs Scholarships |
Hailey’s Hand Research Fund |
Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies |
Harrah College Alumni Scholarship |
Health and Physical Education |
Health Care Administration & Policy |
Healthy Homes Program |
History |
Hixson-Lied Success Scholars Program |
Honor With Books |
Honors College Alumni Chapter |
Honors College Scholarship Fund |
Honors College Unrestricted Fund |
HOPE Scholars |
Hospitality Hall Building |
Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering Alumni Chapter |
Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering Scholarships |
Immigration Clinic |
Innovation to Commercialization |
Integrated Health Sciences Student Emergency Fund |
Intercollegiate and Professional Sport Management (IPSM) |
Interdisciplinary, Gender and Ethnic Studies (IGES) |
Intersection Cares |
James Bilbray Project |
Janine Lee Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Jean Nidetch Women's Center |
Jerry and Flossie Vallen Professorship |
Joan and Dr. Joe Lapan Pediatric Endowment |
Joan and Dr. Joe Lapan Pediatric Program |
John Fildes, MD Award and Lectureship Endowment |
Jonathan S. Sparer, FAIA, Leadership Award Endowment |
Joshua Huebner Memorial Scholarship |
Journal of Research in Technical Careers |
Jump Start Scholarship |
Justice Michael L. Douglas Pre-Law Fellowship Program |
Ken Hanlon ITA Memorial Scholarship |
Kids' Court School |
Kinesiology & Nutrition Sciences |
Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine Alumni Chapter |
KUNV Membership |
Las Vegas Debate League |
Las Vegas Healing Collaborative Fund |
Latinx Voices Project |
Lee Business School Alumni Chapter |
Lee Business School Building Campaign |
Lee Business School Endowment |
Lee Business School General |
Lee Business School Scholarships |
Lee Business School Student Emergency Hardship |
Liberal Arts Industry Leader Advisory Council |
Liberal Arts Summer PhD Fund |
Lied Institute for Real Estate |
Life Science (Biology) Enhancement Fund |
Lillian & Henry Kronberg Prof of Holocaust Studies Endowment |
Malcolm & Carolyn L. Graham Scholarship Endowment |
Marc J. Kahn Dean's Award for Academic Excellence |
Marc J. Kahn Dean's Discretion |
Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art |
Marshall Brownstein Fund |
Mary S. and D. Keith Kleven, P.T., M.S. Scholarship Fund |
Mathematical Science Enhancement Fund |
Matthew S. Anderson Memorial Scholarship |
MBA Programs |
Mechanical Engineering Greatest Needs |
Michael Alcorn Scholarship Endowment for Architecture |
Military and Veteran Services |
Morgan Ryan Burn Research |
Music General Fund |
Music Scholarships |
Nancy Atkinson Perkins Memorial Endowment |
Nate Forrest Stout Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Native American Alumni Affinity Club |
Naturally Occurring Asbestos Research |
Nevada Conservatory Theatre |
Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy |
Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine (NIPM) |
Neysa Davis Tonks Mentor Endowment |
Nursing School Student Services Fund |
Nutrition Sciences |
Optum Dr. Tony and Renee Marlon Chair-Orthopaedics |
Optum Dr. Tony and Renee Marlon Endowed Chair-Orthopaedics |
Oral and Maxillofacial Dental Research |
Oral History Research Center |
Orthodontic Residency Program |
Osher Lifelong Learning Building (OLLI Building Campaign) |
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI Annual Fund) |
Other |
Paleontological Research |
Parents and Family Fund |
Patrick Thomas Rose Endowed Scholarship |
Pediatrics Reach Out and Read |
Performing Arts Center |
PGA Golf Management Program Fund |
Philosophy |
Physical Therapy Program |
Physics & Astronomy Enhancement Fund |
Political Science |
Professional Development for Student Success |
Project FOCUS |
Psychology |
Public Health Emergency Response |
Public Interest Law Association |
Radiography Program |
Randy Lavigne, Honorary AIA, Endowed Scholarship |
Richard Carr Student Development Fund |
Richard L. Brown Community Service Award |
Robert "Bob" Brewer Theatre Endowment |
Rosemarie Hartle Memorial Scholarship |
Rosenblum Family Foundation Tax Clinic |
Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution |
Sam Lieberman Memorial Scholarship |
Sankofa Advocate Scholarship |
School of Architecture General Fund |
School of Architecture Scholarships |
School of Architecture Special Projects |
School of Dental Medicine Alumni Chapter |
School of Dental Medicine General |
School of Dental Medicine Scholarship |
School of Dental Medicine Women's Clinic |
School of Integrated Health Sciences Alumni Chapter |
School of Integrated Health Sciences General |
School of Integrated Health Sciences Professorships |