Make A Gift to UMaine
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Gift Amount & Designation(s)
Choose where to designate your support: Required Field

Selected Designations
Name Amount Percentage
Area of Greatest Need in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Scholarship Fund
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Student Emergency Fund
Art Department
Communications & Journalism
Computing and Information Science
Franco-American Studies
Mathematics and Statistics
Modern Languages and Classics
Native American Studies Program
New Media
Physics and Astronomy
Political Science
Spatial Information Science & Engineering
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
School of Performing Arts
School of Policy and International Affairs
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Support Fund
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Opportunity Fund
Maine Folklife Center
National Poetry Foundation
McGillicuddy Humanities Center
University Singers
Other Fund Not Listed Here (please describe below)
Total: $0.00 0%

Payment Frequency

Your spouse will automatically receive joint gift credit unless you have instructed us otherwise.

Does my employer (or my spouse’s employer) match gifts?
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. To find out if your company has such a program, please enter your employer's name.
 Find Your Company's Matching Gift Program
What Inspired Your Gift?

In Honor/Memory Of
If you would like to add additional names, please include them in the comments section.