Remove |
Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
65th Street Corridor Project |
Access Opportunities Champion |
Africa Peace Fellows Program |
Allie Beth Kenner Endowed Scholarship |
Alumni Association Programming |
Alumni Association Scholarship Fund |
Alumni Center Facility Support |
Amputee Clinic |
Anchor University Fund |
Anthropology Department |
APIDA Center |
Applied Behavior Analysis Fund |
Arboretum |
Art Department |
ASI Food Pantry |
Asian Studies Program |
Athletics Director's Fund |
Athletics Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Fund |
Audiology |
Audiology Clinic |
Australian Foreign Tour |
BEL (Bradley E. Long) Scholarships |
Biological Sciences Department |
Black Honors College |
Black Honors College Scholarship Fund |
Burnett Forensic Program |
Bushy Lake Restoration Project |
California Indian Curriculum Fund |
CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program) |
CAMP Scholarship Fund |
Capital Fellows Alumni Association |
Cardiovascular Wellness Program |
Carlsen Center Expenditure Fund |
Carole Ahlquist Kearns Dance Scholarship |
CCE Adult Learner Certificate and Credentialing Award |
CCE Dean's Innovation Fund |
CCE Graduate Degree Completion Scholarship |
CCE Travel Study Abroad Scholarship |
CE Freshman Scholarship Endowment |
Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution |
Center for Business Analytics |
Center for Health Practice, Policy and Research |
Center for Justice and Policy Research |
Center for Practical and Professional Ethics |
Center for Race, Immigration and Social Justice Event Fund |
Center for Science and Math Success |
Center for Small Business |
Cesar Chavez Endowment |
Cheer Team |
Chemistry Department |
Chicana/Chicano Studies Enhancement Fund |
Clubs & Organizations |
Coach Bob Mattos Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
COB Graduate Programs |
COB Organizational Wisdom Studio |
COB OSE Student Engagement Fund |
COB Student Success Scholarship |
College of Arts and Letters Fund |
College of Arts and Letters Performance Fund |
College of Business Annual Fund |
College of Education Fund |
College of Education Scholarship Fund |
College of Engineering and Computer Science |
College of Health and Human Services Fund |
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Fund |
College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies Fund |
Combat U Program Support |
Combat U Scholarship Fund |
Commit to Study |
Communication Sciences and Disorders |
Communication Studies and Journalism |
Community Engagement & Professional Learning Fund |
Community Engagement Center Fund |
Computing, Communications and Academic Technology Services |
Cooper Woodson Program |
Counselor Education Program Support |
Counselor Education Scholarship Fund |
Criminal Justice |
Criminal Justice Excellence Award Scholarship |
CRISJ Empowerment Scholarship |
CSUS Retirees Association |
Dan and Sarita Turner Scholarship |
Dan Decious SEE Program Scholarship |
Dance Team |
Daniel C. Orey Equity Scholarship Endowed Fund |
Daniel C. Orey Equity Scholarship Expenditure Fund |
Debby Colberg Volleyball Endowment |
Deborah Shidler Oboe Scholarship Endowment |
Dennis and Mary Jane DeRoss Endowed Baseball Scholarship |
Department of Civil Engineering |
Department of Computer Science |
Department of Construction Management |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Design |
Design Studies Special Projects Fund |
Disability Access Center |
Doctor of Physical Therapy Scholarship Endowment |
Don and Ronee Mashburn Endowment Fund |
Donald W. Haney Golf Scholarship Endowment |
Dr. Anne-Louise Radimsky Memorial Fund in Computer Science |
Dr. Juanita Barrena SEE Scholarship |
Dr. Lloyd Snelson Scholarship Endowment |
Dr. Ronald and Deborah Sockolov Endowment |
Dreamer Resource Center Emergency Grant Fund |
Economics Department |
ECS Scholarship Fund |
Ed.D. Program Fund |
EDD Pay-It-Forward Scholarship |
Engineering Scholarship Fund |
English Department |
Environmental Studies Department |
Environmental/Water Resources Scholarship Endowment |
EOP Annual Fund |
Esaktima Center for Native Students Fund |
Ethnic Studies Department |
Faculty Endowment for Student Scholarships |
Faculty Fund for Student Scholarships |
Family and Consumer Sciences Department |
Festival of New American Music |
Financial Wellness Program |
First Responders Scholarship |
Floyd E. LeCureux Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Football Summer Scholarship Program |
Forensic Program |
Fraternity & Sorority Life |
Friends of the Library |
Friends of the Sacramento State Marching Band |
Full Circle Project |
Gaining Access to Internships Fund |
Gale Gault Memorial Scholarship: Geography |
Gary and Judy Quattrin Scholarship Endowment |
GASPPA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Scholarship |
GE Honors Program |
Geography Department |
Geography Student Conference Fund |
Geology Department |
George Floyd Emergency Grant Endowment Fund |
George Floyd Emergency Grant Expenditure Fund |
Gerontology Department |
Gilbert Garcia Family Scholarship |
Giron Student Leadership Scholarship |
Golden Hive Scholarship |
Grace Project |
Graduate College Student Support Fund |
Graduate Research and Award Fund |
Greg Knapp Memorial Fund |
Guardian Scholars Program |
Hank Elespuru Scholarship Endowment |
Harold B. Strauch Family Endowment |
Health Science |
Hellenic Book Fund |
Hellenic Studies Center |
History Department |
HornetAttain! Degree Completion Scholarship |
HPPA Chapter Scholarship |
Humanities and Religious Studies Department |
Ida and George Malkovsky Football Endowment |
Inclusive Excellence Fund |
Interior Architecture Fund |
International Programs & Global Engagement |
Jack and Kathy Ford Basketball Endowment |
Jackie Morris-Henderson Scholarship |
Japanese American Archival Collection Endowment |
Jay and Christie Erhart Football and Cheer Scholars |
Jeffrey Hoover Memorial Scholarship |
Jill Matsueda Youth Program Award |
John H. and Gemma A. Brooks Endowed Scholarship |
John Smith Baseball Endowment |
John Stremple Scholarship |
Jory Horn Memorial Scholarship in Dance |
Juan D. Hernandez Scholarship in Social Work Endowment |
K. C. Patterson Scholarship |
Ken Kerri Endowment |
Kinesiology |
Language, Speech and Hearing Building Fund |
Laura Carroll Messer Memorial Scholarship Endowment |
Lauren C. Patterson Scholarship Endowment: Women's Golf |
Law Enforcement Candidate Scholars (LECS) |
Leadership |
Lee Kenner Memorial Men's Basketball Endowment |
Leslie and Anita Harper Student Athlete Scholarship |
Liberal Studies Department |
Library Collections |
Lindsay J. Nedwin Memorial Nursing Scholarship Endowment |
Luisa del SC Hernandez Memorial Nursing Scholarship Endowment |
M. Rudy Minnick Memorial Scholarship |
Martin Luther King Jr. Center |
Maryjane Rees Language, Speech and Hearing Center/Clinic |
Math Tutoring Buddies Program |
Mathematics and Statistics Department |
Men's Baseball |
Men's Basketball |
Men's Football (Grid Iron) |
Men's Golf |
Men's Soccer |
Men's Tennis |
MEP/MESA Alumni Fund |
MESA Engineering Program |
Meyers' College of A&L Endowed Scholarship |
Morton Golf Foundation Scholarship |
Mrs. Soundram Memorial Scholarship in College of ECS |
Multi-Cultural Center |
Multicultural Education Conference |
Murai Racial/Social Justice Scholarship Fund |
Native American College |
Neuro Service Alliance Expenditure Fund |
New Art Building |
New Millennium Series |
New Stadium Fund |
Norman and Kay Maulsby Endowed Athletics Scholarship |
Northwestern Mutual Athletics Endowment |
NSM Student Travel Fund |
Nursing |
Nursing Students Emergency Fund |
Nursing White Coats Fund |
Nutrition, Food and Dietetics Department |
One Book Program-Arts & Letters |
Orthopedic Clinic |
Other (please note details in gift instructions section) |
Otis Scott Scholarship |
Parent & Family Program Fund |
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Program |
Peer Support Endowment |
Philosophy Department |
Photography Program |
Photography Special Projects Fund |
Physical Therapy |
Physical Therapy Adult Neurologic Clinic |
Physics and Astronomy Department |
Piano Series |
Placer Alumni Chapter Scholarship |
Placer Center |
Planetarium Fund |
Political Science |
Power of 1,000 Hornets ($1,140 for an Events Center) |
President Emeritus Donald R. Gerth Memorial Scholarship |
President's Circle |
PRIDE Center |
Project for an Informed Electorate |
Project HMONG Annual Fund |
Project Rebound |
Psychological Counseling Services Fund |
Psychology Department |
Public Health Annual Fund |
Public Policy and Administration Department |
Radhakrishnan Scholarship Endowment |
REACH Clinic |
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration |
Renaissance Society Scholarship |
Renaissance Society Special Program Fund |
Rene and Susan Mondine Golf Endowment |
Retirees Association Annual Campus Grants |
Retirees Association Dependents of Faculty/Staff Scholarship |
Retirees Association Faculty Development Grants |
Retirees Association Founders Endowment |
Richard A. Nickles Endowment |
Rick Bergstrom Memorial Scholarship |
Roberts Geospatial Lab Fund: Geography |
Ronald and Phyllis Sockolov Memorial Football Scholarship |
Running Injury Clinic |
Russell Forkey Chemistry Fund |
Sac State CARES |
Sac State Greatest Needs Fund |
Sac State Next Gen |
Sacramento Semester Program Fund |
Sacramento State Hornet Commons Housing Scholarship |
Sacramento State Literacy Connections |
Sacramento State Marching Band Scholarship |
SASEEP Annual Fund |
School of Music Fund |
School of Music Scholarship Fund |
School Psychology Program Scholarship Fund |
Schrödinger Equation Scholarship |
Science Complex |
SCMEF Education Fund |
SEE/MOSS Expenditure Fund |
Serna Center Enhancement Fund |
Seth Nelsen Student Emergency Fund |
Soccer Field Renovations |
Social Science Department |
Social Work |
Sociology Department |
Sports Clubs |
Sports Medicine |
SSAA Latinx Alumni Chapter Scholarship |
SSIS Scholarship Fund |
SSIS Student Success Center |
Staff & Faculty Emergency Grant Fund |