Friends of Music
Current: Friends of Music -> Billing -> Review -> Finish
Friends of Music

The Friends of Music program has been established to further support students participating in the musical arts. This fund provides much-needed resources to these growing programs and creates opportunities for students to develop their skills and continue to excel.

As a member of Friends of Music, you will be supporting scholarships, facility and equipment upgrades, travel costs, and so much more for ATU students. Together, we can help launch Arkansas Tech Music programs to new heights!

Membership Levels:

Conductor $5,000+
Composer $2,500 - $4,999
Artist $1,000 - $2,499
Performer $500 - $999
Friend $150 - $499

For more information on Friends of Music membership levels, click here.



Selected Designations (edit)
Hospitality Access? Required Field
Hospitality Access?


Former ATU Music Student
Former ATU Music Student

Please list any ensembles that you participated in while at ATU.

If this gift is on behalf of a company, please list the name below.

Employment Information