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Greatest Need
Student Scholarships (General Fund)
Mulerider Athletics
Student Travel
Student Textbook Fund
Student Emergency Fund
Giving Day Matching Funds
Other/Multiple Designations
Selected Designations (
5th Year
A. Lamar Smith Athletic Endowment
A. P. (Pete) and Evelyn Walker Scholarship Endowment
Accounting Class of 1977 Business-Agri Business Building Endowment
Accounting Department
Accounting Student Travel
Adcox Family Mulerider Activity Center Endowment
Agri Business
Agri Livestock Show Team Endowment
Agri Matching Endowment
Agri Student Managers Endowment
Agriculture Department
Agriculture Department Endowment
Alan and Kerry Ribble Athletic Endowment
Alan and Kerry Ribble College of Business Scholarship Endowment (2)
Alan and Kerry Ribble Library Endowment
Alan and Kerry Ribble Scholarship Endowment
Albemarle Corporation Scholarship Endowment
Albemarle Engineering Professorship Endowment
Albemarle Foundation Engineering Endowment
Alcoa Scholarship Endowment
Alice Blanchard Thomas Scholarship Endowment
Alice Fearing Barrow Rayburn Scholarship Endowment
Allen Fincher Education Scholarship Endowment
Alma McWilliams Roberts Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Alpha Chi: (1)
Alpha Tau Omega Scholarship Endowment
Alton Clay Pierce, Jr. Athletic Endowment
Alumax-Magnolia Division Scholarship Endowment
Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment
Alumni Center
Alvarene G. Peace #2 Business-Agri Building Endowment
Alvarene Peace Endowment
Alvin L. and Irene Wilson Brannon Scholarship Endowment
Amfuel Founders Endowment
Amfuel Scholarship Endowment (1)
Animal Science
Anna Mae (Adams) Wetzig Academic Nursing Endowment
Anna Mae Adams Wetzig Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Annie B. Wilson Scholarship Endowment
Annie Dean McGuire Rodgers Scholarship Endowment
Archie and Elena Monroe Education Endowment
Arkansas History
Arkansas Seed Dealers Association
Arlyn Maddox O'Rear
Art Department
Art Department Endowment
Arthur G. and Helen Duke Mechanical Engineering School
Arthur H. Souter Agriculture Endowment
Arthur Harrol Souter Scholarship Endowment
Artie and Clarice Gray Scholarship Endowment
Arvia Askew Student Support Endowment
Arvil P. Green Scholarship Endowment
Ashley Elizabeth and Melissa Renee' Davis Scholarship Endowment
Athletics Enhancements (Love and Loyalty)
Auburn P. Smith Athletic Scholarship Endowment
Auburn Smith Faculty Service Endowment
Avalee Cox Biology Scholarship Endowment
Aviagen North America Scholarship Endowment
Bailey and Juanita (Nancy) Johnson Agri Scholarship Endowment
Bailey and Juanita (Nancy) Johnson Scholarship Endowment
Baker Family Scholarship
Band Program
Band Program Endowment
Band Uniforms
Barbara Divine Cook Athletic Endowment
Baseball Athletic Endowment
Baseball Player Development Facility
Baxter Cooksey and Nadine Jane Bowen Talley Agri Scholarship Endowment
Behavioral Science
Bernard H. and Madge Patterson Polk Scholarship Endowment
Bernice Dickson
Bessie Graves Blair Environmental Education Endowment
Bessie Russell Olive Endowment
Betty F. Smith Scholarship Endowment (1)
Betty L. Fincher Scott Scholarship Endowment
Bill and Barbara Scurlock Athletic Endowment
Bill and Carma Flemens Bradshaw Agri Scholarship Endowment
Bill E. Wells Scholarship Endowment
Bill, David, and Horace Thomas Scholarship Endowment
Bioinfo/Cybersecurity Research
Biology Field Trip Endowment
Biology Research
Biology Research Endowment
Biology Student Travel
Biology, Environmental Education
Blanchard Hall Business Building Endowment
Bo Ray Scholarship
Bob and Dorothy Beene Kehres Scholarship Endowment
Bobby and Delores Haltom Hinson Athletic Endowment
Bobo Shinn Art Scholarship Endowment
BoBo Shinn MAT, Art Education, Scholarship Endowment
Bonnie K. Whitmore Education Endowment
Bonnie K. Whitmore Elementary Education Scholarship Endowment
Bonnie Whitmore Elementary Education/Dierks Scholarship Endowment
Bonnie Whitmore Entering Freshman Dierks/Howard Co. Scholarship Endowment
Book Fund
Boulware Agriculture Professorship Endowment
Brooks S. and Flora Blackwell Montgomery
Brookshire's Endowed Scholarship
Brown Foundation Science Equipment Endowment
Bruce and Martha Johnston Maloch Agriculture Endowment
Bruce B. Bevens Business Scholarship Endowment
Bruce B. Bevins Business Scholarship Endowment
Bruce D. McGill Scholarship Endowment
Bryan Womack Scholarship Endowment
Buddy and Betty Ledwell Scholarship Endowment
Buddy and Linda Wray Agri Scholarship Endowment
C. C. Callaway Counselor Education Student Travel Endowment
C. G. (Betsy) and Lee Brown Davis
Calvin Neal Athletic Endowment