Join the Performing Arts Center as we celebrate 50 years of the Olmsted Theatre!

Performing Arts Center Seat Plaques

My gift amount

Seat plaques can be purchased with a gift of $250 or more. You can submit the inscription for your plaque on the next page.
Donation Frequency
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Donor Information

Contact Information

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Additional Options

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Joint Gift

Gift in Memory/Honor

Double Your Donation
Planned Giving
The Forever Gold Society recognizes and thanks alumni and friends who have arranged a bequest or made planned gifts to the University. Anyone who informs Adelphi that the University is named as the beneficiary of a gift through his or her estate, or through a planned gift during his or her lifetime, is automatically enrolled as a member of the Forever Gold Society.

Gift Instructions


Office of University Advancement and External Relations
One South Avenue PO Box 701
Garden City, NY 11530