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All Designations A-Z
Bulldog Band
College of Arts and Sciences Fund for Faculty Research and Conferences
“Jimmy” Harry James Magnuson II Memorial Endowed Scholarship for the Fine Arts
108 Club Montana Endowed Scholarship
1LT Forrest P. Ewens Endowed Memorial Servant Leadership Award
A.O. and Evelyn Foster Endowed Scholarship
Academic Adjustment
Academic Cultural Excellence Program (ACE)
Access to College Education (ACE)
Accounting Beta Alpha Psi
Accounting Excellence Fund
Acme Endowed Scholarship
AGC Memorial Scholarship
Al Morisette, S.J. Endowed Scholarship
Alaska Regional Endowed Scholarship
Albert A. Kelly Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Alberta Endowed Scholarship
Aleck M. and Mary M. Ripple Memorial Endowed Scholarship
All-WCC Mass offering 2022
Alma and Gill A. Centioli Endowed Scholarship
Alpha Kappa PSI - Fund Raising
Alpha Sigma Lambda Scholarship
Alpha Sigma Nu Scholarship
Alumni Association Fund
Alumni Association Scholarship
Alumni Association Scholarship - A.C.
Alvera Brown Meighan Endowed Scholarship
Alvin J. Wolff Fund Endowed Scholarship
American Society of Mechanical Engineering
American Special Hockey Association Assist Fund
Andy Anderson Endowed Memorial Fund
Angelo R. Mozilo Family Endowed Scholarship
Anita L. (Sherar) McKee Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Anna and Edward J. Kennedy Family Endowed Scholarship
Anna Marie Ledgerwood Endowment
Annexstad Family Foundation Leaders for Tomorrow Scholarship
Annual Fund for the College of Arts and Sciences
Anthony P. Via S.J. Gonzaga in Florence Endowed Scholarship
Anthony P. Via S.J. Gonzaga in Florence Endowed Scholarship
Anthony T. Wadden/Michael B. Herzog Annual Scholarship
Anthony T. Wadden/Michael B. Herzog Endowed Academic Scholarship
Anthony's Scholarship Dinner
Anthony's Student Athlete Endowed Scholarship
Anthony's Student Athlete Scholarship
Anton F., Katherine and Kathryn Ann Mautz Endowed Scholarship
Apregan Family Endowed Scholarship
April's Angels -- G.U. Volunteer Services
Archie P. Sherar Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Arkison Endowed Fund
Art Department
Art Exhibit Working Capital
Art Exhibit Working Capital
Arthur and Doreen Parrett Scholarship
Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Endowed Fund for Gonzaga University
Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Scholarship
Arthur T. and Florence P. Alfke Memorial Endowed Scholarship
ASCE Student Chapter
Asian American Student Union
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
Athletic Academic Center Endowment
Athletic Enhancement Fund
Athletic Nutrition Program Fund
Audio Production and Radio Station Needs
Avista Scholars Program
Barbara Steeves and Ellen Betzler Endowed STEM Fellowship
Bartholomew M. and Sarah Steven Endowed Scholarship
Bartley and Catherine Costello Political Science Scholarship
Bartley and Catherine Costello Political Science Scholarship
Baseball Performance Center
Baseball Performance Center
Baseball Stadium Pressbox
Baseball’s Feed-A-Zag
BDO LLP Scholarship Fund
Benin Program
Beran-Dabbs-Hodgkinson Memorial Endowment
Bernard and Mafalda Levernier Family Endowed Scholarship
Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J. Endowed Chair
Berston Porter Scholarship
Beverly J. Clegg Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Big Bing Theory
Big Bing Theory Club
Bill and Peggy Stordahl Endowed Scholarship
Bing Crosby Memorial Scholarship
Biology Department Internship Fund
Biology Dept
Bishop White Seminary Scholarship
Black Student Union
Blanche H. Spitzer Scholarship
Bob and Donna Hanson Family Endowed Scholarship
Bob and Stevie Burke Endowed Scholarship
Boeing Business Scholarship
Boeing Engineering Scholarship
Boise Regional Endowed Scholarship
Bomb Squad
Bonanzino Family Endowed Scholarship
Bonnie Schober Powers Memorial Scholarship
Boznak Family Endowed Scholarship
Brian Brett Memorial Annual Scholarship
Brian Brett Memorial Endowed Scholarship
BRIDGE Program
Broadcasting Program
Brophy College Preparatory Endowed Scholarship
Brotherly Order of Yo-Yos Endowed Scholarship
B-School Class of '91 Scholarship
BSU Sandra Williams Memorial Scholarship
Bud and Cathy Hofmeister Men's Golf Endowment
Bulldog Band
Business Faculty Enrichment Endowment
Butler Family Hope Endowed Scholarship
C. Maya Lit Art Endowed Scholarship
C. Pat and Jean Craigen Endowed Scholarship
C. Pat Carroll, S.J. Opportunity Endowed Scholarship
C.E. Structural/Materials Lab
California Endowed Scholarship
Callahan-Zeller Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Campus Beautification Fund
Campus Climate Project
Campus Kids