Giving to Molloy University

Giving to Molloy University DO NOT USE
Current: Giving to Molloy University -> Billing -> Review -> Finish

Thank you for making a gift to Molloy University!



Please designate my gift for the following purpose(s) Required Field
Please designate my gift for the following purpose(s)

Matching Gift Program
Do you or your spouse/partner work for a company that will match your gift? If so, please enter the company name below.
 Find Your Company's Matching Gift Program
If your employer appears in the search tool results, please review the process and specifics on how matching gifts are conducted by the company.

If you or your spouse's employer requires a form to be filled out, please send it to the address below. We will take care of the rest.

Office of Development – Matching Gifts
Molloy University
1000 Hempstead Avenue
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
Is this an honorary or memorial gift?

Please tell us whom this gift recognizes.

Please let us know if we may notify someone of your tribute.

Molloy in my Long Term Plans
Create a meaningful way to honor your relationship with Molloy University by making a bequest through your will or trust, or naming the college as a beneficiary of other assets, such as a life insurance policy.

Use the check boxes below to let us know if we can assist you in making a meaningful gift that lasts.

Check the statement(s) that fit you best:
Check the statement(s) that fit you best:

Donor Information

Time-saving tip for alumni:  Log in before completing this form to populate your information.

Molloy Affilation: Required Field
Molloy Affilation:

I wish to have my gift remain anonymous
I wish to have my gift remain anonymous


Angela Zimmerman, M.P.A.
Director of Development & Alumni Relations