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University of Southern Maine

Donate to USM
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Gift Options

$ .00
Designations Required Field

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Bertha Crosley Ball Center for Compassion Library Collection
Glickman Family Library Fund
Osher Map Library Fund
USM Library Book Acquisitions
USM Library Gifts
Total: $0.00 0%


Donor Information

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This is a Joint Gift (please also credit)

My Company is Making this Gift

Matching Gift Information
Matching gifts are a great way to maximize your personal contribution and increase the impact of your gift. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs for their employees or their spouses/partners. Find out if your employer matches by entering the company name and then clicking to the right of the text box.
 Find Your Company's Matching Gift Program
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The company I entered above matches and is:
This is an Honorary or Memorial Gift
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If you need assistance in completing your transaction, or if you wish to give to a selection not listed in any of the categories above, please contact Samantha Lambert, Assistant Director of Advancement Operations. You will receive a prompt and personal response. Please be assured that the University of Southern Maine is committed to maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality and security with your online donation.